**Meeting of the PPEU board 22.11.2020 20:00 CET** Members of the Board (for use as template)\\ C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE) \\ VC: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS)\\ VC: Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)\\ BM: Gamithra Marga (PP-IS)\\ BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE, PP-CAT) - Exile\\ BM: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir (PP-IS)\\ BM: Florie Marie (PP-FR)\\ TR: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)\\ BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)\\ Meeting opened at: 20:13 CET\\ Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš\\ Secretary for this meeting: Oktavía (20-21:31) - (and Alessandro can help them)\\ Recording: You tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k55-jqRL6CQ\\ Link: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/board_meeting_1920_22 Participants: Oktavía (out 21:31), Mikuláš, Alessandro, Katla, Florie, Oliver, Jan, Markéta (20:38)\\ Excused: \\ Not excused: Gamithra\\ Guests: Sebastian Krone \\ PiratesOnAir \\ **Agenda:**\\ 1. Reports\\ 2. Budget 2021 \\ 3.Council meeting organization:\\ -3.1 Agenda scheduling\\ -3.2 Guest --> strike it from agenda?\\ -3.3 Volunteers for chairing, minute taking and technical support\\ -3.4 Talking with current CoC Council about Q&A\\ 4. AOB\\ **0.1 Approval of the agenda** YES: Alessandro, Exile, Florie, Mikuláš, Katla, Oktavía, Jan, Markéta\\ NO:\\ Abstain:\\ **0.2 Approval of the minutes of last meeting** Minutes: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/board_meeting_1920_21\\ YES: Exile, Jan, Katla, Mikuláš, Florie, Oktavía, Markéta\\ NO: \\ Abstain: Alessandro\\ Thanks Exile for updating PPEU wiki and PiratesOnAir for recording this event and spread it live on the web air.\\ **1. Report from treasurer** https://ib.fio.cz/ib/transparent?a=2701538320&l=ENGLISH\\ ECI Freedom to share: manual started - online to come (delegated to Alesandro) \\ Clarification from PPLU - wrong invoice sent and paid. \\ Mikulas and Alesandro finish the board reports for the CM \\ **2. Budget proposal for 2021:** most membership fees are paid\\ Proposed spending 2021 presented \\ - IT budget: EUR 1500\\ - Administrative cost: EUR 500\\ - GDPR consultant: EUR 1500\\ - React reserve: EUR 500\\ - Media: EUR 1500\\ - TOTAL = EUR 5500\\ - Income 2020 (as of 2020 Nov 22nd): membership fees: EUR 1050\\ - Difference: EUR - 3450\\ - Current balance (as of 2020 Nov 22nd) : EUR 14,479.81\\ Florie says that the IT budget is too expensive for the use the PPEU has of it.\\ **Approval of the above proposal of 2021 budget** YES: Oktavía, Alessandro, Exile, Mikuláš, Katla, Markéta, Jan\\ NO: Florie\\ Abstain:\\ **3.Council meeting organization **\\ 3.1 in regards to agenda scheduling \\ 3.2 Guest --> strike it from agenda?\\ proposed to change it to an update from Council members\\ 3.3 Volunteers for chairing, minute taking and technical support\\ the following people are volunteering:\\ 3.4 Talking with current CoC Council about Q&A\\ Katla will be in touch with CoC council.\\ There will be organizing meeting on thursday at 20.00\\ \\ CHANGED AGENDA (Katla's proposal) Saturday 28.11.20\\ 10:30 Registration and International delegates admittance\\ 11:00 Council Meeting chairpersons election and agenda approval\\ 11:30 Report from the Board. Q&A\\ 12:30 New members admission\\ 13:00 Lunch Break\\ 14:00 Code of Conduct Council has a Q&A\\ 15:00 Introduction of members\\ 16:00 Motions from the members\\ 16:30 Voting on Motions\\ 17:30 Budget 2021 (including vote)\\ 18:00 Open bar\\ Meeting postponed for the night\\ Open Beer room all night long\\ Sunday 29.11.20\\ 10:30 Meeting opened\\ 11:00 Starting at 11, taking a lunch break at an appropriate time.\\ --> Presentations and elections of Chair, Vice chairs, and Treasurer Board member presentation and elections\\ CoC Council elections\\ 15:00 Delegates get time\\ Closing the meeting and planning the next meeting \\ https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Council_Meeting_Organza\\ Alessandro has to leave at 22:25 (sad thing). Sorry.\\ Next orga - meeting Thursday\\ **Meeting closed at 22:35 hours** \\ Next board meeting is set ..., 20:00 CET. *storno*\\