==== Minutes ==== **Meeting 16 of the 7th PPEU board 15.3.2023, 21:00 CET/20:00 UTC** Meeting is remote\\ Members of the Board\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)\\ VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)\\ VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\ TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)\\ BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI) \\ BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)\\ BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)\\ BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)\\ Meeting opened at: \\ Meeting chaired by: \\ Secretary for this meeting: \\ Recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/fRiz6eMWqL3D5GP\\ Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting15\\ RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021 \\ **Participants:** C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)\\ VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)\\ VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\ TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)\\ BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI) \\ BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)\\ BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)\\ BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ) (from 21:20)\\ **Excused:** \\ **Not excused:** \\ **Guests:** \\ PiratesOnAir\\ Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer\\ TheBug\\ **Agenda:**\\ 0.1. Approval of the agenda\\ 0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting15\\ 1. Council meeting agenda \\ 1.1 Proposals from the board \\ 1.2 Proposals from member parties \\ 1.3 Membership fees \\ 1.4 Elections of the board \\ 1.5 Elections of the CoCC \\ 1.6 Elections of lay auditors? \\ 1.7 Negotiations with the Greens/EFA Group \\ 1.8 Updated draft agenda \\ 1.8 Streaming/remote participation \\ 2. Pirate weekend - Strasbourg - April 2023\\ 2.1 Update from the organizers \\ 2.2. Follow up on the orga chart/list of functionaries \\ 2.3. Registrations \\ 2.4. Detailed schedule for the Weekend \\ 2.5. VIP invitations \\ 3. CEEP 3.1 Assessment of the progress \\ 3.2 Next steps \\ 3.3 Review of the timetable \\ 4. AOB\\ 5. Next meeting / schedule\\ 60 minutes max. as meeting time \\ --- **Minutes:** **0.1. Approval of the agenda:**\\ https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting16\\ Yes: Alessandro, Florie, Cedric, Mikuláš, Etienne, Petr, Jan, \\ No: \\ Abstain: Bastian\\ **0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings**\\ Yes: Alessandro, Florie, Cedric, Mikuláš, smin \\ No: \\ Abstain: Etienne, Bastian, Petr\\ **1. Council meeting agenda** \\ The draft agenda that was decided at a previous meeting can be found here: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=12th_council_meeting_draft_agenda\\ We will need to go through the agenda, as well as some additional points below that we might want to add to the agenda.\\ **1.1 Proposals from the board** \\ What proposals will the board put forward?\\ Should the board propose any changes to the statute change proposal that was postponed from the previous meeting, based on the input at that meeting? If not, the same text will be presented to the meeting again\\ The current text can be found here: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=motion_for_changes_to_the_statutes_to_allow_non_pirate_party_parties_as_full_members_of_the_association \\ The board has also added a point on "CEEP presentation, timeline, flow, progress" Will this purely be a point of information, or will there be any decisions to be made at the meeting on this point? If so they should be presented to the members. Who will be responsible for preparing the presentation?\\ Following should be added to the agenda of the council meeting\\ approval of 2022 annual accounts\\ approval of 2023 Budget\\ Discharge of the 2022 board\\ Budget and annual accounts proposals should be decided on the next board meeting\\ **1.2 Proposals from member parties** \\ What proposals for the agenda have we received from the members? so far none\\ **1.3 Membership fees** \\ Has the treasurer been in contact with the member parties to agree on a membership fee proposal?\\ Do the board have a proposal for membership fee for this year?\\ Decision on membership fees should be added to the agenda.\\ The treasurer is in contact with the member parties regarding a higher membership fee and will report to the next board meeting. Several members still have to pay their 2022 and some even earlier fees.\\ **1.4 Elections of the board** \\ Do we have enough proposals for all positions on the board? If not, how will we deal with this?\\ France did nominate 8 people. Nominations from Czechia and Germany have arrived this evening. The board decided to interpret the statutes in such a way that the deadline for nominations should be considered to be 23:59 on the 16th of March. The board decided to urge members to do late nominations, add them on the wiki, and ask the meeting if they can be accepted. **1.5 Elections of the CoCC** \\ Do we have enough proposals to fill the CoCC? If not, how will we deal with this?\\ **1.6 Elections of lay auditors?** \\ The statute require us to elect lay auditors. Do we have any currently? Shall we open up elections at this meeting?\\ Election of lay auditors should be added to the agenda of the meeting\\ **1.7 Negotiations with the Greens/EFA Group** \\ Is there a proposal from the Group that we can send to the Council meeting? Shall the board endorse the proposal?\\ The technical level negotiations concluded yesterday without reaching any agreement on a draft that could be presented. In short the Group is fundamentally unwilling to commit to any written agreement before the election on a system for staff allocation based on the result of the election. The Group also rejected most of our suggestions for separate pirate branding within the Group. So the matter has been returned back to the political level, without any advice on how to move the process forward. This means in practice that we can't expect a proposal from the Greens for a pre-election relationship agreement. Mab will be available during the meeting to answer any questions about the technical negotiations.\\ What are our next steps? There has been an agreement to have a post-election strategy on the agenda for this Council meeting. Should that be added as a proposal from the board, if so, who will draft it?\\ Post election strategy should added to the agenda of the meeting, as a point of discussion\\ **1.8 Updated draft agenda** \\ Based on the discussions above we might need to decide on an updated agenda for the meeting. Shall it include time stamps, or should those be up to the organizers?\\ to be added to the agenda of the meeting:\\ election of meeting chairs\\ election of minute takers\\ approval of the agenda\\ Mab will update the agenda with the added points above and prepare this for an email to the members to be sent out this friday **1.9 Streaming/remote participation** \\ Who is in charge of the streaming? How will we facilitate remote participation of delegates? Who is in charge of managing the remote participation?\\ French pirates are in charge. They will provide Mab with contact information to the person responsible for the remote delegates as soon as this person has been selected.\\ **2. Pirate weekend - Strasbourg - April 2023**\\ **2.1 Update from the organizers** \\ **2.2. Follow up on the orga chart/list of functionaries** \\ **2.3. Registrations** \\ There is currently 24 people registered for the Monday PPEU visitors Group sponsored by Mikulas Peksa. The maximum size is 80.\\ We don't have any number for how many people that are registered for the Monday YPE visitors group, sponsored by Patrick Breyer. The maximun size is 20.\\ There is no registration for the Weekend in general.\\ To ensure the required quorom to allow changes to the statutes (14 members with voting right present) **2.4. Detailed schedule for the Weekend **\\ **2.5. VIP invitations** \\ **3. CEEP**\\ **3.1 Assessment of the progress** \\ There seems to be a lack of activity on the Discourse, and there is no guidlines for the thematic coordinators on what the role entails. **3.2 Next steps** \\ ***How to deal with the lack of response from the thematic Coordinators for the categories "Net Policy" and "Transport"***\\ After several attempts to reach them, we still haven't gotten any confirmation from two of the selected coordinators that they will assume their given roles as coordinators. They have not responded to emails, and Mab has failed to reach them by other means. Perhaps the Board should consider replacing them with other people to ensure that the chapters aren't ignored?\\ ***Apointment of thematic Coordinator for the category "Environment, Climate and Energy"***\\ Guido Körber has volunteered to fill the vacancy as thematic coordinator for Environment, Climate and Energy. He's currently the coordinator for the Space program chapter, and has assessed that he will have the time to handle both.\\ Suggestion for a proposal: The board decides to appoint Guido Körber as thematic coordinator for Environment, Climate and Energy\\ Yes: \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **3.3 Review of the timetable** \\ Should we change the timetable, or should it stand as it is?\\ If we keep the current timetable, by when should we ask the thematic coordinators to be able to present a draft?\\ **4. AOB**\\ 4.1. MaB has requested access to board@european-pirates.eu - I have asked for a response here about this and have not received a response - it is a board responsibility and not a lone decision by an administrator.\\ C: From the last minutes : **1.2. Maintaining the page https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=12th_council_meeting_2023**\\ Farlistener : I saw that Mab ask us, and particulary me for the location part, to maintain this page.\\ Mikulas : Is there objection to add Mab on the board mailing list to add him in the loop of agenda process of the council meeting ?\\ : You decided it already and MaB is on the ML since the last BM. Mabs email: mattias.bjarnemalm@europarl.europa.eu\\ 4.2. Report of the Treasurer Sebastian Krone\\ FYI:\\ Technical support\\ Work on the PPEU wiki\\ Work on the PPEU website\\ Treasurer’s business\\ Bank account: 13.845,22 EUR\\ Pirati (PP-Slovenia - Si) # 2023-18 paid\\ PP-DE paid\\ https://ib.fio.cz/ib/transparent?a=2701538320&l=ENGLISH&lng=ENGLISH\\ C : France has a problem with the invoice, the required amount does not match what we need to pay for 2022, because we already paid 2020 and 2021, our Treasurer Council try to reach you, no answer so far What is the next step for the bank power of attorney?\\ What is the status of the registration in Luxembourg?\\ I am in contact with Mikuláš, but he is currently in Asia and has a very poor internet connection.\\ As soon as the documents are complete, I will submit and renew the PPEU registration with RCS online.\\ 4.3 Last Request for the Last Meeting about the invoice C : I asked the board to have an access to all our invoices to make a financial audit on how we spend the PPEU money. No answer so far from the treasurer. That*s a lie. I still not have the invoice in my hand. **5. Next meeting / schedule**\\ Next meeting: 15th April 21:00 CET \\ Meeting closed at CET: \\