==== Minutes ==== **Meeting 13 of the 6. PPEU board 22.09.2021, 19:00 CEST/17:00 UTC** Members of the Board\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)\\ VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\ VC: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir (PP-IS)\\ TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH) \\ BM: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT) (PP-SE) (Pirati)\\ BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Lukáš Doležal (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Mia Utz (PP-DE)\\ BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE), (PP-CAT)\\ Meeting opened at: 19:21 CEST \\ Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš \\ Secretary for this meeting: Exile and others \\ Recording: recording started at 19:21 CEST\\ Link to the recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/RdRqqkWe7s2ejfZ Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board6Meeting13\\ RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021 \\ **Participants:** C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)\\ VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\ TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)\\ BM: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT) (PP-SE) (Pirati)\\ BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Lukáš Doležal (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Mia Utz (PP-DE)\\ BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE), (PP-CAT)\\ **Excused:** \\ VC: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir \\ **Not excused:** \\ **Guests:** \\ **Agenda:**\\ 0.1. Approval of the agenda: \\ 0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board6Meeting12\\ 1. Short reports of the activity\\ 2. Tasks from the previous meetings:\\ 3. Working group meetings \\ 4. Logo \\ 5. Party enlargement process \\ 6. Council meeting autumn 2021 \\ 7. Any other business \\ 8. Next Meeting / Session End\\ 60 minutes max. as meeting time \\ --- **Minutes:**\\ 0.1. Approval of the agenda:\\ https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board6Meeting13\\ Yes: Exile, Mia, Lukáš, Bastian, Mikuláš, Florie, Alessandro, Jan\\ No: \\ Abstain:\\ Agenda is approved. \\ 0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting\\ https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board6Meeting12 \\ Yes: Exile, Bastian, Mia, Florie, Mikuláš, Lukáš \\ No: \\ Abstain: Alessandro, Jan\\ Minutes are approved. \\ **1. Short reports of the activity**\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa:\\ online talk with a possible Romanian partner to come VC: Florie Marie:\\ Meet an ex PPCH President\\ Preparing french elections in 2022 (Presidential on March, legislatives on june)\\ Organization of a working week-end in PPFR (all online, see the YouTube page : https://www.youtube.com/partipiratefr\\ VC: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir:\\ today not present\\ TR: Sebastian Krone:\\ Technical support\\ Work on the PPEU Wiki\\ Work on the PPEU website\\ Attended meeting "Registration Working Group"\\ Treasurer’s business\\ BM: Alessandro Ciofini:\\ Unfortunately, I had a complicated week last three, so I have nothing to report (except that I broke my left wrist)\\ BM: Jan Mareš: \\ BM: Lukáš Doležal:\\ attented Media and Communication working group, brainstormed on PPEU logo with Mikuláš and Petr\\ social media posts regarding elections in Iceland and Germany in progress\\ BM: Mia Utz:\\ Still busy with election campaign in PPDE\\ BM: Oliver Herzig:\\ General Assembly Pirates.cat\\ Int Koord. Germany\\ usual stuff\\ **2. Tasks from the previous meetings**\\ **3. Working group meetings** \\ statutes group is paused ... motivation and manpower is missing. \\ technical working group is about to come in future\\ **4. Logo** \\ media group had a meeting about that- attendance low for a European question - only three Czech pirates. Please see Mattermost and/or YouTube stream\\ Bastian: proposals with and without text\\ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Pirate_Party#/media/File:Logo_European_Pirate_Party_01.svg\\ Bastian pointed out: budget for registration would be available … no probs\\ Board is ok with logo for registration ? (both.. Picture with & without text)\\ Yes: Jan, Lukáš, Exile, Mikuláš, Mia, Alessandro, Bastian, Florie\\ No:\\ Abstain:\\ Motion passed\\ **5. Party enlargement process** \\ Working Group meeting made a selection of the options as partners ... 4 parties still as options available\\ https://cryptpad.piratenpartei.de/pad/#/2/pad/edit/CnsPIxtw25VQFoAFkev6svEG/\\ Recommend to contact:\\ Partidul Oamenilor Liberi (Romania) - they already answered - meeting to follow\\ Alternativet (Danemark)\\ Možemo (Croatia)\\ Progresivie (Latvia)\\ Mikuláš pointed out that for being partnered they would to have to apply for observer membership in European Pirates (includes similar political aims as mentioned in our Statutes) there will be a Mattermost channel about this matter of possible European Parties Partners (makes Info easier to find)\\ https://mattermost.european-pirateparty.eu/ppeu-board/channels/working-group---party-registration\\ Mikuláš is asking for more manpower - please\\ **6 Upcoming Council meeting** \\ 27.-28. Nov. 2021 is proposed \\ Agreement that there should be a call for host send out to the members \\ How should this call for a host look like:\\ - Virtual ?\\ - Hybrid ?\\ - Presence ?\\ Survey mail to members will be sent:\\ What should this next council meeting look like ? (virtual - hybrid - presence)\\ Would you be interested in hosting it ? \\ Non-negotiable: Internet connection via cable min. 500 Mbit/sec. down 50 Mbit/sec. up.\\ Working Group to be created - first invitation will be sent - 06.10.2021 time tba.\\ **7. Any other business** \\ There is an ongoing process regarding our incorporation in Greens/EFA Group \\ **8. Next Meeting / Session End**\\ Next meeting:Wednesday 13.10.2021 - 19:00 CEST / 1700 UTC\\ Meeting closed at 20:56 CEST / 18:56 UTC\\