===== 18th European Pirate Party Council Meeting minutes ===== Sunday the 23rd of February 2025, online\\ Recording: * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrfYeCvdJlc * Pirates on Air: //missing// ==== Participants ==== === Members of the Board === * **C**: Florian * **VC**: Sara * **VC**: Marek * **TR**: Alessandro * **BM**: Cal * **BM**: Jan (joined at 12:31) * **BM**: Babak (joined later) === Standing invitations === * Mattias Bjärnemalm, **Pirate Parties Network Officer** === International delegates === * **MEP**, 2 votes: not present * **Pirati**, Sabrina Pampaloni, 1 vote: present * **PP-CAT**, Oliver Exile, 1 vote: present * **PP-CH**, Jorgo X, 1 vote: present * **PP-CZ**, Raman, 3 votes: present * **PP-DE**, Thomas Gaul, Alexander Kohler, 2 votes: present * **PP-FI**, delegated Kevin Stenberg (PPSE), 1 vote: (from 11:13) * **PP-FR**, Grom, 1 vote: present * **PP-GR**, Thanasis, 1 vote: present * **PP-IT**, 1 vote: not present * **PP-IS**, 3 votes: not present * **PP-LU**, 3 votes: not present * **PP-NL**, Andrel, Mark Anthony, 2 votes: present * **PP-SE**. Kevin, 1 vote: present * **PP-SI**. 1 vote: not present * **PP-SK**, 1 vote: not present * **YPE**, Mili 2 votes: present\\ === Observer members === * **PPI**, Keith * **PP-Potsdam**, Bastian * **PP-Brandeburg**, Bastian ==== 1. Meeting administration ==== === a) Opening of the meeting and registration of delegates === Marco Confalonieri made the call, then leave the chair to PPEU chair, Florian\\ === b) Welcoming remarks from the European Pirate Party chair === Florian is welcoming everyone and thanks especiallty PP-GR to raise the political level and bring more activities on the table\\ === c) Election of meeting chairs and minute takers === Election of meeting chair: **Marco Confalonieri** was elected **chair**\\ Chair appointed **Alessandro** and **Sara** as **minute takers**.\\ **Florian** is in charge to **manage votes in Discourse**\\ === d) Approval of the agenda === https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-approval-of-the-agenda-vote/872\\ There is an issue raised by Thansis, rergarding the point "Other motions" and specifically the board countermotion: our RoP said that the countermotion should specifically mention the difference from the original one.\\ Chair is proposing to vote on the agenda anyway and postpone the discussion about motions at the topic.\\ Thanasis accept to proceed with the vote on the agenda.\\ Results: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-approval-of-the-agenda-vote/872\\ **Agenda is approved**\\ ==== 2. Organizational issues ==== === a) Approval of New Members === (no applications to this point)\\ Serbian pirates asked to move from Observer members but application came too late and it will be taken into account for the next Council Meeting\\ ==== 3. Reports and discharge ==== === a) 2024 Report on the activities of the Board and its members === Sara is presenting Board activities: an extensive document has been uploaded both on Discourse and PPEU Wiki.\\ Apart from standard activities, the board this year attended a workshop in Brussels to create a PPEU full vision that lead to a Work Plan for 2025\\ === b) 2024 Annual Accounts === Alessandro showed an emended version of the 2024 annual account report, that will be uploaded in PPEU Wiki and linked in Discourse as well.\\ === c) Code of Conduct Council Report === No report from the Code of Conduct Council\\ === d) Discharge of the 2024 Board === Marco as lay auditor presented the his report.\\ Now vote is opened to the motiong of discharging the 2024 board\\ https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-discharge-of-the-9th-board-vote/875\\ Result: **2024 board is discharged**.\\ ==== 4. 2025 Budget and Work Plan ==== === a) Work Plan === Sara is presenting the plan: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/uploads/short-url/x798yfLG4bSbTOjQ0Zy63wN0Uxv.pdf\\ Focus on the fact that the board choosed some relevant domains in the long term path for the next EU elections in 2029\\ Vision is taking into account organisation, community, network. New board should start to move forward from this point of view, or even reprioritise it.\\ Alessandro was thanking Sara and the board for the work on this plan.\\ Thanisis asked how we could interests also people close to us, like anarchists\\ .Alessandro answered that we are trying to create a bridge using our core values, like freedom.\\ Grom also reported that in France there are more and more anarchists, due to the lack of trust in democracy.\\ Bastian pointed out that he is upset for Thanasis statememt, because we are not anarchists at all.\\ Sara wants to clarify that we can accept that we can have different views: probabily this meeting is not the right place to discuss this topic, but it's something that can easily distract us from what we want to achieve.\\ Thanasis quickly reply that probably he was misunderstood: he is not considering Pirates anarchists, but asked how we can approach also them.\\ Vote on work plan here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-2025-workplan-approval-vote/878\\ **The work plan was approved**\\ === b) Budget === Alessandro showed an amended version of the 2025 provisional budget, to take into account in-kind donations and further server expenses, without any difference in results from the previous one already showed and approved by the board. Nothing changed from financial perspective and cash flow.\\ Anyway, the budget already approved by the board for 2025 will be put on vote.\\ Vote on budget here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-2025-budget-approval-vote/880\\ **The budget for 2025 was approved** ==== 5. Elections of the European Pirate Party Board ==== The Greek Pirate Party requested all candidates to respond to the following questions:\\ Q1 - Do you recognise the genocide of Palestinians?\\ Q2 - Do we fight united against the far-right rise in EU? Do we isolate the far-right voices within our parties? Yes/No\\ Q3 - In an effort to fight for climate justice, do we consider an open-borders policy for climate refugees in the EU? Yes/No\\ Q4. Do you denounce the imperialist practices of USA and NATO over Greenland, Canada, Panama, Gaza? Yes/No\\ Alessandro said that this is not the right way to proceed and he will not answer any question, pointing out that nodoby should.\\ === a) Chair === **Florian** is candidate for chairperson\\ Vote is here:\\ https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-10th-board-chairperson-election-vote/882\\ **Florian has been re-elected as Chairperson** === b) Vice Chairs === **Sara** and **Lenya** are nominated for vicechairperson\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-10th-board-vice-chairperson-election-vote/884 **Both are elected**\\ === c) Treasurer === **Alessandro** is candidate for treasurer\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-10th-board-treasurer-election-vote/885\\ **Alessandro has been re-elected as Treasurer** === d) Ordinary Board Members === **Cal**, **Marek**, **Babak** and **Ute** are nominated\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-10th-board-members-election-vote/886\\ **They are all elected as board members.** Due to the fact that we only have 4 over 5 possible candidates, meeting chair asked to the members if they want to open for a new board member candidate or not.\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-reopening-of-the-vacant-board-member-spot-vote/887\\ **So nominations are reopened**: we have two more candidates for one board position, Mili and Kevin\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-10th-board-5th-board-member-spot-vote/888\\ **Mili has been elected as the 5th board member.**\\ ==== 6. Elections of the Code of Conduct Council ==== Andrea is candidate for CoC\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-code-of-conduct-council-vote/889\\ **Andrea has been elected as CoC member**\\ We now open a vote to ask our members if they want to reopen the nominations for the two vacancies in the CoC\\ Vote is here https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-reopening-of-the-two-vacant-cocc-spots-vote/891\\ **So nominations are reopened**: we have now the nomination of Petr Kocourek nominated by PPCZ and Kevin by PPSE.\\ Vote is here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-cocc-reopened-vacant-cocc-spots-vote/892\\ **Petr and Kevin have been elected as CoC members.**\\ Now that Babak is attending the meeting, Thanasis asked the question above.\\ After Babak's answers, Thanasis pointed out that PPGR would have liked to changed its position from NO to YES in board member's elections. \\ ==== 7. Other motions ==== === a) Motion on Israel and Palestine === * **a1)** “Standing Against the Ongoing Genocide in Palestine by the Current Israeli Regime” (submitted by the Greek Pirate Party to the 17th Council meeting, where the discussion got postponed to this meeting) * **a2)** Counter-Motion added by the Board A debate started among members.\\ **Raman Ojha (PPCZ) gave his votes to Mili (YPE)**\\ Chair then moved forward with a new proposal to be voted on.\\ This is a motion to decide how we will proceed: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-palestine-israel-motion-1st-vote/893\\ **Result: The motion to make the individual changes was rejected.**\\ Now chair is putting on vote the two motions, to understand which one will be the candidate proposal in the next vote: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-palestine-israel-issue-2nd-vote/894\\ **Result: The counterproposal submitted by the Board was accepted**\\ The final vote to reject or adopt the motion proposed by the board is taking place now here: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/18th-council-meeting-palestine-israel-issue-3rd-vote/895\\ **Result: the board counterproposal has been rejected.**\\ ==== 8. Closing of the meeting ==== === a) AOB === Thanasis is sadly realising that PPEU won't adopt none of the proposals. He is also mentioning some major issues that are now ongoing in Greece, especially regarding privatisation of railways.\\ There will be a huge demostration also all of the world against current governement: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSOkKO5GRFwHvfZR2umTkGB5STJ_KMgbHgIsrDOWufDW76-Kiv1N0bH3lGogAiwk3YuNtvvKgZYRK9j/pubhtml\\ Any other proposals would be postponed to the other meetings.\\ Sara thanks Thanasis for making the great effort of inform us, collecting all information on Discourse.\\ === b) Final greetings === Meeting has been closed at 16:02 CET\\