Informal Meeting PP-EU working Group for Organisation of the Council meeting 28/29.11.2020 Participants: : Exile (PP-CAT, PP-DE) : Mikuláš (PPCZ, PPDE) : Mia Utz (PPDE) : Etienne (PPFR) : Alessandro (PPIT) : Katla (PP-IS) Starting at 20:45 Moderation: Exile (Mikulas will assist) Minutes: all together please basic facts:  28/29.11.2020 - we agreed on two days .. Saturday and Sunday we agreed on Jitsi and streaming by you tube 1. General discussion - What will be needed ? === Agreed on .. first PP-EU wiki side and call for volunteers === 1.1 Moderation (3 moderators/chairpersons)  1.2. technical assistants - means You tube channel chat, Mattermost chat, taking care about delegates problems, etc..) - 2 persons at least 1.3. Minutes takers (include uploading to PP-EU Wiki ?) - 2-3 persons 1.4. what else ? Social media person (1 at least) - including: Open Beer room all night long ? : what server we will use ? will be sponsored by the PP-CZ - Mikulas will take care to ask ===  2. Proposed agenda === example of agenda: Saturday 28.11. 10:30 – 11:00 Registration and International delegates admitttance 11:00 – 11:15 Council Meeting chairpersons election and agenda approval 11:15 – 12:00 Invited guests 12:00 - 12:30 Report from the Board. Q&A 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 - 13:45 New members admission 13:45 - 14:30 Presentation of all motions from ordinary members  14:30 – 15:00 Voting on Motions 15:00 – 15:45 Budget 2021 (including vote) Meeting postponed for the night Open Beer room all night long Sunday 29.11. 10:00 – 12:00 Presentations and elections of Chair, Vice chairs, and Treasurer 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break 13:30 - 15:00 Board member presentation and elections 15:00 - 15:15 Code of Conduct Council has a Q&A 15:15 - 16-00 CoC Council elections 16:00 – 18:15 Closing the meeting and planning the next meeting === 3. Delegations (as far as provided) === === 4. Nominations (as far as provided) === === 5. Motions (as far as provided)=== statutes motion as agreed at last board meeting regarding Observer members ===6. Any other business:=== 6.1. Catalans are requesting an asynchronus way of decison taking (they are asking for this through years already)... here the proposal of a well known developer of catalan pirates sent to me today:   Allow me to share a message for the board, which I already sent to PPI's Discord: Hello from Barcelona! I just wanted to chime in, and inform that I'm planning to attend this next board meeting. My intention is to show you a tool that we have developed at PP-CAT to vote in decentralized General Assemblies like PPI's. The tool uses pseudoanonymous tokens for all the roles, from the GA's admins to the voters. Although it's not required here, it has  database design that guarantees the secrecy of the vote and by the time of the GA, additional countermeasures against tampering. In the close future we are planning to integrate it with, so it will be auditable too. It has been already used with 50 concurrent users, casting 2000 votes. It's very flexible as it allows to prepare all the questions in advance, add or remove questions if needed during the vote, and control when and how long each question is open to vote. Of course, it's free software: With all of this, I hope PPI will adopt our tool, so the long times for voting, the hard logistics for the delegations, etc. will be a thing of the past 😉 coopanio/assemblea Contribute to coopanio/assemblea development by creating an account on GitHub. I am sorry, but today it is not possible for me to assist. But please, any doubts should been written in the pad and I will take care to answer them soon. please note ... could be pendng: 16:00 – 17:00 Code of Conduct Council Manifesto Resumen where we are now: