**Meeting of the PPEU board 7.06.2020 20:00 CEST** Members of the Board (for use as template)\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE) \\ VC: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS)\\ VC: Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Gamithra Marga (PP-IS)\\ BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE, PP-CAT) - Exile\\ BM: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir (PP-IS)\\ BM: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\ TR: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)\\ BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\ Meeting opened at: 20:35\\ Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš \\ Secretary for this meeting: Katla Holm \\ Recording:?? Link: ?? Participants: Mikuláš Peksa,Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir, Florie Marie, Alessandro Ciofini, Oliver Herzig, Markéta Gregorová (21:10) Excused: Jan Mareš, Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir, Not excused: Guests: \\ @PiratesOnAir \\ Bastian \\ Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/board_meeting_1920_12 \\ last meeting (minutes): https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/board_meeting_1920_11 \\ YES: Katla, Mikulas, Exile Alessandro, Florie, Markéta NO:\\ Abstain:\\ **Agenda:**\\ Motion: "For a Europe that fights for the rights of LGBTQ+ people" Document updates Information flow from CoC + Email updates ECI “Knowledge sharing” #BlackLivesMatter protests 2020 invoices YES: Katla, Mikulas, Alessandro, Florie, Oliver NO: Abstain: Reports from the teams:\\ Media: Tech: Admin Motion: "For a Europe that fights for the rights of LGBTQ+ people" - The motion was finished at the counciil meeting and is ready for pushlishing. - Mikulas will publish it on all social media and website within a week. - Asked for suggestions about what to do with the motion. - Katla suggests a MEP maybe writes an article to be published and get more circulation. Katla suggests a PR staff member of the MEP gets the good media attention this motion can get. Document updates - Updates needed on Wikipedia and the webpage. The minutes from the Council meeting. Go through the wiki and webpage and see if everything fits. - Deleting whats needs to be done and so forth. - Alessandro volinteers to go through the wiki and the website. Information flow from CoC + Email updates - Mikulas will be in touch with the members of Code of Conduct Council to set up an e-mail for them - Katla had a conversation with the members of CoC council, they are very focused and excited about being in the council and their role as such. Over all, they are a good team and they got this (y) ECI “Knowledge sharing” - #BlackLivesMatter protests - Should the board put out a statement on Facebook in support of Black Lives Matter. - Katla offers to write an article about the importance of strong democracy and the influence on POC. - Katla and Honza volunteer to write a short statement for social media to be posted on Monday 8th of june. - They will put it on Mattermost the morning of monday for approval. 2020 invoices -Question about Pirate party's that still owe membership for 2019. What should we do? -Alessandro is ready to send out the 2020 invoices. -Worry about the finances of small party's in europe. -Alessandro will reach out to those party's. Council meeting\\ Any other business\\ Minutes:\\ f **0. Approval of the agenda** YES:\ NO: \\ Abstain: \\ **1. Reports from the teams:** **XX. Any other business** Oliver brings up a server issue on Mattermost and that there is a problem with jitsi and more. Matter of spending money on servers but need to choose a tool to use first. Should be talked about in a more organised way on next meeting. Next council meeting needs to be discussed. Should it be remote or present. Put on the agenda for next board meeting. **Meeting closed at 22.11 hours \\ Next board meeting is set on in two weeks from now as usual 21/06/2020, (20:00 CEST - DST - summertime)\\ Note: New line is set by using \\+space