====== 2012 European Pirates Statutes Conference in Manchester ======
Here you will find first information for the **European Pirates Conference** in Manchester on the **1st-2nd December 2012**.
Please note that this Conference will be focused on **discussing the European Pirates statutes**.
Please check this page occasionally for updated information.
===== Purpose =====
The second PPEU conference aims at continuing the efforts to create a joint political party at European level. This is not the Founding Conference.
===== Registration =====
To register for the Conference, just fill and send the form that you can find at the [[.:registration|registration web page]].
Please note that due to space limitations, and to ensure representation from all pirate parties, preference will be given to official delegates.
Registration is open until 26th November 2012 (later registration cannot be guaranteed).
Questions regarding Conference organisation can be sent to: invitation@ppeu.net
===== Sponsoring =====
Since we find very important that all parties are represented regardless of their available funds, we have organised the possibility that individual pirates sponsor delegates that don't have the means to pay for the trip.
Please, just indicate in the registration form that you request sponsoring or that you are willing to sponsor another pirate, as well as the particular amount, and we will mutually provide the sponsor and the sponsored pirate their contact email so they can agree and make any necessary arrangements.
===== Agenda =====
The Agenda will be published soon.
=== Day 0 (30 Nov. 2012) ===
Not sure about early registration yet.
=== Day 1 (01 Dec. 2012) ===
=== Day 2 (02 Dec. 2012) ===
===== Social events =====
Not sure about social events
===== Conference Venues =====
The conference will be held at [[http://madlab.org.uk|Madlab]]:\\
36-40 Edge Street\\
M4 1HN\\
[[https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=36-40+Edge+St,+Manchester,+M4+1HN&sll=53.484215,-2.236311&sspn=0.000833,0.001617&g=m4+1hn&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=36-38+Edge+St,+Manchester,+Lancashire+M4+1HN,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.484118,-2.236311&spn=0.001666,0.003235&z=18|Google Maps]]
__**Saturday and Sunday morning Sessions**__
===== Accomodation =====
===== Travel =====
=== By plane ===
The closest airport is Manchester Airport (MAN), trains run every 10 minutes to/from Manchester Piccadilly station in the city centre, taking around 20 minutes (Approx. cost £3–7). There is also a bus route that takes around 1 hour and runs 24 hours a day (Approx. cost £3).
=== By train ===
If you are travelling by train, both Manchester Piccadilly and Manchester Victoria are in the city centre and close to the venue.
=== By car ===
(Attention, left hand driving)^^
===== Accommodation =====
**Travelodge Manchester Ancoats**\\
22 Great Ancoats Street\\
M4 5AZ\\
Approx 500m from the conference venue. Hotel Info, Map\\
**Holiday Inn Express Manchester City Centre**\\
Goadsby Street\\
M4 5AH\\
Approx 500m from the conference venue. Hotel Info, Map\\
**Hilton Chambers Hostel**\\
15 Hilton Street\\
The Northern Quarter\\
M1 1JJ\\
Approx 200m from the conference venue. Hostel Info, Map\\
**Couch Surfing**\\
There will be some couch surfing opportunities available on request.\\