====== European Pirate Party 14th Council Meeting December 16th, 2023 ====== This council meeting will take place online, on [[https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPEU-CouncilMeeting|Jitsi]] and [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/c/councilmeetings/14th-council-meeting/33|Discourse]] The meeting will start at 9.30 CET, December 16th, and it will break for lunch between 12:30-14:00 CET, in case we don't manage to close all points on the agenda before lunch. **Link to follow the meeting: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPEU-CouncilMeeting** * [[14th_council_meeting_invitation|Official invitation email]]\\ * [[Second email, with Budget proposal and updated agenda]] === Delegates === Delegates will be asked to register on Discourse. If you have been appointed an [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/delegates-present-at-the-14th-council-meeting|official delegate]] for a Member party you may be asked to provide documentation that shows the appointment, in the case there is any uncertainty in the matter. A link posted in the[[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/delegates-present-at-the-14th-council-meeting|delegate thread on Discourse]] to the decision of the appointment will suffice. === Draft Agenda === [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/agenda-for-the-14th-council-meeting|The draft agenda can be found here]] == Documents related to the agenda == * [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/ceep-cps-ratification-process-tracking/528|Update on the CEEP and CPS ratification process * ]] * [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/proposal-to-elect-european-pirate-lead-candidates/550|Proposal to elect European Pirate lead candidates]] * [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/proposal-for-a-relationship-agreement-with-the-greens-efa-group/549|Proposal for a relationship agreement with the Greens/EFA Group]] * [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/report-on-the-2023-account-proposal/543|Report on the 2023 accounts]] * [[https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/provisional-budget-2024-proposal/544|Board proposal for 2024 budget]] === Minutes === [[14th_council_meeting_2023:Minutes]]