====== List of Signatories and Ratifications of the PPEU Statutes ====== ^ Abbr. ^ Country^ Status (Signed/Ratified) ^ Date ^ Approval method ^ Source/s ^ ^ AT ^ Austria | Ratified | 04/03/2014 | OA | [[https://liquid.piratenpartei.at/initiative/show/4698.html | here]] | ^ FR ^ France | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ ?/10/2013 | FPC | | ^ DE ^ Germany | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 30/11/2013 | \\ FPC | [[http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Antrag:Bundesparteitag_2013.2/Antragsportal/Ergebnisse | here]] | ^ PT ^ Portugal | | | ^ BE ^ Belgium | Signed\\ Ratified| 04/09/2013\\ 19/01/2014 | FPC | | ^ CAT ^ Catalonia | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 20/02/2014 | OA | [[https://xifrat.pirata.cat/ideatorrent/idea/257/ | here]] | ^ GB ^ United Kingdom | | | ^ CZ ^ Czech Republic | Ratified | 15/03/2014 | DA | [[https://www.pirati.cz/zo/docs/stanovyppeu/en?&#ratification. | here]] \\ [[https://forum.pirati.cz/republikovy-vybor-f248/rv-13-2014-stanovy-pp-eu-t21931.html | and here]] | ^ EE ^ Estonia | Ratified | 24/02/2014 | FPC | | ^ FI ^ Finland | Signed | 04/09/2013 | | | ^ GR ^ Greece | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 16/02/2014 | OA | [[http://www.pirateparty.gr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5729 | here]] | ^ HR ^ Croatia | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 15/03/2014 | DA | [[https://wiki.pirati.hr/wiki/Ratification | here]] | ^ IE ^ Ireland | | | | | ^ IS ^ Iceland | Ratified | 15/03/2014 | OA | [[https://x.piratar.is/issue/106/| here]] | ^ IT ^ Italy | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 18+19/03/2014 | OA | [[https://agora.partito-pirata.it/initiative/show/5615.html | here]]\\ [[https://agora.partito-pirata.it/initiative/show/5619.html | and here]] | ^ KZ ^ Kazakhstan | | | ^ LU ^ Luxembourg | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 24/11/2013 | FPC | | ^ NL ^ Netherlands | Ratified | 22/02/2014 | FPC | | ^ NO ^ Norway | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 02/02/2014 | FPC | [[http://wiki.piratpartiet.no/index.php?title=Referat_ordin%C3%A6rt_landsm%C3%B8te_2014#4.7_Ratifisering_av_vedtekter_og_manifest_for_European_Pirate_Party_.28PPEU.29 | here ]] | ^ PL ^ Poland | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 01/02/2014 | FPC | [[http://bip.polskapartiapiratow.pl/Biuletyn/Uchwala02WU2014 | here]] | ^ RO ^ Romania | Ratified | 11/02/2014 | CM | [[http://documente.partidulpirat.ro/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Decizia-nr.1-2014.pdf | here]] | ^ RU ^ Russia | Signed | 04/09/2013 | | | ^ SI ^ Slovenia | | | | | ^ SK ^ Slovakia | | | | | ^ ES ^ Spain | | | | | ^ ES-CON ^ Spain | Ratified | 21/03/2014 | OA | [[https://agora.confederacionpirata.org/agora/asamblea-permanente/election/votacion-sobre-membresia-de-piratas-europeos | here]] | ^ SE ^ Sweden | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ ??/??/2013 | OA | [[https://forum.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39121 | here]] | ^ CH ^ Switzerland | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 10/11/2013 | | | ^ TR ^ Turkey | | | | | ^ UA ^ Ukraine | | | | | ^ DK ^ Denmark | | | | | ^ BG ^ Bulgaria | | | | | ^ CY ^ Cyprus | Signed | 04/09/2013 | | | ^ LV ^ Latvia | | | | | ^ LT ^ Lithuania | | | | | ^ MT ^ Malta | | | | | ^ YPE ^ Young Pirates of Europe | Signed\\ Ratified | 04/09/2013\\ 20?/02/2014 | | | FPC = Federal Party Convention\\ CM = Council Meeting\\ GA = Grassroot Approval\\ DA = Delegate Approval\\ AR = As Required\\ OA = Online Assembly\\ (To be completed as needed)