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1st_council_meeting_2015:statutes_changes [2015/06/20 22:21] – [Better election procedures] vojtechpikal1st_council_meeting_2015:statutes_changes [2015/06/25 00:14] – [Inactivity of Board member by Board itself] vojtechpikal
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 **Proposant:** PP-CZ (Vojtěch Pikal) **Proposant:** PP-CZ (Vojtěch Pikal)
-**Change:** [[1st_council_meeting_2015:statutes_changes:polish]]+**Change:** 
 +|**proposed wording:**  |[[1st_council_meeting_2015:statutes_changes:polish]]  | 
 +|**changes:**  |[[]]  |
-**Rational:** This overall change aims to make the statutes more readable, usable and reliable by adding more numbering and improving the language.+**Rational:** This overall change aims to make the statutes more readable, usable and reliable by adding more numbering, changing order of statements and improving the language.
 ==== Independent Council ==== ==== Independent Council ====
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 |**Original wording:** | (5) If only one candidate is to be elected, the candidate who gains more than 50% of the votes cast and most of the votes in the first round, is the person elected. Should no candidate gain more than 50% of the first round voting, a second round will be run between the two highest scoring candidates. The candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes cast and most of the votes in the second round is elected.\\ (6) If several candidates are to be elected, the candidates who gain more than 50% of the votes cast in order of the highest result to the lowest are elected, until all positions are filled. If not enough candidates have reached 50% of the votes cast, a second round of voting will be held. In the second round only those candidates who got the highest number of votes will be eligible. The number of candidates shall be double the number of positions still needing to be filled. The candidates who gain more than 50% of the votes cast in order of the highest result to the lowest are elected in the second round, until all positions are filled.\\ (8) Method of voting will be approval voting, meaning that every voter may have one vote per candidate. | |**Original wording:** | (5) If only one candidate is to be elected, the candidate who gains more than 50% of the votes cast and most of the votes in the first round, is the person elected. Should no candidate gain more than 50% of the first round voting, a second round will be run between the two highest scoring candidates. The candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes cast and most of the votes in the second round is elected.\\ (6) If several candidates are to be elected, the candidates who gain more than 50% of the votes cast in order of the highest result to the lowest are elected, until all positions are filled. If not enough candidates have reached 50% of the votes cast, a second round of voting will be held. In the second round only those candidates who got the highest number of votes will be eligible. The number of candidates shall be double the number of positions still needing to be filled. The candidates who gain more than 50% of the votes cast in order of the highest result to the lowest are elected in the second round, until all positions are filled.\\ (8) Method of voting will be approval voting, meaning that every voter may have one vote per candidate. |
 |**Proposed wording:**| __(5)__ Method of voting will be approval voting, meaning that every voter may have one vote per candidate. __Only candidates who gains more than 50% of the votes cast can be elected.__\\ \\ //Paragraphs detailing election method are omitted.// \\ //Other paragraphs in Article 17. are renumbered accordingly.// | |**Proposed wording:**| __(5)__ Method of voting will be approval voting, meaning that every voter may have one vote per candidate. __Only candidates who gains more than 50% of the votes cast can be elected.__\\ \\ //Paragraphs detailing election method are omitted.// \\ //Other paragraphs in Article 17. are renumbered accordingly.// |
-**Rational:** The election procedures as listed in statutes are clunky, may result into deadlock or some unfairness.+^Rules of Procedure change ^^ 
 +|**Proposed wording:** | //New Article 7.// \\ **Art. 7 Elections** \\ (1) Election consists of two rounds of voting.\\ (2) If fewer candidates than to be elected receives a majority of the votes, they are elected. Otherwise, a second round is held. \\ (3) In the second round each voter may give preferential vote to as many candidates as should be elected. Candidates are elected in order of the number of preferential votes, in case of equality in the number of votes from the first round and then by lot. \\ \\ //Other Articles are renumbered accordingly.//
 +**Rational:** The election procedures as listed in statutes are clunky, may result into deadlock or some unfairness. (i.e. tree or more candidates getting the same number of votes, two or more candidates with second highest number of votes..)\\
 It is reasonable to put just the provisions for election process into statutes and specify the rest in Rules of Procedure. It is reasonable to put just the provisions for election process into statutes and specify the rest in Rules of Procedure.
 ==== Inactivity of Board member by Board itself ==== ==== Inactivity of Board member by Board itself ====
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 **Change:** **Change:**
-....+|**Original wording:**  | (13) The Board must be elected anew completely, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below fourThe Council may decide with a simple majority of the votes cast that a Board member is inactiveThe remaining active Board members have to issue an invitation to an Extraordinary Council meetingIf no active Board members are left, any Ordinary Member may issue an invitation to an Extraordinary Council meeting acting by at least one of their official delegatesThe Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply. | 
 +|**Proposed wording:**| (13) The Board must be elected anew completely __on Extraordinary Council meeting__, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below four.\\ __The Board__ may decide <del>with a simple majority of the votes cast</del> that a Board member is inactive.\\ The Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply. | 
 +**Rational:** Inactivity shall be decided by Board. The requirements on calling Council meeting by members are repaired elsewhere. 
 +==== Standing Council ==== 
 +=== [Proposal S5-a] Standing Council === 
 +**Proposant:** Board of PPEU (Antonios Motakis) 
 +|**Proposed wording:**|//New article proposal for the statutes:// \\ \\ **Article 15 - Standing Council**\\ \\ (1) The Council can deliberate and take certain decisions online, outside of a Council meeting, via the Standing Council.\\ \\ (2) The Standing Council is not a separate body from the Council; the same regulations apply regarding allocation of votes and delegates. Members of the association are not obliged to appoint delegates separately, unless they explicitly announce that they wish to do so.\\ \\ (3) Certain powers of the Council can only be exercised in a Council meeting, and not via the Standing Council. In particular the Standing\\ Council cannot:\\ a) decide on the admittance, suspension and exclusion of Ordinary and Observer Members;\\ b) adopt and change the Statutes of the Association;\\ c) decide on the dissolution of the organization\\ \\ (4) To activate the Standing Council, a separate Rules of Procedure needs to be adopted in a Council meeting, either online or offline. This document needs to specify at minimum the technical means and procedures the Standing Council will adopt in order to deliberate and take decisions online. \\ \\ //Following Articles will by renumbered accordingly.//
 +This article makes it straightforward to adopt procedures that will allow the Council to take decisions via email, or to adopt an e-democracy system in the future if it wishes to do so. The Council may pick its own tools and procedures, without requiring changes in the statutes. This allows for an independent Council that can take decisions quickly if needed.\\ 
 +Big decsions, such as accepting new members, changing the statutes, and dissolving the organization are explicitly required to be taken in Council meetings.\\ 
 +Otherwise the Standing Council is not intented to be a new body, but only a way for the same Council to take decisions outside of Council meetings. 
 +=== [Proposal S5-b] Urgent meetings of the Council === 
 +**Proposant:** Board of PPEU (Maxime Rouquet)
-**Rational:** As the election system is led out, there are some deadlock situation and not covered situations.+**Proposed change:**
 +|//insert at the end of [Article 14 - Composition and Powers of the Council]//\\ \\ (11) The Board may organise an online referendum of the Council to deal with an urgent question to bypass the one month minimum delay. In such cases, the Board shall write a unique proposal that the Council will vote on. The Council members will be asked to either accept or reject the proposal. Alternatively they can refuse to vote this proposal in urgence by abstaining. The votes will be opened for one week, but the Board can chose to enter its result into force as soon as a majority would be reached for the acceptance or the reject of the proposal. If no majority is found at the end of one week, the proposal will be added to the agenda of the next Council meeting. This procedure for urgent voting cannot be used for matters related to memberships, statute amendments and pirate manifesto, or dissolution of the association. |
 ===== Manifest changes ===== ===== Manifest changes =====
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2015/06/28 18:12 by vojtechpikal