==== Minutes ==== **Meeting 10 of the 8th PPEU board 11.1.2024, 18:30 CET/17:30 UTC** Meeting is remote\\ Members of the Board\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa \\ VC: Cédric Levieux \\ VC: Veronika Murzynová \\ TR: Alessandro Ciofini \\ BM: Elísabet Ólafsdóttir \\ BM: Florian Roussel \\ BM: Jan Mareš \\ BM: Mia Utz \\ BM: Petra Kovačec \\ Standing invitations\\ Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer\\ Maija Raudaskoski, Pirate Parties network intern \\ Meeting opened at: 18:40 \\ Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš Peksa \\ Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro and anyone else that want to help \\ Recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/BpWF4KD3LK2t7o4 \\ Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board8Meeting10 \\ RoP: https://discourse.european-pirateparty.eu/t/rules-of-procedure-for-the-board \\ **Participants:** Mikuláš Peksa \\ Veronika Murzynová \\ Petra Kovačec \\ Florian Roussel \\ Cédric Levieux \\ Alessandro Ciofini\\ Mia Utz \\ Jan Mareš (from 18:45)\\ **Excused:** \\ Elísabet Ólafsdóttir \\ **Not excused:** \\ **Guests:** \\ Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer\\ Maija Raudaskoski, Pirate Parties network intern \\ Janusz Wdzięczak (PP-PO)\\ Sebastian Krone\\ **Agenda:**\\ 0. Formalities 0.1 Election of meeting chair\\ 0.2 Election of meeting Secretary\\ 0.3. Approval of the agenda\\ 0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=pp-eu:board-meeting08_09\\ 0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings\\ 0.6 Written reports \\ 1. Decisions without discussions\\ 1.1 Time and place for next board meeting\\ 1.2 Approval of the 2023 Annual Accounts\\ 2. Decisions with discussions\\ 2.1. Luxembourg CEEP event\\ 2.2 Use of discourse for candidacy presentations for the elections at the next Council meeting\\ 3. Discussions without decisions\\ 3.1 Preparations for the 15th Council meeting\\ 3.2 Handover to the next Board\\ 4. Any other business\\ \\ Discussions in bold cursive are priority discussions and can, if needed, be discussed before point 1 of the agenda\\ The meeting is scheduled for a maximum of 60 minutes. It can be extended by consensus \\ --- **Minutes:** ** 0.1 Election of meeting chair** The meeting elected Mikuláš Peksa as meeting chair\\ **0.2 Election of meeting Secretary** The meeting elected Alessandro Ciofini as meeting secretary and agreed that we would work collectively on the minutes in the pad\\ **0.3. Approval of the agenda:**\\ Yes: Mikuláš, Alessandro, Veronika, Petra, Mia, Cedric\\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings**\\ https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=pp-eu:board-meeting08_09\\ Yes: Alessandro, Veronika, Petra, Mia, Florian \\ No: \\ Abstain: Mikuláš, Cedric \\ **0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings**\\ Any decisions taken by email, in Mattermost or Discourse, or by any other means shall be listed below, including time and place for the decision. They shall be confirmed by a vote of the Board. \\ Yes: \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **0.6 Written reports** \\ Any written reports or other updates that has been submitted before the start of the meeting shall be added here. Verbal reports given during the meeting go under 4.0 (AOB). \\ **1. Decisions without discussions** **1.1. Time and place for next board meeting** This meeting is scheduled to be the last meeting of the Current board. The next board will be elected on January 27, and to get them going, we could already now select and call for their first meeting (which would have to be confirmed by the chair of the new board once elected). Proposal: to preliminary schedule the first board meeting for the 9th PPEU board to 10:00-13:00, 2024-01-28, to be held in a hybrid form in Luxembourg and online. Yes: Florian, Mikuláš, Alessandro, Petra, Veronika, Mia\\ No: \\ Abstain: Cedric\\ **1.2 Approval of the 2023 Annual Accounts** The annual accounts for 2023 are, with just a minor change, identical to the preliminary accounts presented at the previous Council meeting. As such, the board can approve them without the need for further discussion.\\ Proposal: to adopt the draft Annual Accounts, found here: ((https://wiki.ppeu.net/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=documents:2023_account_final_report.pdf)), and have them sent out to the Member parties in a reminder email about the next Council meeting.\\ Yes: Florian, Petra, Mikuláš, Cedric, Alessandro, Veronika, Mia\\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **2. Decisions with discussions** Mikuláš is presenting the following item.\\ **2.1. Luxembourg CEEP event.** Originally, there was foreseen an external event on the 28th of January that would include the signing of the 2024 CEEP. This was later changed to a presentation of the CEEP. We have however been alerted by our Luxembourgish hosts that they find it unlikely that media will be present on that day, while they are likely to be present at the PPLU GA taking place in the morning of the 27th. They therefore suggested that the PPEU event could be incorporated into their GA by having the PPEU Chair present the CEEP during their GA, and also conduct the closing remarks for them. This would allow the local journalists to cover the event, and connect the Luxembourgish EU campaign closer to the European Pirates.\\ Proposal: to cancel the external CEEP event scheduled for January 28th, and instead coordinate with PPLU to integrate the relevant parts (Presentation of CEEP, promotion of Candidates present at the meeting) into the agenda of the PPLU General assembly, taking place 2024-01-27\\ Yes: Florian, Cedric, Alessandro, Petra, Mia, Mikuláš, Veronika \\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ **2.2 Use of discourse for candidacy presentations for the elections at the next Council meeting** Mikuláš is presenting the following item.\\ The European Pirate Party has slowly but surely increased the use of Discourse during the Council meetings, allowing for more work and discussions to take place asynchronous prior to the actual meeting, allowing for increased participation and transparency. A logical next step would be to move the presentation of candidates for roles elected at the Council meeting (board, CoCC, and lead candidates) to Discourse as well.\\ This would allow the Member parties to properly assess candidates and give informed instructions to their delegates, it would allow for a better scrutiny of prospective candidates, and it would reduce time spent on this during the actual Council meeting.\\ Proposal: to set up threads on Discourse for any nominated candidates, once they have accepted their candidacy, where they can present themselves, and answer questions about their candidacies. \\ Yes: Mikuláš, Florian, Cedric, Alessandro, Petra. Mia, Veronika\\ No: \\ Abstain: \\ Cedric: Happy to see that point voted, it's a step with the use of Discourse for more visibility and discussions. **3. Discussions without decisions** Mikuláš is presenting the following item, asking Florian to present the state of art\\ **3.1 Preparations for the 15th Council meeting** Link to the wiki for the Council meeting: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=15th_council_meeting_2024 Still to be sorted out:\\ Registration form\\ Registration form is ongoing\\ Chairs, minute takers and technical support for the meeting\\ All roles are not yet ready nor decided\\ Streaming of the meeting\\ Setting up all the Discourse threads for the meeting\\ Alessandro: suggests having the same minute takers as in Brussels and get them close to the meeting chair as it was very effective (on site)\\ Mikuláš is asking if we can include this in the registration form\\ Florian confirmed, so when we have the list we can decide the team of minute takers\\ Florian's suggestion: get the form out asap on every platform and invitations, assess on the 21st (first deadline) and then manage on the spot until the 25th.\\ Mab is remembering that PirateOnAir offered broadcasting (streaming), asking Bastian to confirm it: we have to remember it and check it\\ Following board members will be present in person in Luxembourg: Alessandro, Mikuláš, Petra, Veronika\\ Following board members will be present online: Florian (most probably), Cedric, Mia, Jan (probably)\\ **3.2 Handover to the next Board** How do we ensure a proper handover to the next board, what tasks will need to be reassigned from current board members not running for re-election?\\ Mikuláš is introducing the topic: basically it's how to transfer the list of the tasks and best way is to make a list in the board channel in Mattermost\\ We can also invite all former board members to the first new board meeting so that handover can be discussed\\ Mab added that especially for board members that are not running again it would be great if they can prepare a list of their projects or tasks\\ **4. AOB**\\ Alessandro will send out the invoices for membership fees for 2024 shortly after today.\\ Mikuláš transferred the chair to Veronika due to network issues\\ Meeting closed at: 19:16 CET\\ Next meeting: Hybrid (Luxembourg), 28-01-2024, 10:00 CET\\