==== Minutes ====
**Meeting 10 of the 7th PPEU board 13.12.2022, 21:00 CET/20:00 UTC**
Meeting is remote\\
Members of the Board\\
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)\\
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\
VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)\\
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH) \\
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI) \\
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\
BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)\\
BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)\\
BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)\\
Meeting opened at: 21:15 CET\\
Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš \\
Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro\\
Recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/Wf9xLWbLL4SjaxH \\
Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting11 \\
RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021 \\
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)\\
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\
VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)\\
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH) reading the Pad and monitoring (broadcast via PoA)\\
BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)\\
BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)\\
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\
BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)\\
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI) \\
**Not excused:**
Mattias Bjärnemalm (Mab), Pirate Network Officer for the Pirate delegation in the European Parliament \\
Lukáš Doležal (PP-CZ)\\
0.1. Approval of the agenda\\
0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting10 \\
1. AOB\\
1.1 Proposal from the French Pirates regarding the upcoming Council meeting in Strasbourg\\
1.2 CEEP: selection of thematic coordinators\\
1.3 CEEP: possible new chapters\\
2. Next meeting / schedule\\
60 minutes max. as meeting time \\
**0.1. Approval of the agenda:**\\
Remark (Bastian): Is there a rationale for calling an extraordinary board meeting with 4 days notice?\\
Cédric : Yes, we said two weeks after the previous one for this meeting\\
Yes: Florie, Etienne, Cedric, Alessandro, Mikuláš, Jan, Petr \\
No: Bastian \\
Abstain: \\
Agenda is approved \\
**0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings**
Yes: Florie Etienne, Jan, Cédric, Mikuláš \\
No: \\
Abstain: Alessandro, Bastian, Petr\\
**1. AOB**
1.1 Proposal from the French Pirates regarding the upcoming Council meeting in Strasbourg\\
Etienne is preseting now the PPFR proposal: estimation is around 100 persons\\
The proposed venue has huge space and great internet connection\\
We have two spaces there: an open space and several meeting rooms.\\
Rental prices and terms Rental prices The spaces can be rented together or separately, for a full day (10 hours) or a half day (5 hours).\\
The following table resumes the fees of the venue in Euros (€)\\
Day - Half day\\
First floor 1000 610\\
Second floor 2200 1200\\
Meeting Room 1 190 95\\
Meeting Room 2 190 95\\
Meeting Room 3 190 95\\
Stage Manager (15€/h) 15 75\\
TOTAL 3920 2170\\
Rental terms: The city of Strasbourg offers the possibility of a free renting solution. In order to benefit from this possibly, the event must fulfill two conditions: - The event must be accessible to the public; - The event must have a proposed content link to the purpose of the venue: digital related topic, democracy and citizenship.\\
Mikuláš puts on the table the registration fee option, but Etienne suggests to avoid it.\\
Mab suggests to avoid also differences in fees based on nationality\\
Florie suggest to open a sort of crowfunding\\
Cédric points out the for food it could be possible to buy some food tickets online and solve the problem of who would like to eat\\
Etienne is remarking that internet connection in absolutely good, proven by previous event organised there like VR, gaming, etc...\\
Note from Bastian: We have a BBB video server up to 200 participants that costs us nothing.
Mikuláš: who is in favour of having the event in this venue and then exploring costs?
Yes: Florie, Mikuláš, Alessandro, Petr, Etienne, Cédric, Jan.\\
Abstain: Bastian \\
Etienne: we need to consider now which option we would like to take into account:\\
1. all public access\\
2. one floor public, one private\\
3. all private\\
Mikuláš: what does it mean to have public access?\\
So there is a consensus to the option one.\\
Shall we consider some kind of fee contribution for food or not?\\
Yes: Mikuláš, Florie, Bastian, Cédric, Petr\\
No: Jan\\
Abstain: Etienne, Alessandro\\
How much will the board willing to contribute?\\
For option 1, PPEU is expected to contribute with 2000 Euro\\
Yes: Etienne, Mikuláš, Petr, Alessandro, Cédric, Florie\\
No: Bastian (because we need the money prior to the CM)\\
Abstain: Jan\\
Shall we invite the Pirate Delegation in the European Parliament to organize a side event in connection to this event?\\
Yes: Mikuláš, Alessandro, Cédric, Jan, Petr, Florie, Etienne\\
Note from Bastian: Do we have a budget for this?\\
Answer from Alessandro: this is what the board will propose to PPEU CM for budget 2023\\
Etienne says that it will possible that in January we will have all set\\
1.2 CEEP: selection of thematic coordinators\\
According to the board decision on the process for the CEEP the board is supposed to select the thematic WG Coordinators at this meeting.\\
Full list of candidates who've applied to the different topics:
* Anders Erkeus, Sweden
**Agriculture and Fisheries**
* Florie Marie, France
**Civil Society**
* Cédric Levieux, France
**Education, Culture, Research & Free Knowledge**
* Tomáš Adamec, Czechia
* Ralf Hagen, Germany
* Andrel Linnenbank, Netherlands
**Environment, Climate and Energy**
* Dan Leština, Czechia
* Ralf Hagen, Germany
* Guido Körber, Germany
* Jan Mares, Czechia
* Sebastian Krone, Germany
**Human Rights in the Digital Era**
* Raman Ojha, Netherlands
* Tomáš Valenta, Czechia
**Free Software**
* Tomáš Valenta, Czechia
* Michal Ketner, Czechia
**Open Data**
* Alessandro Ciofini, Italy
**Net Policy**
* Marcel Kolaja, Czechia\\
*Tomáš Valenta, Czechia
**International affairs**
* Markéta Gregorová, Czechia
* Ralf Hagen, Germany
* Sebastian Krone, Germany
* Yasmin Schulze, Germany
* Jan Mares, Czechia
**Social Affairs & Healthcare**
*Andrel Linnenbank, Netherlands
**Space Programme**
* Guido Körber, Germany
* Ralf Hagen, Germany
Board approves above-mentioned people as coordinators of respective working groups?\\
Yes: Jan, Mikuláš, Petr, Alessandro, Cédric, Florie\\
Abstain: Bastian\\
**1.3 CEEP: possible new chapters**
* Drug policy => Social Affairs & Healthcare\\
* Transparency => Civil Society\\
* Surveillance => Human Rights\\
* Landscape issues => (either Environment, Climate and Energy or a new group with Regional Development)\\
* Addiction Policy or Drug Policy => Social Affairs & Healthcare\\
* Security & Defence\\
* Human Rights => Human Rights\\
* Economy & Antitrust => Finances\\
* Resilience => ?!?\\
* Common Foreign and Security Policy => International affairs\\
* Economic Policy => Finances\\
* Regional development => ?!?\\
* Domestic Violence, Violence Against Women and Child Abuse => Human Rights\\
* Human Trafficking => Human Rights\\
* Artificial Intelligence => ?!?\\\\
* Promote Security & Defence to a separate chapters\\
Yes: Mikuláš, Jan, Alessandro, Cédric, Florie, Petr\\
Promote Drug policy to a separate chapters\\
Yes Mikuláš, Petr, Jan Florie, Cédric\\
No: Alessandro\\
Promote Regional Development to a separate chapters\\
Yes: Mikuláš Alessandro, Petr, Jan Florie\\
Promote Universal Basic Income to a separate chapters\\
No: Petr, Alessandro Florie, Jan\\
Abstain: Mikuláš\\
Note from Bastian: But you can subsume that under either social or economic.\\
**Report of the Treasurer Sebastian Krone**
Technical support\\
Work on the PPEU Wiki\\
Work on the PPEU website\\
Maintenance of the server\\
Moving servers domains and websites to another hoster\\
Treasurer’s business\\
Bank account:13.695,22 EUR\\
What is the next step for the bank power of attorney?\\
What is the status of the registration in Luxembourg?\\
**2. Next meeting / schedule**\\
Next meeting: it will be decided via Dudle\\
Meeting closed at CET: 23:07 / UTC 22:07\\