==== Minutes ==== **Meeting 7 of the 9th PPEU board 14.11.2024, 18:30 CE(S)T/17:30 UTC** Meeting is remote\\ Members of the Board\\ C: Florian Roussel\\ VC: Sara Hjalmarsson\\ VC: Marek Barbuš\\ TR: Alessandro Ciofini\\ BM: Giuseppe Calandra (cal)\\ BM: Jan Mareš\\ BM: Petra Kovačec\\ Standing invitations\\ Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer\\ Meeting opened at: 18:35 \\ Meeting chaired by: Florian \\ Secretary for this meeting: Sara \\ Recording: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board9Meeting7\\ Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board9Meeting7 \\ RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2023 \\ **Participants:** Alessandro Ciofini\\ Sara Hjalmarsson\\ Florian Roussel\\ Giuseppe Calandra (cal)\\ Jan Mareš (joined at 19:27)\\ **Excused:** \\ Petra Kovačec\\ Marek Barbuš\\ **Not excused:** \\ **Guests:** \\ PiratesOnAir \\ Bastian\\ ThomasG\\ Thanasis\\ **Agenda:**\\ 0. Formalities 0.1 Election of meeting chair\\ 0.2 Election of meeting Secretary\\ 0.3. Approval of the agenda\\ 0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=pp-eu:board-meeting09_06\\ 0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings\\ 0.6 Written reports \\ 1. Decisions without discussions\\ 1.1 Time and place for next board meeting\\ 2. Decisions with discussions\\ 2.1 17th Council meeting\\ 2.1.1 Board proposal for chairs and minute takers for the next council meeting\\ 2.1.2 Treasurer report and 2025 Budget\\ 2.1.3 Board Proposal to the next council meeting on the structuration of the organization administration and associated recruitement\\ 2.1.4 Board call for the collective rebuilding of the European Pirate Party : welcoming declarations of needs, projects and plans from Members and individual pirates\\ 2.2 Resolution proposal from the Greek Pirate Party\\ 3. Discussions without decisions\\ 3.1 Council agenda, schedule, side events and any other last minute details that needs discussing\\ 4. Any other business\\ \\ Discussions in bold cursive are priority discussions and can, if needed, be discussed before point 1 of the agenda\\ The meeting is scheduled for a maximum of 60 minutes. It can be extended by consensus \\ --- **Minutes:** ** 0.1 Election of meeting chair** The meeting elected X as meeting chair Emerodh\\ Approved **0.2 Election of meeting Secretary** The meeting elected Sara as meeting secretary and agreed that we would work collectively on the minutes in the pad\\ Approved\\ **0.3. Approval of the agenda:**\\ Yes: Alessandro, Florian, cal, Sara\\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings**\\ https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=pp-eu:board-meeting09_06 Yes: Florian, Alessandro Sara \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings**\\ Any decisions taken by email, in mattermost or Discourse, or by any other means shall be listed below, including time and place for the decision. They shall be confirmed by a vote of the Board. \\ Yes: \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.6 Written reports** \\ Any written reports or other updates that has been submitted before the start of the meeting shall be added here. Verbal reports given during the meeting go under 4.0 (AOB). \\ **1. Decisions without discussions** **1.1 Time and place for next board meeting** According to the schedule the next Board meeting should take place on December 12. https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/meeting-calendar-for-board-and-council-meetings-for-the-rest-of-the-year\\ Proposal: next board meeting will take place online 2024-12-12, 18:30 CET.\\ Yes: Florian, cal, Alessandro, Sara\\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **2. Decisions with discussions** **2.1 17th Council meeting** **2.1.1 Board proposal for chairs and minute takers for the next council meeting** We will need at least 2 chairs and 2 minute takes to manage the next Council meeting. Ideally they should all be on location in Prague. \\ Proposal: The board will propose the following people as meeting chairs and minute takers at the 17th Council meeting after having confirmed Mikulas' attendance: Chairs: Mikulas & Florian, minute takers: Alessandro & Sara.\\ Yes: Florian, Sara, Alessandro, cal \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **2.1.2 Treasurer report and 2025 Budget** The treasurer will present the following financial report at the 17th Council meeting: https://wiki.ppeu.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=ppeu:2024_report.pdf\\ Yes: Florian, cal, Sara, Alessandro\\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ Proposal: Based on the treasurer report, the board will propose the following budget for 2025: [[https://wiki.ppeu.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=ppeu:2025_budget.pdf]]\\ There was a discussion on the proposed budget. The board will decide asynchronously.\\ 2.1.3 Board Proposal on the structuration of the organization administration and associated recruitement\\ Nothing to present to the BM. Target is to present a document to the Board this weekend to approve async.\\ 2.1.4 Board call for the collective rebuilding of the European Pirate Party : welcoming declarations of needs, projects and plans from Members and individual pirates\\ Nothing to present to the BM. Target is to present a document to the Board this weekend approve async.\\ 2.1.5 Any other decision related to the 17th Council meeting?\\ **2.2 Resolution proposal from the Greek Pirate Party** The Greek Pirate party has submitted a proposal for a resolution for the board to discuss.\\ Proposal: to recommend the Greek Pirate Party to submit the resolution to the 17th Council meeting instead of to the board, as the Council is better equipped to decide on it, and there is no urgent need to have a decision before the next Council meeting takes place. The board will reach out to PPGR to advise on the motion and coordinate with all involved parties.\\ Yes: Florian, Alessandro, Sara, cal\\ No: \\ Abstain: Jan\\ **3. Discussions without decisions** **4. AOB**\\ No other business\\ Meeting closed at: 19:37 CET\\ Next meeting: Dec. 12th 2024, 18:30 CET\\