==== Minutes ==== **Meeting 1 of the 8th PPEU board 4.5.2023, 18:30 CEST/16:30 UTC** Meeting is remote\\ Members of the Board\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa \\ VC: Cédric Levieux \\ VC: Veronika Murzynová \\ TR: Alessandro Ciofini \\ BM: Elísabet Ólafsdóttir \\ BM: Florian Roussel \\ BM: Jan Mareš \\ BM: Mia Utz \\ BM: Petra Kovačec \\ Meeting opened at: 18:36 \\ Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš Peksa \\ Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro & collective \\ Recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/EdYCgqqwtmty295 \\ Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board8Meeting1 \\ RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021 \\ --> OLD to be revised and eventually updated **Participants:** C: Mikuláš Peksa \\ VC: Veronika Murzynová \\ VC: Cédric Levieux \\ TR: Alessandro Ciofini \\ BM: Florian Roussel \\ BM: Mia Utz \\ BM: Elísabet Ólafsdóttir \\ BM: Petra Kovačec \\ BM: Jan Mareš \\ **Excused:** \\ **Not excused:** \\ **Guests:** \\ Florie - PPI Chair \\ Mab - PP Network Officer \\ Vincent - CoCC - YPE Treasurer \\ Janusz - PPPL Chair \\ Petr - CoCC \\ Bastian - PPDE \\ PiratesOnAir - Media Stream \\ Exile - **Agenda:** 0. Formalities 0.1 Election of meeting chair\\ 0.2 Election of meeting Secretary\\ 0.3. Approval of the agenda\\ 0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=pp-eu:board-meeting07_17\\ 0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings\\ 1. Decisions without discussions\\ 1.1 Time and place for next board meeting\\ 1.2 Time and place for next Council meeting\\ 2. Decisions with discussions\\ 2.1 define a common goal for 2023\\ 2.2 creating a common backlog for 2023 (based on common goal)\\ 2.3 define a sprint backlog duration (2-3 weeks?)\\ 2.3.1 prioritise tasks\\ 2.3.2 decide a common tool to follow the progress\\ 2.3.3 Assign tasks for the next sprint\\ (2.3.4 start the sprint)\\ 2.4 Create an agenda for 2023, including in-perso meetings (board meetings, council meetings)\\ 3. Discussions without decisions\\ 3.1 the Board Culture Map: who we are and how we can work efficiently together\\ 3.2 discuss the Rules of Procedure for the board (RoP (there is no need to reuse a previous version, if it doesn't fit current BM needs)\\ 3.3 Discussion on the European Pirate Party Website\\ 4. Any other business\\ \\ Discussions in bold cursive are priority discussions and can be discussed before the decisions if needed\\ 60 minutes max. as meeting time \\ --- **Minutes:** ** 0.1 Election of meeting chair** The meeting elected Mikulas as meeting chair\\ **0.2 Election of meeting Secretary** The meeting elected Alessandro as meeting secretary and agreed that we would work collectively on the minutes\\ **0.3. Approval of the agenda:** https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board8Meeting2\\ Yes: Cedric, Mikuláš, Veronika, Florian, Jan, Alessandro, Petra, Mia, Betan \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings** Yes: \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings** **No decisions has been taken in between this and the previous meeting** **1. Decisions without discussions** **1.1 Time and place for next board meeting** Decision will be taken under 2.4\\ **1.2 Time and place for next Council meeting** Decision will be taken under 2.4\\ **2. Decisions with discussions** **2.1 define a common goal for 2023** - Mik: prepare the 2024 elections (CEEP24, election strategies, etc...): we probably won't be able to register the PPEU as party at European level (within next Sept.)\\ - F: to get all things right (budgets, IT resources, statutes, etc...)\\ - E: having all the information in one place (who is in charge of what)\\ - A : Can't do two things at the same moment, so we need some time to share responsabilities - here the minutes taking. We speak about tasks, but not the common \\ goal. But we need to do these task to achieve our goal.\\ - Mab : You need to start smaller, dividing into phases:\\ 1. You need to see the next council meeting and take care of the tasks the last CM put on you.\\ 2. After Summer: we could set another goal for QIII-QIV\\ The following conclusion was decided by consensus:\\ Conclusion: we will divide the year 2023 into two phases (before and after Summer)\\ Phase 1: getting things to be done before the next CM (i.e. finances) / start preparation of European 2023 elections\\ Phase 2: continue preparation of elections 2023 / mapping of processes\\ **2.2 Creating a common backlog for 2023** Suggested backlog items\\ - Create onboarding material - Phase 1->2 Betan 1.choice\\ - final schedule for CEEP finalisation - Phase 1- Mia, Veronika\\ - overview and finalisation of CEEP chapters - Phase 1- Mia, Veronika\\ - prepare post-election strategy - Phase 1 - Mikuláš, Veronika\\ - registration of the new Board, Statue change and update the Bank record - Phase 1\\ Florian - internships internal exchanges and events - Phase 2\\ - IT assessment (for budget 2023) - Phase 1 (Cedric)\\ - budget 2023 - Phase 1 (Alessandro, Florian)\\ - discharge 2022 - Phase 1 (Alessandro, Florian)\\ - create a T-crew (treasurer's crew)- Phase 1/2 (Alessandro, Florian)\\ - create a pirate parties vademecum (how to organise, campaign, get the media attention, parties logs and history) - Phase 2\\ - create a R-crew (reform crew: institutionalistion of the structure, i.e. regular council meetings, regular PPEU events) - Phase 2\\ - get in touch with every European pirate party to get an overview of their status - Phase 2 - Veronika Betan\\ - Prepare proposal for a Second Chamber - Phase 2\\ - Update the mailinglists - Phase 1 (Cedric)\\ - Evaluate the quality of the website and decide on an possible upgrade - Phase 2 Betan 3. choice\\ - Update content on the website - Phases 1->2 Betan 2.choice\\ - Update the wiki - Phase 1/2?\\ - Assessment of our systems, including our communication channels (twitter, facebook, etc), and list who's having access to those - Phase 1 (Cedric)\\ - 8th Board RoP to make room and define asynchronous work + decision making : Phase 1? Florian\\ Approval:\\ Yes: Florian, Alessandro, Mikuláš, Veronika, Cedric, Mia, Petra, Betan\\ No:\\ Abstain:\\ **2.3 define a sprint backlog duration (2-3 weeks?)** It should be defined by next Board Meeting schedule\\ Proposal: for Phase 1 we will follow the proposed agenda below (averaging a meeting every 2-3 weeks)\\ Yes: Mikuláš, Alessandro, Betan, Mia, Jan, Cedric, Veronika\\ No:\\ Abstain:\\ **2.3.1 prioritise tasks** Partially done, by dividing tasks in Phase 1 and Phase 2. More fine tuned priorities will be done through Mattermost\\ **2.3.2 decide a common tool to follow the progress** Will be done through Mattermost in async way (debates on Discourse as well)\\ **2.3.3 Assign tasks for the next sprint** - IT assessment (for budget 2023) - Cedric\\ - Assessment of our systems, including our communication channels (twitter, facebook, etc), and list who's having access to those - Cedric\\ - discharge 2022 (Alessandro, Florian) \\ - final schedule for CEEP finalisation - Mia, Veronika\\ - overview and finalisation of CEEP chapters - Mia, Veronika. Jan\\ - RoP review (Florian, Alessandro)\\ - gathering materials (Elisabet)\\ **(2.3.4 start the sprint)** **2.4 Create an agenda for 2023, including in-perso meetings (board meetings, council meetings)** May\\ * 20-21 May - General Assembly Alternernativet (Denmark)\\ - The European Pirate Party has been invited to attend the General Assembly in Odense of this prospective partner party. Mab can attend the Sunday 21st, and we can have a MP from Denmark attend on our behalf on the Saturday 20th.\\ * 22 May - Board meeting \\ - For the agenda: Updates on progress with 2022 Annual Accounts (discharge) and 2023 Budget proposal\\ June \\ * 5 June Board meeting\\ - Decide on the Agenda for the upcoming Council meeting, and finalize the 2022 Annual Accounts and 2023 Budget proposal\\ * 11 June Local elections in Luxembourg\\ * 24-25 June General Assembly Piratenpartei (Germany)\\ - Election of European Parliament Election Candidate list\\ * 26 June Board meeting\\ - Decide on the CEEP proposal to table to the upcoming Council meeting, then send this out to the member parties directly after the meeting\\ July\\ * 3 July Deadline for submitting CEEP Counterproposals that will be considered by the board\\ - While amendments can be tabled up until the actual meeting, proposals that have been submitted by this point will be presented on the wiki, and considered by the board.\\ * 7 July Board meeting, in person in Brussels\\ - Decide on the board meetings for the rest of the year\\ - Connected with a visitors Group to Brussels, where the YPE board is invited to participate\\ - joint social activities with YPE\\ * 8 July Council meeting (online)\\ -Votes on CEEP, 2022 Annual Accounts, Discharge of the previous board and 2023 budget. Also vote on accepting the Estonian Pirate Party as an observer member\\ * 22 General Assembly MKKP (Hungary)\\ - Mab has been invited to the General Assembly of MKKP, one of our Observer Members, to present the PPEU to their members\\ * 26-30 July MKKP Summer Camp\\ - Mab has been invited to present the PPEU to their members as an alternative to the General Assembly\\ August\\ TBD September\\ TBD October\\ TBD November\\ TBD December\\ TBD January\\ * 19 or 26 January Council meeting (possibly in person in Luxembourg)\\ - Connected with a visitors Group to Brussels\\ **3. Discussions without decisions** **.1 the Board Culture Map: who we are and how we can work efficiently together** **3.2 discuss the Rules of Procedure for the board (RoP (there is no need to reuse a previous version, if it doesn't fit current BM needs)** Postponed to next meeting\\ SUGGESTION : once the agenda is defined, we should be time boxed.\\ Assign a certain amount of time per each item in the agenda and close the discussion after the time has expired.\\ We should learn how to speak all together, in a time boxed situation.\\ **3.3 Discussion on the European Pirate Party Website** Postponed to next meeting\\ **4. AOB**\\ None\\ **2. Next meeting / schedule**\\ As addressed in the agenda\\ Next meeting: May 22nd, 18:30 CEST\\ Meeting closed at CET: 20:03 CEST\\