
Meeting 3 of the 8th PPEU board 5.6.2023, 18:30 CEST/16:30 UTC Meeting is remote

Members of the Board
C: Mikuláš Peksa
VC: Cédric Levieux
VC: Veronika Murzynová
TR: Alessandro Ciofini
BM: Elísabet Ólafsdóttir
BM: Florian Roussel
BM: Jan Mareš
BM: Mia Utz
BM: Petra Kovačec

Standing invitations
Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer

Meeting opened at: 18:38
Meeting chaired by: Veronika Murzynová
Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro (until 19:10) then Mab
Recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/PLGFJkHM24nTDZ8
Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board8Meeting3
RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021

Participants: C: Mikuláš Peksa
VC: Cédric Levieux
VC: Veronika Murzynová
TR: Alessandro Ciofini (Have to leave at around 19:15, sorry)
BM: Mia Utz
BM: Petra Kovačec
BM: Jan Mareš
BM: Florian Roussel (late)


Not excused:
BM: Elísabet Ólafsdóttir

Danny, TheBug, Petr Kocourek, Bastian, PiratesOnAir, Mark, Wietze, Andrel

0. Formalities 0.1 Election of meeting chair
0.2 Election of meeting Secretary
0.3. Approval of the agenda
0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=pp-eu:board-meeting08_02
0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings
0.6 Written reports

1. Decisions without discussions
1.1 Selecting a board member responsible for the preparations of the physical board meeting in Brussels on 7 July
1.2 Selecting a board member responsible for the preparations of the online Council meeting on 8 July

2. Decisions with discussions
2.1 Decide on the Agenda for the upcoming Council meeting,
2.2 Decide on the 2022 Annual Accounts to put on the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting
2.3 Decide on a 2023 Budget proposal to put on the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting
2.4 CEEP progress and chapters approval
2.5 Rules of Procedure (Florian, and everyone else hopefully)
2.6 Project Management Tool (Alessandro, Florian)

3. Discussions without decisions
3.1 Update on negotiations with the Greens/EFA Group (should ideally be discussed before point 2.1) 3.2 Update on current and prospective Observer Members
3.2.1 MKKP, Hungary
3.2.2 Alternativet, Denmark
3.2.3 Eesti200, Estonia
3.3 Registeration and administrative report (Florian) 3.4 A wild German banking account reappears (Alessandro, Florian)

4. Any other business

Discussions in bold cursive are priority discussions and can, if needed, be discussed before point 1 of the agenda
The meeting is scheduled for a maximum of 60 minutes. It can be extended by consensus


0.1 Election of meeting chair

The board elected Veronika as meeting chair

0.2 Election of meeting Secretary

The meeting elected Alessandro and Mab as meeting secretaries and agreed that we would work collectively on the minutes in the pad

0.3. Approval of the agenda:
Yes: Alessandro, Cedric , Mia, Veronika, Mikuláš, Jan

0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings

Yes: Alessandro, Cedric,Mia, Jan, Veronika
Abstain: Mikuláš

0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings

Any decisions taken by email, in mattermost or Discourse, or by any other means shall be listed below, including time and place for the decision. They shall be confirmed by a vote of the Board.


0.6 Written reports

Any written reports or other updates that has been submitted before the start of the meeting shall be added here. Verbal reports given during the meeting go under 4.0 (AOB).

Veronika: mainly worked on CEEP and contacting various people to get their chapters finished. Started work with Mikuláš on the post-election strategy: we have basic theses, need to put them into sentences. Going to sort out Fio bank with Marketa tomorrow (06/06) and shall informa the Board about result and write a RFC.
Cedric : speaking with Mikuláš about my struggle to reach Panda who is under big pressure. I don't want to add more burden on his shoulders.
Mia: Also working on CEEP and contacting the other various people to get their chapters finished. The chapters are mainly finished, with very few exceptions, mostly on some wordings. Defense Chapter has a meeting tomorrow night, June 6, 20:00 h.

1. Decisions without discussions

1.1 Selecting a board member responsible for the preparations of the physical board meeting in Brussels on 7 July We forgot to choose who is going to be responsible for the board meeting
The board selected Cédric as board member responsible for BM

1.2 Selecting a board member responsible for the preparations of the online Council meeting on 8 July We forgot to choose who is going to be responsible for the council meeting
The board selected Mia as board member responsible for CM
She needs help.

2. Decisions with discussions

2.1 Decide on the Agenda for the upcoming Council meeting,

Proposal from Mab

The board decides to adopt the following Agenda for the next PPEU Council meeting:

Meeting administration
- Opening of the meeting and registration of delegates
- Welcoming remarks from the European Pirate Party chair
- Election of meeting chairs and minute takers
- Approval of the agenda

Approval of new Members
- Application from the Estonian Pirate Party to become Observer member of the association

Reports and discharge
- Approval of 2022 annual accounts
- Discharge of the 2022 board

- Approval of 2023 Budget

- Post election strategy

Closing of the meeting
- Final greetings

Yes: Mikuláš, Florian, Mia, Veronika, Petra, Cedric

2.2 Decide on the 2022 Annual Accounts to put on the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting Florian: we reviewed the banking logs and we are ready to present some sheets to the council meeting. https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/view/TUfskLvem5sgNtbr19PFgCmhVvxxjcC2jhrbzI041Lo/

The board approves the presented Annual Accounts for 2022 and decided to present them to the council :

Yes: Florian, Petra, Veronika , Mia, Jan, Cedric
Abstain: Mikuláš

2.3 Decide on a 2023 Budget proposal to put on the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/edit/Hmr2Vriy89nKGTeOwy1hbwjz/
The board is discussing about external auditors budget, and agreed to remove the cost for this year, but points that the discussion must be opened to the council meeting.

Proposal: to propose to the Council the amended budget above.

Yes: Veronika, Cedric, Mia, Jan
Abstain: Florian,Petra, Mikuláš

2.4 CEEP progress and chapters approval Overview spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jqxoY7Jcg3XHJ2bFgQeXXD0s_JwND2iN_t4hmjmeJ5I/edit#gid=0

Mia and Veronika presented the spreadsheet, and elaborated on the chapters that still need some work.

Proposal from Veronika, and amended by Mikulas:

The board should be invited to amend and approve the finalized chapters in Discourse:

approved by acclamation

2.5 Rules of Procedure (Florian, and everyone else hopefully) The proposal, on Discourse (https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/8th-board-rules-of-procedure-draft/390), is a reworking of the previous rules of procedure. New concept is the introduction of teams.

Decision on this point is postponed to the next meeting.

2.6 Project Management Tool (Alessandro, Florian) This point was postponed to the next meeting

3. Discussions without decisions

3.1 Update on negotiations with the Greens/EFA Group (should ideally be discussed before point 2.1)

This point will be done in writing to the Board.

Mikulas : We need to provide a provisional agenda to the council meeting.

3.2 Update on current and prospective Observer Members * 3.2.1 MKKP, Hungary
* 3.2.2 Alternativet, Denmark
* 3.2.3 Eesti200, Estonia

This point will be done in writing to the Board.

3.3 Registration and administrative report (Florian) Florian has looked into what we are required to do as an organisation in Luxembourg.
One thing worth mentioning is that for 3 years we haven't had board registerd in the official register. Nor updated member lists.

3.4 A wild german banking account reappears (Alessandro, Florian)

We discovered a bank acount with Postbank in Germany. We are currently looking into how to end this account.

4. AOB

Florian asked Bastian to provide contracts please.

Meeting closed at: 19:57 CE(S)T
Next meeting: June 26th, 18:30 CE(S)T