====== Athens Conference 02&03/11/2013 ====== On the 2nd and 3rd of November all interested Pirate Parties from countries of the European Union will meet in Athens to work together on a Common Programme for the European Elections 2014. * [[https://www.pirateparty.gr/wiki/index.php/PPEU_Athens_2013| Information on the Conference]] * [[https://www.pirateparty.gr/ppeu-registration/| Register for the Conference here!]] * [[http://pads.pirateparty.gr/p/r.Kz5SFIBoUl5ek7Eh| Protocol of the Conference]] * [[https://eu.piratenpad.de/Athens-results| Collection of the results]] * [[programme:conferences:athens2013:consolidated_programme| Consolidated Version of the CEEP (Date: 03/11/2013)]] The Schedule for Creating a Common European Election Programme: **Milestone 0: -3 days before Athens (October 30th)** Parties propose texts for the discussion for the common PPEU Election Programme. For any proposal to be taken into account, it must be numbered and ordered into the structure of the PPEU Manifesto (including the "additional" section). All parties will submit their texts until the Athens conference, where they will be merged in one common text. **Milestone 1: November 3rd (after Athens conference)** The main goal of the Athens conference will be to hold a workshop where the merged and democratically agreed upon text will be produced based on all parties' proposals for common program. The workshop in the Athens conference will work mainly on a consensus basis. In case of disagreement, it may prepare some amendments that will be tabled for Milestone 2 where formal decision making may take place. **Milestone 2: November 17th** After the first draft from the Athens conference, parties will submit amendments for the common program. There should be a clear format for the proposed amendments and they will be decided on one by one on a Mumble conference, exact date to be determined. [[programme:conferences:ceep:proposed_changes| Collection of Proposals for a Change of the CEEP]] **Date, Time and Place of the Mumble-Conference: 18./19./20.11.2013 starting at 20:00 CET in the German NRW-Mumble Room PPEU** **Milestone 3: until November 29th** The parties will have about a week to veto any part of the programme that is still not acceptable to them, and the remaining bits will compose the finalized European Common Programme proposal to be approved by the parties. Based on this plan of action, we request that all Pirate Parties that are interested to participate in the process and that aim to adopt the common programme: *To send their proposed texts to the PP-EU Programme development mailing list (pp-eu.programme@lists.pp-international.net) *The proposed texts should (as much as possible) be ordered in the structure of the PPEU Manifesto. See the section titles of the [[http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=statutes:manifesto| Manifesto]] *The proposed texts should be sent by October 30th 2013 so they can be taken into account at the workshop in the Athens conference. __**Proposals for the Common Election Programme:**__ **General Proposals:** *[[programme:conferences:athens2013:general| On the Structure of CEEP]] **By Topic:** *[[programme:ceep_preamble| Preamble]] *[[programme:ceep_civil_rights| Civil Rights]] *[[programme:ceep_citizen_participation_open_government| Citizen Participation and Open Government]] *[[programme:ceep_transparency| Transparency]] *[[programme:ceep_copyright| Copyright Reform]] *[[programme:ceep_patents| Patent System Reform]] *[[programme:ceep_open_access_open_data| Open Access and Open Data]] *[[programme:ceep_net_neutrality| Net Neutrality]] *[[programme:ceep_free_software_libre_culture|Free Software and Libre Culture]] *[[programme:ceep_net_policy| Other Net Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_agriculture| Agricultural Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_social| Social Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_economic_financial| Economic and Financial Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_international_trade| International Trade Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_energy| Energy Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_traffic| Traffic Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_drugs| Drugs and Addiction Policy]] *[[programme:ceep_other| Other Policies]] **By Party:** *[[http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Internationale_Koordination/Proposal_for_a_Common_European_Election_Programme| Proposal of PP-DE]] *[[http://www.pirati.cz/zo/docs/euprogrambase| Proposal of PP-CZ]] *[[programme:conferences:athens2013:pp-cz2| 2nd Proposal of PP-CZ]] *[[programme:conferences:athens2013:pp-cat| Proposal of PP-CAT]] *[[programme:conferences:athens2013:pp-se| Proposal of PP-SE]] **Programme in a nutshell - simple and easy to understand:** This is not a proposal for the CEEP, but for flyers etc. and could be adapted in any way to national needs. *[[http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Antrag_Diskussion:Bundesparteitag_2013.2/Antragsportal/WP015#Antragstext_auf_Englisch:_European_Platform_in_a_Nutshell| European Platform in a Nutshell]]