====== Nominated Candidates for PP-EU Board 2020-2021 ======
According to PPEU Statutes Art 17(3) all nominations for the board should be submitted one month before the Council meeting
===== 1 Chairperson =====
^ **Nominee** ^ **Member Party** ^ **Nominated by** ^
| Mikuláš Peksa | PP-DE PP-CZ|PP-DE PP-IT PP-CZ|
| Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir| PP-IS |PP-IS|
| Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir | PP-IS |(PP-CAT) not available|
===== 2 Vice-Chairperson =====
^ **Nominee** ^ **Member Party** ^ **Nominated by** ^
| Antonios Motakis | PP-GR|PP-DE|
| Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir | PP-IS|PP-DE, (PP-CAT) not available|
| Florie Marie | PP-FR|PP-IT PP-IS|
| Mikuláš Peksa | PP-DE PP-CZ|PP-CZ|
| Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir| PP-IS |PP-IS,(PP-CAT)|
===== 1 Treasurer =====
^ **Nominee** ^ **Member Party** ^ **Nominated by** ^
| [[4th_council_meeting_2018:candidature_bastian|Sebastian Krone]] | PP-DE PP-AT PP-CH|PP-DE PP-IT PP-CZ (PP-CAT)|
| Alessandro Ciofini | PP-IT| PP-IS (PP-CAT)|
===== 5 Member of Board without an appointed office =====
^ **Nominee** ^ **Member Party** ^ **Nominated by** ^
| Oliver Herzig| PP-CAT|PP-DE PP-IS, (PP-CAT)|
| Alessandro Ciofini| PP-IT|PP-DE, (PP-CAT)|
| Michael Sinclair| PP-DE|PP-DE|
| Muriel Rovira Esteva | PP-CAT|not available PP-DE PP-CZ|
| Jan Mareš| PP-CZ|PP-DE PP-IT PP-CZ|
| [[https://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Benutzer:Mia_Utz|Mia Utz]]| PP-DE|PP-DE PP-CZ|
| Dario Castane| PP-CAT|PP-DE, (PP-CAT)|
| Florie Marie| PP-FR|PP-DE PP-IT PP-CZ PP-IS, (PP-CAT)|
| Antonios Motakis | PP-GR|PP-DE|
| [[7th_council_meeting_2019:candidature_exedre|Emmanuele Somma]] | PP-IT|PP-IT|
| [[7th_council_meeting_2019:candidature_dido|Paolo Didonè]] | PP-IT|PP-IT|
| Lukáš Doležal | PP-CZ|PP-IT, PP-CZ|
| Gamithra Marga | PP-IS|PP-IT PP-CZ PP-IS|
| Mikuláš Peksa | PP-DE PP-CZ|PP-CZ, (PP-CAT)|
| Patrick Breyer | PP-DE|PP-CZ, (PP-CAT)|
| [[4th_council_meeting_2018:candidature_bastian|Sebastian Krone]] | PP-DE PP-AT PP-CH|PP-CZ, (PP-CAT)|
Notice 1: All nominations send in after the official deadline is presented in brackets