The 17th Council meeting of the European Pirate Party is ***scheduled to take place in hybrid form on the 24th of November***. The board has approved {{::application_-_17th_council_meeting.pdf |an offer from the Czech Pirate Party }} to host the Council meeting in Prague, on November 23-24, 2024. An [[invitation email to the 17th Council meeting]] was sent on October 23rd. Link to follow the meeting: **Schedule** The 23rd will be dedicated to informal activities, as well as a city tour of Prague. These activities will start at the earliest Saturday,10:00 am (local time). The Council meeting will be held in hybrid format on the 24th, starting at 09:30 and ending at the latest at 17:00. **Agenda** Any Member can suggest items for the agenda of the Council meetings. Please suggest items for the agenda to the Board. Either by email or by posting them in [this thread]( here on Discourse. **Nominations** Due to vacancies in the Board, the Council will elect two new Board Members at the 17th Council meeting. Deadline for applications is Thursday the 24th of October at 9:30. Please field your nominations either by email to the board or by replying to [this thread]( on Discourse. **Minutes** Here you can find the [[17th council meeting minute]].\\