Agenda Board Meeting 12.02.2018, 20:00h CET (19:00 h UTC) ====1 – ATTENDEES==== ===1.1. – Members of the Board:=== * Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS) * Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-FR) * Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ) * Bastian (Sebastian Krone, PP-DE) * Antonios Motakis (PP-GR) * Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT) * Hrafndís Bára Einarsdóttir (PP-IS) * Exile (Oliver Herzig, PP-DE, PP-CAT, PC-ES) * Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ) ===Participants=== * Antonios Motakis (PP-GR) * Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT) * Bastian (Sebastian Krone, PP-DE) * Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ) * Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS) * Exile (Oliver Herzig, PP-DE, PP-CAT, PC-ES) * Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ) * Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-FR) - arrived at 20:40 ===1.2. – Excused=== Hrafndís Bára Einarsdóttir (PP-IS) ===1.3. – not excused=== ===1.4. – Guests=== @PiratesOnAir ====2. – PROCEEDINGS==== RoP= not existing until now for developing RoP in the near future Meeting opened at 20:03 CET by Oktavía Jónsdóttir\\ Meeting chaired by: Oktavia Jónsdóttir\\ Secretary for this meeting: Mikuláš\\ Streaming started: 20:03\\ Recording started: 20:03\\ ====3 – APPROVAL ON THE MINUTES==== Minutes of the last meeting:\\\\ YES : Bastian, Exile, Mikuláš, Tony, Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir\\ NO:\\ ABSTENTIONS:\\ ====4 – Reports==== ===4.1. – Short report of the board members=== **Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT)** contacted by Young Pirates (Maija Li Raudaskoski) about (up and coming change in the position of) international coordinator in Finland\\ - checked acitivity of member parties, most of them responded\\ - lot of european pirate parties are not members\\ **Antonios Motakis (PP-GR)** - "Voteit" not worthy of maintaining, migration is preferred solution\\ - migration requires minutes and archives\\ - going to Pirate Security Conference\\ **Exile (Oliver Herzig, PP-DE, PP-CAT, PC-ES)** - not really very active... PP-ES and PP-CAT is in some kind of hibernation at the moment\\ - Muriel resigned from the position of international coordinator\\ - going to Pirate Security Conference\\ ** Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ)** Checked the possibilty for financing by EU. Currently not a possibility for the European PP to apply - there has to be Pirates elected in 7 member states\\ Mikuláš will do research about regional and municipality representation of Pirate Party guest from finnish pirates: region is defined as the administrative unit on level directly under member states\\ - for future - find the countries where are elected Pirates **Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)** - social media plan draft is about to be finalised - will be ready this week. \\ - administrative issues concerning the job of international coordinator, will be back on track in March, probably\\ **Bastian (Sebastian Krone, PP-DE)** - I did a lot of technical stuff.\\ - Website-Admin, Blogposts, Imprint changed to European-Pirates\\ - \\ - mail:\\ - example:\\ - \\ -- Folders PPEU /board etc.\\ - Tried to contact Sven Clement several times. No success. No information about financials etc. from the past.\\ **Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS)**\\ - had meeting with Bastian, prepared processes for managing finances\\ - had meeting with vice-chairs\\ - in touch with Sven, will organize contact between Bastian and Sven\\ - in touch with Gilles and MaB\\ - cannot get information from the bank\\ - chairman of PP-GR caught in nacionalist demo - response?\\ - going to Pirate Security Conference in Munich, Democratic festival in Ireland\\ - Antigone helped registration, it shall happen\\ **Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-FR)** - working on programme, going to organize first mumble meeting - march 2018\\ - searching for direct contact with PP-CY, PP-MALTA , PP-IR, PP-PO => ping PPI ?\\ - needs some info from Bastian and Markéta to finish the registration\\ **Hrafndís Bára Einarsdóttir (PP-IS)** : not present ====5 – First Steps==== ===5.1. – Resources=== See chart:\\ TO DO : SK (Bastian): need to create a working space for working groups to start engaging on issues related to the upcoming European Elections 2019.\\ Bastian: all the European Pirates shall be involved in discussion and preparation of common european programme. There should be a list of working groups (agriculture, transport, basic income...)\\ Mikuláš: there should be a person responsible of each working groups\\ Thomas/PPI: suggest that all pirate parties can join the work\\ Antigone : we can already start the work with the existing proposal/programm in each Parite Pary and strenght it afterward in specific thematic group.\\ a working group/working space to consolidate the question (to specific to be work during a board)\\ To do : Bastian will set up a framadate (doodle) to discuss that\\ RoP: create a stronger RoP, Tony, Ernst and Bastian volunteer to strengthen the resource. Oktavía to create doodle for a tmeeting time after 18th feb\\ ===5.2. – Who is responsible for what (allocation/roles)=== See chart:\\\\ - In progress\\ Bastian: nothing to ammend, it works (might to be rediscussed ofter RoP Discussion)\\ ===5.3. – Domiciliation of PPEU=== Representative for Domiciliation and Registration\\ - Technical issues with being able to fill out the forms has delayed he process for a month. The Chairperson forsees the registration being in the hands of Sven Clement from PPLU 13 february and with any luck we will be registered on 14th of February 2018.\\ ===5.4. - Financial authorization process=== Meeting has between Treasurer and CP.\\ Good outcome and minutes available.\\ Process on tasks:\\\\ ===5.5. - Media lists=== postponed ====6. Projects ==== Suggestion: mapping the PPEU member/PPEU all with all representation on all levels to be able to be set up in (I will do that [Ernst])\\ Research on possibility of pan-european candidate list for the EU election (Mikuláš - okta helping) ====7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (AOB)==== *VoteIT - should we keep it? (Tony from the board)\\ Tony: suggests to retire it. Get the informaiton/minutes off the platform and host them elsewhere. As it is not used it is very heavy to maintain our own instance.\\ Bastian: Can provide a server to maintain the VoteIt instance\\ will be postponed .. Bastian and Tony are looking after that until next meeting\\ 17.-18.02.2018 Pirate Secon Munich Make all email address on pertaining to roles, i.e. Board, treasurer, chairperson, vicechair etc.\\ cons: regular members do not have a function.\\ pros: continuation and documentation of the board work to allow for smoothe transitions\\ Mikuláš: we can have both personal emails (like and position emails (like Oktavia: for the accountability it is better to use mainly the position emails\\ Bastian: we should have country emails to contact the members (like to better network our members\\ Okta: start a conversation on the use of the domain ====8. NEXT MEETING==== Next meeting: 12.03.2018, 19:00 hrs UTC / 20:00 hrs CET Meeting closed 21:33 hrs CET by Oktavia