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4th_council_meeting_2017:other_items [2018/12/02 11:27] – [Motion 5:] oktavia4th_council_meeting_2017:other_items [2018/12/02 16:00] – [Other proposals] marketa
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 ===== Motion 5:=====  ===== Motion 5:===== 
-//Motion by PP-CZ//+//Motion by PP-CZ PP-IS// 
 +//as amended by the Council//
  \\  \\
-Proposal for waving of memberships fees from the years 2014-2017.\\ 
-Council agrees that the membership fees accumulated 2014-2017 will be waved. The reasoning for waving fees is inactivity and absence of a transparent PPEU account. If a member wants to pay membership fees voluntarily, it will be considered a contribution and will not be hindered.+Proposal for waiving of memberships fees from the years 2014-2017.\\
-PPEU members that have paid membership fees in the 2014-2017 period can freely decide whether they consider previous payments a contribution to PPEU or if the fees paid should be considered a pre-paid membership fee.+Council agrees that the membership fees accumulated in 2014-2017 will be waived, and thus the financial commitments of all members have been fulfilled for those years. The reasoning for waiving fees is inactivity and absence of a transparent PPEU account. If a member wants to pay membership fees voluntarily, it will be considered a contribution and will not be hindered. 
 +PPEU members that have paid membership fees in the 2014-2017 period can freely decide whether they consider previous payments a contribution to PPEU or if the fees paid should be considered a pre-paid membership fee(s).
 Reasoning: PPEU hasn't been registered nor had a transparent bank account until 2018. We consider it reasonable to not collect back fees from PPEU members. Reasoning: PPEU hasn't been registered nor had a transparent bank account until 2018. We consider it reasonable to not collect back fees from PPEU members.
-====== Motions not concerning the meeting =====+====== Other proposals ===== 
 +With the intent of enhancing cohesion and consistency in policies across Pirate movements of Europe as well as empowering grassroots and strengthening information flows to and from centers of power, the Council of the European Pirate Party:  
 +1. **Emphasises** that PPEU is a co-ordinating and consensus seeking body of common European Pirate values and policies on a Pan-European level, and that policies formed and decisions made by the PPEU on the Pan-European level are distinct and fully independent from country level politics that the Pirate Parties forming the PPEU conduct in their respective countries.  \\  
 +2. **Issues** a mandate  based on the policies and decisions of PPEU to the European Pirate Parliamentary group on behalf of European Pirates to negotiate with other parliamentary groups.\\  
 +3. **Welcomes** the efforts put forth by its Members in the process of  the creation of the process of the Common European Election Programme.\\  
 +4. **Delegates** the Board of the PPEU to coordinate and facilitate the creations of common policies of European Pirates in the European Parliament for future election term on behalf of European Pirate Party and its members.\\  
 +5. **Respectfully encourages** its members and their candidates for the European Parliament elections to provide collaboration in participatory-driven processes to ensure close cooperation and information flows to and from the European Pirate Party to ensure grassroots-driven access to decision-making processes that secure Pirate policies turning into practice.\\  
 +6. **Kindly invites** members of the Pirate Parties across Europe that hold membership in the PPEU to provide input, proposals and a participatory-led process for the implementation of a structure that strengthens direct democratic action within the collaborative body of the PPEU, with the goal of ensuring broad, inclusive consultation of grass-root movements of the Pirate movement in relation to the implementation of Pirate policies.\\  
 +7. **Calls** for a common media strategy implementation among the members of the PPEU to facilitate and ensure cooperation and coordination of joint efforts between the member PR and media teams.\\  
 +8. **Orders** the Chairperson to inform the members about this resolution. 
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2018/12/02 16:47 by marketa