====== 10 Membership of PPEU ====== **__10 Membership of PPEU__** |**EGP**|**Statutes:**\\ ARTICLE 4\\ Membership\\ 4.1 The European Green Party consists of Green parties and is open to green organisations and movements.\\ 4.2 Parties from within Europe can be accepted as Full or Candidate Members. Associate Members may be from outside these borders.\\ 4.3 There are four membership categories:\\ 4.3.1 Full Member:\\ Full Members are Green parties from within Europe, as defined in Article 1.5, which have been duly approved by the Council and which fulfil the membership criteria as defined in the Rule Book.\\ 4.3.2 Candidate Member:\\ Green parties, which wish to become Full Members and which meet the application criteria as defined in the Rule Book, can become Candidate Members on approval by the Council and may subsequently apply to become Full Members after a minimum period of two years.\\ 4.3.3 Associate Member:\\ Associate Members are:\\ \\ a) Parties that are close to the European Green family;\\ b) Parties that are closely related to Europe but geographically are not European Parties;\\ c) green non-governmental organisations, movements or groups that are not yet parties due to the specific political situation of that country; which meet the membership criteria specified in the Rule Book and which have been duly approved by the Council.\\ 4.3.4 Special Category Membership\\ Elected Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) who are part of the GGEP and who belong to an EGP member party are automatically granted special category membership in accordance with the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.\\ Elected Members of the European Parliament who are part of the GGEP but who do not belong to a European Green Party Full, Candidate or Associate Member can be granted special category membership by a decision of the Council.\\ All such MEPs exercise their membership collectively and exclusively through the GGEP delegation.\\ 4.4 The admission of Members and any subsequent suspension or withdrawal of Membership shall be decided by the Council and requires in each case a three-quarters majority of the Allocated Votes. Membership criteria, application and operational procedures are further defined in the Rule Book.\\ 4.5 All Members have the right to participate in the political discussions of the European Green Party. Their rights and obligations are further defined in the Rule Book.\\ \\ ARTICLE 5\\ Relations with the Green Group in the European Parliament (“GGEP”) and the Federation of Young European Greens (“FYEG”)\\ 5.1 The European Green Party is exclusively represented in the European Parliament by the GGEP or its successors and the GGEP in turn represents the special category (MEP) members within the EGP.\\ 5.2 The European Green Party has as its youth organisation the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG).\\ 5.3 Both the GGEP and the FYEG are entitled to appoint delegates to meetings of the European Green Party, including Council meetings, and to vote thereat.\\ **Rule Book:**\\ I. Membership\\ Article 1 Membership Categories\\ 1.1 There are four categories of Membership of the European Green Party: Full Members, Candidate Members, Associate Members and Special Members. The European Green Party includes:\\ 1.2 Full Members, whose programme and political work is based on an ecological, social, democratic and progressive perspective. Full Members are those Green Parties which are members of the European Green Party, and which meet the criteria for membership as detailed in Section 2.1 below.\\ \\ 1.3 Candidate Members are those Green Parties, either regional or national, which meet the application criteria for Candidate Members detailed in Section 2.2 below and which aspire to become Full Members of the European Green Party.\\ 1.4 Associate Members are political organisations which have an active Green agenda and profile and which want to align themselves with the European Green Party but which do not aspire to full membership, or which by reason of national political restrictions or by the nature of their structure or circumstances, are unable to apply for membership of a European political party. Green Parties in regions outside Europe may also apply for associate status as long as there is no Global Green Federation active in their geographical space. Associate Members are welcome contributors to the European Green agenda.\\ 1.5 Special Members are elected Members of the European Parliament who are part of the GGEP and who belong to an EGP Member. They are automatically granted special category membership in accordance with the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.\\ Elected Members of the European Parliament who are part of the GGEP but who do not belong to an EGP Member can also be granted special category membership by Council by a threequarters majority of the Allocated Votes.\\ All such MEPs exercise their membership collectively through the GGEP.\\ 1.6 In addition to the membership categories listed above, the European Green Party has three European partners:\\ • the Green Group in the European Parliament (GGEP),\\ • the Green European Foundation (GEF) and\\ • the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG),\\ which participate in the activities of the European Green Party as defined in Article 36 below.\\ 1.7 The overview of the European Green Party membership is to be found in the Annex B.\\ Article 2 Membership Criteria\\ 2.1 Full Members shall meet the criteria for membership as indicated below:\\ • be established as a political party in a country, state or politico-geographic region of Europe;\\ • promote Green politics which are ecological, social, democratic and progressive;\\ • maintain a democratic political base and a democratic internal structure;\\ • participate actively in political life and in elections at a credible level;\\ • endorse the Green Charter of the European Green Party and the Global Greens Charter;\\ • accept the Statutes and Rule Book of the European Green Party;\\ • apply gender balance principles in their party structures;\\ • regularly attend European Green Party Council meetings;\\ • participate in the political discussion and decisions of the European Green Party;\\ • send their yearly accounts and election results to the European Green Party if not publicly accessible on their party website;\\ • conduct their financial organisation in a transparent and accountable manner;\\ • pay their designated fee as Full Members in a timely manner;\\ • not be under any legal or other restraint on their activities;\\ • report every two years to the European Green Party on party and policy developments as detailed in Article 4 below.\\ 2.2 Candidate Members are Green Parties who want to become full members. Candidate Members shall meet the criteria set out below:\\ • be established as a political party in a country, state or politico-geographic region of Europe;\\ • promote Green politics which are ecological, social, democratic and progressive;\\ • maintain a democratic political base and a democratic internal structure;\\ • participate actively in political life and in elections at a credible level;\\ • endorse the Green Charter of the European Green Party and the Global Greens Charter;\\ • accept the Statutes and Rule Book of the European Green Party;\\ • apply gender balance principles in their party structures;\\ • demonstrate progress on the implementation of any Action Plan specified by the European Green Party Committee in response to their application by reporting at least annually to the European Green Party;\\ • besides the information specified in the action plan report every two years to the European Green Party on party and policy developments as detailed in Article 4 below;\\ • regularly attend European Green Party Council meetings;\\ • participate in political discussions of the European Green Party;\\ • send their yearly accounts and election results to the European Green Party if not publicly accessible on their party website;\\ • conduct their financial organisation in a transparent and accountable manner;\\ • pay their designated fee as Candidate Members in a timely manner;\\ • not be under any legal or other restraint on their activities.\\ 2.3 Associate Members are parties and/or organisations which want to be part of the European Green family but do not aspire to full membership or who cannot fulfil the membership criteria.\\ Associate Members shall fulfil the following criteria:\\ • attend European Green Party Council meetings as often as possible, given their individual circumstances;\\ • submit reports every two years to inform the European Green Party of their projects, progress and plans as part of their Green Agenda;\\ • pay their designated fee as Associate Members in a timely manner;\\ • maintain a democratic internal structure;\\ • respect the values in the Green Charter of the European Green Party and the Global Greens Charter;\\ • accept the Statutes and Rule Book of the European Green Party;\\ • report every two years to the European Green Party on party and policy developments as detailed in Article 4 below.\\ 2.4 Special Members are:\\ • Elected MEPs from Full, Candidate and/or Associate Members who have joined the GGEP;\\ • Any MEP who has joined the GGEP and who is not a member of a Full, Candidate or Associate Member and wants to become a Special Member of the European Green Party shall apply in writing to the Committee. This request shall be confirmed by the MEP annually in writing as part of the annual Grant application by the European Green Party to the European Parliament.\\ 2.5 Every such application has to be approved by the Council upon a proposal by the Committee. If there is a Full Member in the country of election of the MEP, the Committee will consult the Full Member concerned.\\ 2.6 Criteria for acceptance as Special Member are:\\ • The request is made by a Member of the GGEP;\\ • The MEP respects the values in the Green Charter of the European Green Party and the Global Greens Charter.\\ Article 3 Membership Rights\\ 3.1 Full Members shall have the following rights within the European Green Party:\\ • to participate in the political discussions;\\ • to participate in the development of the political agenda;\\ • to participate in the decision making process;\\ • to table resolutions and amendments as well as contribute other items to the agenda of Council meetings;\\ • to participate in common campaigns;\\ • to appoint delegates and to vote at Council meetings under procedures detailed in Article 10 below;\\ • to have access to use of the European Green Party logo and other representational devices;\\ • to have access to the membership platform, regular information by the Office as well as access to knowledge and network databases and platforms;\\ • to have access to internal reports of other Full, Candidate and Associate Members with the option of confidentiality;\\ • to participate in training and knowledge exchange programmes and platforms.\\ 3.2 Candidate Members shall have the following rights:\\ • to participate in the political discussions;\\ • to table resolutions and amendments as well as contribute other items to the agenda of Council meetings subject to the endorsement of four other signatures of those who are eligible to table draft Resolutions;\\ • to participate in common campaigns;\\ • to apply for Full Membership after a minimum period of two years as Candidate Member or as an Observer party prior to November 2011;\\ • to have access to and participate in knowledge and network platforms;\\ • to use the European Green Party logo endorsed with a notice that states clearly Candidate Member”;\\ • to participate in any special training programme designated for them.\\ 3.3 Associate Members shall have the following rights:\\ • to participate in the political discussions and are welcome to attend all European Green Party meetings;\\ • to have access to and participate in knowledge and network platforms;\\ • to participate in common campaigns;\\ • to use the European Green Party logo endorsed with a notice that states clearly“Associate Member”.\\ 3.4 Special Members exercise their membership rights exclusively through the GGEP delegation, as stated in the Article 1.4.\\ Article 4 Membership Reporting\\ 4.1 Full, Candidate and Associate Members shall submit a report every two years, outlining the current situation in their Party. The goal of such a report is to keep all Members updated on the development of other Green Parties and to make better use of developments within the Parties. The report shall include the Party information that is published on the European Green Party website, see Annex A for the format.\\ 4.2 Besides the format with data on the Party the report should reflect on:\\ • Major developments as regards programme, campaigns, prominent campaign issues as well as election results. Followed by a brief overview of upcoming goals, campaigns and other main developments.\\ • Further, if relevant, a report on developments in the political landscape of the country, including changes in electoral laws.\\ • Any significant changes in Party structure, the Statutes (of which an English language copy should be made available to the EGP).\\ • An overview of the financial situation of the Party.\\ • Any other information that might be helpful for the development of other Green Parties.\\ 4.3 The European Green Party will keep confidential all such information as Members request or so designate in their bi-annual reports.\\ Article 5 Procedure for admitting new Members\\ 5.1 The following procedure will be used in response to applications to become Full, Candidate or Associate Member of the European Green Party.\\ 5.2 The European Green Party receives the application, which is distributed to all Committee members and Council delegates.\\ 5.3 The Secretariat sends a letter of acknowledgement of the application to the applicant, as well as the procedure that will be followed as regards its application. At the same time, the Secretariat sends general information on the European Green Party, membership fees, reimbursement rules as well as the Green Charter, the Global Greens Charter and the European Green Party\\ Statutes and Rule Book. The applicant is asked to confirm its consent to the contents of the Green Charter, Global Green Charter, the Statutes and Rule Book. The applicant should translate into English its own political programme and its Statutes. The applicant should further inform the European Green Party of the number of registered members, political representatives as well as the budget and accounts. The European Green Party may request\\ further information.\\ 5.4 Having examined the Statutes, the political programme, the budget and any other relevant materials, the Committee decides whether to proceed with the application or not.\\ 5.5 If the Committee decides to proceed with the application, a fact-finding visit is organized to the country and meetings are held with the applicant party as well as with relevant NGOs and other organisations or bodies in order to get to know the applicant Party and the environment in which it works.\\ 5.6 The visit is conducted by at least 3 people including one Committee member, the Secretary- General plus other relevant actors (such as MEPs and/or representatives from Green Foundations) or neighbouring parties. They report on:\\ • short history of the party;\\ • short overview of the political situation in the country;\\ • description of the electoral system in the country (registration, thresholds/funding);\\ • statistics on election results, description of electoral chances;\\ • key issues/campaigns of the party;\\ • main political values in programme;\\ • overview of financial situation;\\ • media access and media coverage;\\ • existence of youth wing;\\ • report of meetings with NGOs;\\ • conclusions and recommendations.\\ 5.7 The fact-finding team writes a report from the visit and sends it to the Committee within one month. The report should state whether the membership criteria are fulfilled and should make a clear recommendation. If it is in favour of eventual membership it should contain an action plan on improvements (if any) to be made by the applicant as a pre-condition of membership.\\ 5.8 After consideration of the report, the Committee makes a recommendation on the application. When more information on the activity of the applicant party is required, the Committee is authorised to establish a monitoring period before putting a recommendation to the Council.\\ 5.9 The recommendation plus the supporting documentation including the applicant's statutes and programme shall be sent to Council Delegates at least six weeks ahead of the Council meeting where a vote on the application is to take place.\\ 5.10 Where there is an existing Full Member in the same country or politico-geographic region as the applicant, that Member shall be consulted on the application and its views included in the supporting documentation.\\ 5.11 Candidate Members may apply for Full membership after a minimum two-year period as Candidate, including any time spent as an EGP Observer prior to November 2011.\\ 5.12 Where an applicant has MEPs, or is likely to, the Committee shall consult the GGEP and inform the Council of their views.\\ Article 6 Membership Evaluation and Review\\ 6.1 The Committee is responsible for evaluating and assessing the bi-annual membership reports. The Committee should make the reports available to all Members and furthermore signal to the Council interesting developments for Green policies, campaigns and organisational developments.\\ 6.2 Further the Committee is responsible for informing the Council when it assesses developments within parties that can harm the European Green Party and/or its reputation. If the Committee considers a party to be in breach of any of its terms of Membership the Committee shall discuss this with the Member concerned and bring forward its assessment to the Council, accompanied by its recommendations for an action plan to address the problems thus identified and any necessary disciplinary measures. Council shall be asked to approve these recommendations. If a problem persists the Committee may recommend (further) disciplinary action be taken as provided for in Section 6.5.\\ 6.3 Change of Membership Category\\ Any Member may request the Council to change its membership category by means of a letter addressed to the Council and sent to the European Green Party office, setting out the grounds for the proposed change. The Committee will then make a recommendation to the Council.\\ 6.4 Exclusive representation\\ The European Green Party sees the positive benefits of exclusive representation of a Green Party in one country, state or politico-geographic region and open electoral competition between Members or their component local parties is not therefore normally accepted within the European Green Party. Where this situation exists or threatens to exist, the Committee shall work with all Members concerned to seek an agreed and equitable solution and shall report as soon as possible to the Council. If no such agreement can be reached the Committee may consult the Conciliation Panel, may propose disciplinary measures when appropriate and will present recommendations to the Council for resolution of the problem.\\ 6.5 Disciplinary Measures\\ 6.5.1 Members which fail to meet the specified membership criteria or other obligations or which act in such a way as to bring the European Green Party into disrepute may be subject to disciplinary measures unless or until the situation is resolved.\\ 6.5.2 The Committee is responsible for evaluating any such alleged failures or acts and shall inform the Council delegates of the problem and any such disciplinary measures as they consider appropriate. An overview of any disciplinary measures proposed shall be presented at the beginning of each Council meeting.\\ 6.5.3 The Committee may propose to the Council the following disciplinary measures to be adopted for a specified period:\\ • withdrawal of speaking rights in EGP meetings, including Council meetings;\\ • withdrawal of voting rights in EGP meetings, including Council meetings;\\ • withdrawal of participation in EGP meetings, including Council meetings;\\ • withdrawal of access to information;\\ • suspension or withdrawal of Membership.\\ 6.5.4 The Council shall vote on each such proposal by a two-thirds majority of the Allocated Votes with the exception of the suspension or withdrawal of Membership which requires a threequarters majority of the Allocated Votes.\\ 6.5.5 In the case of non-payment of Membership Fees, the Committee, acting on the advice of the Treasurer, is authorised to withdraw voting rights of that Member prior to the opening of each\\ voting session at the Council.\\ 6.5.6 Council delegates are informed on any proposed measures as soon as possible by mail or email.\\ Proposals for withdrawal and suspension of Membership are announced to the Council three months ahead of the Council.\\ 6.5.7 At the Council the Committee presents its proposal for the proposed measure. The concerned party has the right of explanation and presentation of its point of view.\\ 6.6 Decision to expel a Member\\ 6.6.1 The Council, following a proposal by the Committee or at the request of 1/3 of the Full Members, may decide to withdraw the membership of any Member by a three-quarters majority of the Allocated Votes, after hearing the defence of the concerned Member.\\ 6.6.2 The Member must be informed in writing at least three months in advance of the next Council meeting.\\ 6.6.3 The Council may withdraw Full, Candidate or Associate Membership either temporarily or permanently. Any temporary exclusion may be lifted by a subsequent decision of the Council by\\ a three-quarters majority of the Allocated Votes.\\ 6.6.4 Members of the European Green Party may themselves request a restriction or suspension of their membership rights for a temporary period.\\ | |**EFA**|Membership\\ Article 5 The association shall be composed of full members, observer members, individual members and honorary members.\\ (a) Full membership:\\ Full membership can be granted to political parties who subscribe the programme and under the condition that they are politically active on state level or on regional level; or under the condition that they have elected members on the European level or state level; or that they have elected members in the organs of the state, region, or local councils. If a candidate member is a party or a body with legal personality the request for membership should mention the name of a person who will be the representative of his organisation in the General Assembly. Only after having had the statute of Observer member for one year, full membership can be granted.\\ Membership may be requested by political parties which:- accept the EFA political programme;\\ - are structured;\\ - are politically active on the territory of their nation;\\ - have elected members of European and/or state and/or national or regional and/or local assemblies;\\ - issue publications (at least an internal information bulletin).\\ (b)Observer membership:\\ Political parties wishing to be accepted as full members must have previously been accepted as observer members. They must follow the indications of the precedent paragraph. Only after having had the statute of observer member for one year, full membership can be granted\\ (c) Individual membership:\\ Individuals may be exceptionally accepted by the General Assembly after a proposal made by the Bureau. They will have the status of individual member. This decision must be taken by a majority vote of the full members. The individual member must be an elected representative of a party that is not member of the EFA. They will be considered as individual members for the duration of the period of their mandate. No contribution is payable by individual members. Under specific circumstances to be agreed by the General Assembly, other individual members can be accepted.\\ (d) Honorary membership:\\ The General Assembly may accept honorary members after a proposal made by the Bureau and after consultation with the concerned parties. This decision must be taken by a majority vote of the full members. Honorary members may be former EFA Members of the European Parliament or important persons in the history of EFA. Honorary member can only be accepted if they are no longer elected or working for EFA as a staff. No contribution is payable by honorary members\\ \\ Article 6 The number of members shall be unlimited but must not be fewer than three.\\ Any natural or legal person proposed by the board of directors may join the association as member.\\ Candidates for membership must apply in writing to the board of directors and confirm their agreement with the purpose and statutes in writing. Acceptance of the statutes shall include acceptance of the budgetary regulations.\\ The general meeting has sovereign power to decide on any application for membership proposed by the board of directors. It need not give reasons for accepting or rejecting applications.\\ By joining the association all members unconditionally agree to comply with the statutes and rules of the association and the decisions of its bodies, and to this end undertake not to damage the interests of the association.\\ Only Political Parties alone shall be entitled to full membership, including the right to vote at the general meeting. The other members shall have only the right to attend the general meeting.\\ Any member of the association may consult the list of members at the association’s registered office, as also the minutes and decisions of the general meeting, the board of directors and any persons, whether directors or not, performing duties for the association or on its account, and any accounting documents under the procedures laid down by law.\\ Third parties with an evident serious concern may request extracts, which shall be signed by the chairman of the board of directors and the secretary or a director and shall accordingly be brought to the attention of the persons concerned by letter from the board of directors.\\ Article 7 The annual subscription payable by full members and observer members may not exceed 10000€ (ten thousand Euros). The amount of the subscription shall be determined each year by the general meeting. The subscription shall be due for payment between the first of January and until the date of the General Assembly of each year.\\ Article 8 Within one month of announcement of the statutes, a list must be deposited with the registry of the civil court for the place where the association is established, recording the surnames, forenames, place of residence and nationality of all the full members of the association in alphabetical order.\\ The list shall be updated every year by recording membership changes by name in alphabetical order. Anyone may inspect such lists free of charge.\\ Resignation, exclusion, suspension\\ Article 9 Any member, whatever their identity, may at any time resign from the association. Their resignation must be notified to the board of directors by registered letter.\\ Any member, whatever their identity, who one month after receiving due warning in writing still fails to fulfil their financial and/or administrative obligations to the association shall be deemed to have resigned.\\ The exclusion of a member may be declared only by the general meeting by a majority of two-thirds of the voting members present or represented. Any decision to exclude a member shall be a sovereign decision and need not give reasons.\\ Article 10 Resigning, suspended or excluded members and their successors or rightful claimants shall have no entitlement to the assets of the association.\\ They may not claim restitution or reimbursement of subscriptions paid or payments made.\\ They may not demand or claim a report, statement of accounts, sealing or inventory.\\ | |**EL**|Article 2\\ Founding members of the EL are socialist, communist, red-green and other democratic left parties of the member states and associated states of the European Union (EU)who are working together and establishing various forms of co-operation at all levels of political activity in Europe based on the agreements, basic principles and political aims laid down in its political programme (manifesto). Agreement on the European Left's Statutes is prerequisite for membership to the Party of the European Left.\\ Membership to the EL is open to any left party and political organisation in Europe that agrees with the aims and principles of the political programme (manifesto) and accepts these statutes. Their membership is granted by decision of the members.\\ Other parties and political organisations may apply for observer status or might be invited by the members to become observers to the EL.\\ Article 3\\ \\ The European Left consists of\\ - Member parties and political organizations with full rights\\ - Observer parties or political oragnizations\\ Founding members of the European Left as member organisations are:\\ - Communist Party of Austria\\ - Party of Democratic Socialism, Czech Republic\\ - Estonian Social-Democratic Labour Party\\ - French Communist Party, France (1)\\ - Party of Democratic Socialism, Germany\\ - Coalition of the Left, the Progress and the Movements - Synaspismos, Greece\\ - Workers-Party, Hungary\\ - Communist Refoundation Party, Italy\\ - Socialist Alliance Party, Romania\\ - Communist Refoundation, San Marino\\ - Communist Party of Slovakia\\ - Communist Party of Spain\\ - United Alternative Left of Catalonia, Spain\\ - United Left, Spain\\ - Swiss Party of Labour, Switzerland\\ Article 6\\ (1) A member party or political organisation of the EL with full rights and duties can become any left party or political organisation that is represented in the European Parliament, or in the National parliaments or in the Parliaments of regions resp. in regional assemblies within the EU member-states.\\ In EU member states with no regional level it will be sufficient for a party or political organisation to have representatives on the municipal level, if a municipal parliament represents at least 20 percent of the country's population.\\ Parties or political organisations, coming from EU member states or non-EU-member states, can become members of the European Left with full rights, irrespectively if they have parliamentarian representation on different levels.\\ (2) Membership in the EL does not prohibit the membership in other associations, including outside the European Union if their acting is not contrary to the aims and principles of the EL. The structure of the EL allows political organisations which are politically close to the EL to take part in its activities in a flexible manner. The main criterion here is the political consent with the basic positions of the EL.\\ (3) Applications for membership in the EL are discussed and decided by the Council of Chairpersons and ratified by the Congress on suggestion of the Executive Board on the basis of the application, the rules and political programme presented by the applicant.\\ (4) The temporary / provisional suspension from participation in activities, or the cancellation of membership in the EL in case a member party or political organisation seriously violates statutes and political aims are carried out through the same procedures as the admittance.\\ (5) The observer parties or political organisations take part in the meetings, to which they are invited, as consultants. They can make proposals to the Executive Board for examination and decision making.\\ \\ (6) Member parties or political organisations that want to leave the EL have to declare this officially.\\ (7) The EL introduces the opportunity of individual membership as a contribution to its future development. In countries where full-right member parties or political organizations exist each member party or political organization is free to decide to carry out this opportunity and to adopt - for its own country - the most convenient approach and practical methods. According to that approach women and men residents of an EU member state can become individual members of the EL. In countries where full-right member parties or political organizations exist they can form friendship circles associated to these parties of the European Left. Citizens of other European countries associated to the EU can also apply for individual membership. They can join or create a national group of individual members applying for observer status in the EL.\\ | |**PES**|CHAPTER II – MEMBERS\\ Article 6 – Categories of Members:\\ 6.1. The PES consists of:\\ ● full members - full member parties and full member organisations;\\ ● associate members - associate parties and associate organizations;\\ ● observer members - observer parties, observer organisations and individual members.\\ 6.2. The PES must consist of at least three full members. Members are legal entities constituted according to the laws and customs of their country of origin. If a member does not possess legal personality according to the laws and customs of its country of origin, it must appoint a natural person to act in the name and on behalf of its organisation.\\ Article 7 – Register of Members\\ A register of members is published under Annex 2 of the present statutes.\\ Article 8 – Admission of Members\\ 8.1. Socialist International parties in European Union member states or in states having signed an accession treaty with the European Union may become full member parties of the PES.\\ 8.2. Political groups constituted in the institutions of the European Union and sectoral organisations of the PES recognised in the present statutes may become full member organisations of the PES.\\ 8.3. Socialist International parties in countries that are candidates for accession to the European Union, or are EFTA member states, or in countries with an association agreement with the Union may become associate parties of the PES.\\ 8.4. Political groups of European institutions not depending on the European Union and socialist and social-democratic organisations closely linked to the work of the PES may become associate organisations of the PES.\\ 8.5. Social-democratic, socialist and democratic progressive parties having close links with the PES may become observer parties of the PES.\\ 8.6. Socialist, social-democratic and democratic progressive organisations having close links with the PES may become observer organisations of the PES.\\ 8.7. A member of a political group which is full member of the PES may become individual observer of the PES if she/he is not a member of a PES party.\\ 8.8. All Members of the PES must accept and respect these statutes, and, if applicable, the Standing Orders.\\ 8.9. All applications for membership of parties and organisations shall be examined on a case by case basis by the Presidency and decided upon by the Congress. In the period between two\\ Congresses, the Presidency may, on the basis of a qualified majority (cf. Art. 17.5.), grant provisional membership to an applicant member, pending the acceptance, by a qualified majority vote, of the Congress. Applications for individual observer membership shall be decided upon by the Presidency by simple majority.\\ Article 9 – Change of name and mergers\\ 9.1. A Member that changes name or merges with another political party/organisation must inform the Presidency.\\ 9.2. The Presidency shall assess the degree of continuity of the new party/organisation with the PES member and will decide on the confirmation of the membership status. This decision shall be confirmed by the Congress.\\ 9.3. In case of confirmation of the continuity of the membership status; the member will be considered having accepted the PES decisions applicable to the former member and will be responsible for all it’s obligations vis-à-vis the PES, including financial.\\ 9.4. In case of non-confirmation, the new party/organisation may submit a new application for membership.\\ Article 10 – Resignation, Suspension and Exclusion of members\\ 10.1. Any member may resign from the PES at any time by sending a letter from a duly mandated person addressed to the President or Secretary General, who shall inform the Presidency and the Congress. The resignation shall come into effect immediately, but the member resigning remains bound by all outstanding debts contracted with the PES until the end of the financial year in which the resignation came into effect.\\ 10.2. If a member fails to fulfil its financial obligations for two successive financial years, the Presidency may decide to exclude the member, pending the formal decision, by a simple majority vote of the Congress.\\ 10.3. Any member may also be suspended or excluded on the following grounds:\\ ● non respect of the statutes or the Standing orders;\\ ● non compliance with the criteria for membership.\\ 10.4. Suspension of a member on grounds of Article 10.3, subject to terms and conditions, is decided by the Presidency. A suspended member is obliged to uphold its financial obligations to the PES. The suspended member may, at the discretion of the President, be invited to attend meetings of the PES but without voting rights.\\ 10.5. A suspended member can regain its membership if it complies with the statutes, standing orders and criteria for membership. Such compliance must be formally notified to the Presidency which can decide to lift the suspension. A refusal to lift the suspension by the Presidency can be appealed by the suspended party to the Congress. The appeal cannot take place within 6 months of the decision to suspend.\\ 10.6. Exclusion of a member on grounds of Article 10.3. is decided by the Congress. The exclusion comes into effect immediately after the decision of the Congress but the excluded member remains bound by all outstanding debts contracted with the PES until the end of the financial year in which the exclusion came into effect.\\ 10.7. All decisions concerning suspension and exclusion of members are taken by a qualified majority.\\ Article 11 – Rights and obligations of members\\ 11.1. Full members participate in the meetings of the PES with the right of expression, the right of initiative and the right to vote.\\ 11.2. Associate members have the right to attend meetings to which they are invited with the right of expression and the right of initiative, but without the right to vote.\\ 11.3. Observer members may attend meetings to which they have been invited with the right of expression but without the right of initiative or the right to vote.\\ Article 12 – PES Women\\ The “PES Women” standing committee consists of representatives from all PES members, according to the rights and obligations defined in Article 11 of these statutes. Its mission is to formulate and implement the objectives relating to women's policy within the framework of the PES.\\ It adopts its own “Standing orders” to specify its functioning.\\ Article 13 – ECOSY\\ ECOSY is the youth organisation of the PES. It gathers members of the socialist youth organisations of the EU. It elects its bodies and determines its political positions autonomously according to its statutes.\\ Article 14 – FEPS\\ The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) is the political foundation affiliated with the PES. It undertakes research, information and training in the fields of political, social legal and economic science, more specifically in their European and international dimension. It elects its bodies according to its statutes.\\ Article 15 – PES activists\\ All members of PES member parties are automatically members of the PES. Those who wish to be active in the PES can register as PES activists. PES activists must be members of their national Party. PES activists can set up city groups. The PES Presidency adopts operating rules for PES activists.\\ ANNEX 3 – ARTICLE 19.3. OF PES STATUTES\\ CALCULATION OF DELEGATES OF FULL MEMBER PARTIES FOR THE PES CONGRESS\\ The number of delegates per full member party shall be calculated by adding the two following numbers:\\ \\ 1. A first number corresponding to the size of the country, calculated at 50 percent of the weighting of votes in the Council (rounded up) in conformity with the Treaty establishing the European Community as set out in the table below. In those countries where more than one member party exists, the parties involved shall present the Presidency with a proposal for the division of delegates between them. The Presidency shall have the final say on the distribution.\\ ● 15 delegates for Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy\\ ● 14 delegates for Spain and Poland\\ ● 7 delegates for Romania\\ ● 6 delegates for the Netherlands, Greece, Czech Republic, Belgium, Hungary and Portugal\\ ● 5 delegates for Austria, Sweden and Bulgaria\\ ● 4 delegates for Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway (estimate based on population), Lithuania and Slovakia\\ ● 2 delegates for Luxembourg, Cyprus, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia and Malta.\\ 2. A second number based on the electoral results of the parties at the European elections, calculated on the basis of one half of the respective party’s members belonging to the group in the European Parliament, rounded upwards. For those parties which are not in EU member states, an estimate will be made on the basis of the latest General elections. The Presidency shall decide on the second number for those full member parties, which are outside the EU.\\ A table with the above calculation for each party shall be adopted by the Presidency after each election to the European Parliament and at such other times as it shall deem necessary.\\ | |**EUD**|Article 4: Establishing Membership\\ On a written application, membership shall be granted to organisations, movements and individuals across Europe that subscribe to the objectives laid down in this statute, after such application having been approved by the Board acting by the majority of its members.\\ Members shall maintain their name, identity and autonomy of action within the scope of their national and regional responsibilities.\\ Article 5: Membership fees\\ Membership fees shall be set at a maximum of 10,000 euro annually.\\ MEPs, members of national parliaments and their salaried staff may pay an annual fee to the EUD.\\ Article 6: Termination of membership\\ Apart from death of individual members, or the dissolution of a member organisation, membership shall end with resignation or dismissal.\\ Resignation\\ A member may resign from the Association at any time, giving notice to the Board of the decision to resign. The resignation may come into effect immediately or as otherwise specified in the letter of resignation. No funds shall be reimbursed upon resignation.\\ Dismissal\\ \\ A member may be expelled for not abiding by the principles and objectives of Article 2 of the statute, by the Association’s political programme, or by not fulfilling the conditions for membership of the Association.\\ Such a decision is to be taken by the Board acting by a simple majority of its members on a proposal from the Board.\\ The dismissal shall come into force at the end of the month following the decision.\\ In particular cases of a severe breach of the principles and values of the Association, a dismissal may have direct effect.\\ | |**ELDR**|CHAPTER II – MEMBERS\\ Article 5 – Criteria for membership, categories of members and rights and obligations of members\\ Membership of the Association is open to all political parties in Europe and individual citizens that accept these Articles of Association, the Internal Regulations of the Association, the policy programmes of the Association and the Stuttgart Declaration. As an exception to the foregoing, full membership is automatically granted to the Belgian non- profit association (a.s.b.l./v.z.w.) European Liberal Youth, abbreviated as LYMEC.\\ The Association shall consist of full, affiliate and individual members, natural persons or legal entities lawfully established in accordance with the laws and customs of their country of origin. The Association shall be composed of at least two full members.\\ If a candidate member does not dispose of a legal status in accordance with the laws and the customs of its country of origin, it shall, in its written application for membership, appoint a natural person, who will act on behalf and for the account of all the members of such candidate member, in his/her capacity of common attorney-in-fact.\\ Full members shall pay a membership fee, with the exception of the Belgian non-profit association LYMEC. They have the right to take part in the meetings of the Council and the Congress, to voice their opinion and to vote.\\ Affiliate members shall pay a membership fee. They have the right to take part in the meetings of the Council and the Congress, to voice their opinion but they do not have the right to vote. Any affiliate member that has been a member of the Association for at least two full financial years may ask to be granted full membership.\\ Individual members may be required to pay a membership fee. They have the right to take part in the meetings of the Council and the Congress, under the conditions described in the Internal Regulations. If individual members take part in the meetings of the Council or the Congress, they may voice their opinion but they do not have the right to vote.\\ Article 6 – Register of members\\ A register containing an up-to-date list of all full and affiliate members of the Association and a list of individual members will be held at the registered office.\\ Full, affiliate and individual members may have access to the register and the list of individual members at the registered office of the Association.\\ \\ Article 7 - Admission of members\\ Any application for full or affiliate membership shall be sent to the Bureau with all necessary documentation evidencing that the applicant fulfils the membership requirements. The Bureau shall submit the application and its preliminary report and opinion to the Council, which will examine whether or not the application meets the membership requirements. The Council shall take its decision with a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast. The decision of the Council to admit or not the applicant shall be final and the Council shall be under no obligation to justify its decision.\\ Any application for individual membership shall be sent to the Secretary-General. The application shall be processed under the Internal Regulations and shall be submitted to the Bureau. The Bureau shall take its decision with a simple majority of the votes cast. The decision of the Bureau to admit or not the applicant shall be final and the Bureau shall be under no obligation to justify its decision.\\ Article 8 – Resignation and expulsion of members\\ Any full or affiliate member may resign from the Association at any time by giving three months notice by registered letter addressed to the Secretary-General. The resignation shall only come into force at the end of the financial year.\\ Any individual member may resign at any time by written notice addressed to the Secretary-General. The resignation shall come into force immediately.\\ A resigning member will remain liable for its financial obligations vis-à-vis the Association until the end of the financial year during which its resignation took place.\\ If a full member fails to meet its financial obligations after a notice sent by the Secretary-General to settle its debts within a period of three months, the voting right of the full member will be suspended as from the end of the three months period.\\ If a full, affiliate or individual member fails to meet its financial obligations for two consecutive financial years, it will be considered has having resigned from the first day of the following financial year.\\ Any member may be expelled for any of the following reasons:\\ (i) not abiding by the Articles of Association or the Internal Regulations;\\ (ii) not abiding by the decisions of any body of the Association;\\ (iii) not fulfilling the conditions for membership anymore;\\ (iv) when any of its acts is contrary to the interest and the values of the Association in general.\\ The Council decides expulsion of full and affiliate members with a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast. The full or affiliate member will be informed by registered mail of the expulsion proposal. The letter sets forth the grounds on which the proposed expulsion is based. The full or affiliate member has the right to notify its remarks in writing to the Secretary-General, within 15 calendar days subsequent to the receipt of the letter. Upon its prior written request, the full or affiliate member involved shall be heard.\\ The expulsion decision sets forth the grounds on which the expulsion is based but apart from that, the decision does not need to be justified. The Secretary-General sends a copy of the decision to the expelled member by registered letter, within 15 calendar days. The expulsion shall come into force immediately but the expelled member shall remain liable for its financial obligations vis-à-vis the Association until the end of the financial year.\\ The Bureau according to the Internal Regulations decides the expulsion of an individual member. The decision does not need to be justified. The Secretary-General sends a copy of the decision to the expelled individual member in written, within 15 calendar days. The expulsion shall come into force immediately but the expelled member shall remain liable for its financial obligations vis-à-vis the Association until the end of the financial year.\\ A member who has resigned or been expelled shall have no claim against the assets of the Association.\\ | |**EDP**|Item II: Affiliation\\ Article 7: Members\\ The number of members is unlimited, but may not be less than three.\\ They are founding members of the association:\\ -the accomplices to the present act that function in such a quality.\\ They are members of the association:\\ -the members that shall be admitted by the counsel.\\ The association members are divided into six categories: the parties members, the individual members, the affiliated members, the observing members, the physical persons and the moral persons.\\ \\ 1. The parties members are national and\or regional parties\\ established within the State members, the historical nationalities and the regions of the european Union, which have signed the statutes and share the aims and objectives of the EDP. These are either founding members or admitted members to the party after its establishment, in compliance with the rules imposed by these statutes.\\ 2. The individual members are members of European institutions and organs provided by the treaties of national Parliaments and of regional and local assemblies. These are either founding members or admitted members to the party after its establishment, in compliance with the rules imposed by these statutes.\\ 3. The statute of the affiliated party may be given to european parties of countries that are not members of the European Union, but that share the objectives of the EDP as well as its manifest.\\ 4. The statute of the observing parties may be given to the parties of the State non-members of the european Union, which share the objectives of the EDP, as well as their manifest.\\ 5. The physical persons adherent to the parties members are members of duty. The physical persons non adherent to a party member and that have released a share of which the amount is set by the Presidency, are members after admission by the Council; hence, those who are not adherent to a national political party, regional or local member of another party or group at the European Parliament.\\ 6. The non-profit associations having released a share of which the amount is set by the Presidency, are members after admission by the Counsel.\\ \\ The members will commit to not carry out any act contrary to the social goal of the association or to not carry any prejudice in any fashion to the same.\\ Article 8: Admission\\ The parties or the persons who wish to join the EDP and who release the conditions enunciated in these statutes must present their candidacy to the Presidency.\\ The Presidency drafts a report on the admissibility of the party or of the person and makes recommendations to the Counsel that deliberates on the admission with a majority of two thirds.\\ Article 9: Death, Resignation, Exclusion\\ The death of a member, if it deals with a physical person, or the dissolution if it deals with a moral person, produces a quality loss of the member’s full duty. The member’s status also ends in the case of a written resignation presented to the Council. The member’s status also terminates if the Council decides to exclude a member with a majority of two thirds of the votes on the recommendations of the Presidency.\\ The members may be excluded from the party for one of the following reasons:\\ -when they do not respect the statutes of the EDP or the internal regulation;\\ -when they do not respect the decisions made by an instance of the EDP,\\ in accordance with these statutes;\\ \\ -when they no longer respect the conditions of eligibility.\\ -when they act in a way that is detrimental to the interests and values of the european democratic party.\\ The physical or moral person who has lost the quality of a member, either the heirs or those having the right of the deceased member, if it deals with a physical person, or with a dissolved member, if it deals with a moral person, have no right what so ever on the social basis.\\ They may not reclaim or request, neither abstract nor statement of account, nor affixing of a seal, nor inventory.\\ | |**EPP**|II. MEMBERSHIP\\ Article 5\\ The number of members is unlimited, but may not be less than two. Requests for membership shall be submitted to the Presidency in writing. They shall comprise a statement on the adoption of the Political programme and by-laws and internal regulations of the association, in addition to a copy of the by-laws of the applicant party and information on the background and organisation of said applicant. The Presidency will transmit the application to the Political Assembly.\\ Without prejudice to article 6 and subject to what follows, the Political Assembly is authorised to grant, at its own discretion, the applicant one of the following member status in the EPP: Ordinary Member Party, Associated Member Party, Member Association or Individual Member (as defined here below).\\ Ordinary Member Parties\\ \\ The Political Assembly is authorised to grant member status in the association to any Christian Democrat or like-minded party, based in the European Union, which subscribes to the association’s political programme and accepts its by-laws and internal regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinary Member Parties”).\\ Associated Member Parties\\ The Political Assembly is also authorised to grant member status to any political party of Christian Democrat or like-minded orientation, based outside the European Union, from states whose applications for membership of the European Union have been introduced and / or states belonging to the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which subscribe to the objectives referred to in article 3 of the by-laws and to the association’s political programme, and which accept its by-laws and internal regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Associated Member Parties”). They shall not participate in decisions involving the policies and structure of the European Union nor of its institutional system. If the state in which the Associated Member Party is established effectively becomes a member of the European Union, such Associated Member Party shall automatically become an Ordinary Member Party as from the date of the adherence of such state to the European Union.\\ Member Associations\\ The status of Member Association can be granted to any Member Association within the meaning of article 27 of the by-laws and section X of the internal regulations and which subscribes to the association's political programme and accepts its by-laws and internal regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Member Associations").\\ Individual Members\\ In addition, all members of the EPP Group in the European Parliament elected on a list of a member party are also members ex officio of the association (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Members”). Other members of the European Parliament can become Individual Members of the association by decision of the Political Assembly on the proposal of the Presidency of the association. The speaking and voting rights of the Individual Members within the organs of the association are personal and inalienable.\\ If a candidate for membership in the association is a legal person within the meaning of the law applicable to it, it must name in its application for membership a natural person who will represent it in the association. The same provision applies if the candidate does not have legal personality under the law applicable to it. It shall then designate a natural person who will act on behalf of all members of the candidate member without legal personality, as its representative. In case of a change of representation, the President of the association is immediately informed in writing.\\ In the transitional provisions, exception to these provisions is made for granting member status to the Ordinary Member Parties, Associated Member Parties, Observer Member Parties and Individual Members joining the association immediately after its incorporation, before the first meeting of the Political Assembly.\\ Article 6\\ Parties close to the EPP, from (i) European Union Member States, (ii) states which have applied for European Union membership as well as from (iii) European states that are members of the Council of Europe, may be granted observer status by the Political Assembly, on the proposal of the Presidency, except for the parties granted observer status immediately after the incorporation of the association and before the first meeting of the Political Assembly, in accordance with the transitional provisions. This category of members is called “Observer Member Parties”.\\ Article 7\\ Ordinary Member Parties, Associated Member Parties, Member Associations and Observer Member Parties individually pay annual dues of no more than 500.000 (five hundred thousand) euros. The amount of the dues is determined annually by the Political Assembly. Dues are payable within two weeks of having been set and communicated by the Political Assembly to the members.\\ Article 8\\ The Presidency keeps a membership register at the registered office of the association.\\ This register lists the surname, first name, place of residence, date and place of birth of members or, in the case of legal persons or de facto associations, the name, legal form, address of the registered office, identity of the representative and, where applicable, the registration number in accordance with existing legislation and/or regulations. All members may consult this register at the registered office of the association.\\ Article 9\\ Any member may resign from the association at any time. The member gives notice to the Presidency of the decision to resign by registered letter.\\ Members that resign are obliged to fulfil their financial obligations toward the association for the year during which the resignation is submitted and for all previous years.\\ The suspension and the exclusion of a member may only be decided by the Political Assembly. It is not obliged to disclose its reasons. A proposal for the exclusion of a member may only be submitted by the Presidency, or seven Ordinary or Associated Member Parties from five different countries. A proposal for the exclusion of an Individual Member may only be submitted by the Presidency of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.\\ If a Member Party is not any more a viable political force in its respective country and, in particular, has not been represented in regional or national or European Parliament(s) for two consecutive parliamentary terms, the EPP Presidency can recommend to the Political Assembly its suspension or exclusion, according to the procedures stated in the previous paragraph.\\ A member’s affiliation ceases automatically upon death, disqualification, liquidation or in cases of temporary administration, court-ordered settlement or insolvency. The affiliation of an individual member ends automatically when this member is no longer a member of the European Parliament and the affiliation of a Member Association ends automatically when this member does no longer fulfil the criteria that were necessary for its preliminary recognition as a Member Association and which are set out\\ in the internal regulations.\\ Members that resigned or were excluded and the legal successors of such members or of deceased members have no claims on the assets of the association and may never be reimbursed for dues paid, contributions or any other payments made to the association, unless otherwise expressly provided for in the by-laws. In no case may a member that resigned or was excluded demand the communication of or a copy of the accounts, the placing of official seals on the property of the association or the drawing up of an inventory.\\ | |**Newropeans**|**Statutes:**\\ ARTICLE 4 - MEMBERS:\\ Newropeans is open to any citizen of the European Union wishing to contribute actively to the democratisation of the European Union. A citizen becomes a member of Newropeans by means of payment of dues set each year by the General Assembly of the Newropeans network.\\ Legal entities can become partners according to a statute specifically defined by Newropeans, which will ensure that each year the partner actively collaborates or takes an active part in carrying out projects, failing which it will no longer be regarded as a Newropeans partner.\\ ARTICLE 5 - REMOVAL FROM MEMBERSHIP:\\ Member status is cancelled in the following cases:\\ - resignation, death\\ - non-payment of the annual membership fee\\ - illegal behaviour inside or outside the association\\ - activities or verbal expression which oppose the democratisation process of the EU which is the association’s objective.\\ The decision to cancel membership is made by the executive Committee of Newropeans, consequent to the advisory opinion of the Members’ Commission and a hearing of the person concerned by the Board of Directors. The decision is enforceable as soon as it is announced. The member concerned can appeal the decision before the next General Assembly, which is required to hear him and to hear the position of the executive Committee and the opinion of the Members’ Commission. On a simple majority, the General Assembly may cancel the decision of the executive Committee. In this case, the member is immediately reinstated.\\ **Member Charta:**\\ Article 1: The Fundamental Principles of Newropeans\\ All individuals wishing to join or become supporters of Newropeans must have read and understood the Statutes of Newropeans and the Newropeans Manifesto (both available on the internet portal of Newropeans) and accept that they are in full agreement with them.\\ Article 2: Membership of Newropeans\\ Newropeans draws its strength from its members and supporters, who join by paying a membership fee, and signing the current Charter. Joining as a member confers the right to vote in the general assembly of Newropeans, either directly in person, or by electronic means, in conformity with the statutes of Newropeans. All individuals joining Newropeans, as a member or as a supporter, exclude any possible adherence to civil or political organisations whose ideas and behaviour may be xenophobic, anti-democratic, or illegal, all of which by their very nature are opposed to the democratisation of the European Union which Newropeans is seeking to bring about.\\ Article 8: Exclusion of a Member\\ The exclusion of a member who has breached the principles laid down in this charter or the statues of Newropeans is determined by the Executive Committee of Newropeans.\\ This decision is notified to the member and takes immediate effect. The excluded member is deprived of his or her voting rights, and of any representational or organisational role that he or she may have been given. However, the excluded member has the right to make an appeal to the next Agora, which will confirm or reject the decision of the Executive Committee, in conformity with the statutes of Newropeans.\\ | |**PPI**|III. Membership\\ (1) Membership in the Pirate Parties International is open to Parties and other organizations.\\ (2) The number of Members is unlimited, but may not be less than two.\\ (3) Requests for Membership shall be submitted in writing to the Board at least four weeks before the meeting of the General Assembly. They shall include contact information and a statement on the adoption of the statutes and internal regulations of the Pirate Parties International, in addition to a copy of the statutes and by-laws and the political program of the applicant and information on the background and organization of said applicant. The Board will transmit the application to all Members at least two weeks before the meeting of the General Assembly.\\ (4) The General Assembly is authorized to grant, at its own discretion, the applicant one of the following Member status in Pirate Parties International\\ a) Ordinary Member\\ b) Observer Member\\ (5) The Members are obliged to respect the Statutes, internal regulations and rules of procedure, in particular bear the implications of the decision of the Court of Arbitration.\\ IV. Ordinary Members\\ (1) The Ordinary Members are the founding Members and those accepted by the General Assembly according to section III, paragraph (4). To Ordinary Membership are eligible Members that\\ a) adhere to these statutes and the goals of the association as laid down by these statutes,\\ b) use the inflection of the word Pirate in their name, and\\ c) have an inner order based on democratic principles.\\ (2) There can be only one Ordinary Member per country.\\ (3) The General Assembly is authorized to grant Member status in Pirate Parties International to any Pirate party, which subscribes to the association’s principles and accepts its statutes and internal regulations.\\ (4) Ordinary Members have the right to\\ a) sit and vote in the General Assembly,\\ b) nominate candidates for any body of the association, and\\ c) submit motions to the General Assembly.\\ V. Observer Members\\ (1) An applicant that does not meet the criteria for Ordinary Membership may be granted Observer Member status by the General Assembly.\\ (2) Observer Members have the right to\\ \\ a) sit in the General Assembly but with no voting right,\\ b) nominate candidates for any body of the association, and\\ c) submit motions to the General Assembly.\\ VI. Multiple applicants from one country\\ Only one Organization from any one country can be recognized for Ordinary Membership in Pirate Parties International. A National Pirate Organization may consist of more than one Pirate Party participating in a Federation based on the common Pirate purpose. It is the responsibility of each Federation to ensure that all its constituent Associations meet the requirements of these statutes.\\ VII. Termination of Membership\\ (1) Any Member may resign from Pirate Parties International at any time. The Member gives notice to the Board of the decision to resign by registered letter. Members that resign are obliged to fulfill their financial obligations toward the association for all previous years.\\ (2) The decisions on the changes of Membership, such as suspension, reinstatement and exclusion, fall within the competence of the Court of Arbitration, and can be appealed to the General Assembly. If the Member appeals, the decision becomes effective at the end of the Meeting of the General Assembly, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise. A proposal for the exclusion of a Member may only be submitted by the Board, or by a tenth of Members from three different continents.\\ (3) A Member’s affiliation ceases automatically upon dissolution, disqualification, liquidation or in cases of temporary administration, court-ordered settlement or insolvency. The Membership also ends automatically when this Member does no longer fulfill the criteria that were necessary for its preliminary recognition as a Member.\\ VIII. Membership Register\\ The Board keeps a Membership register at the PPI Headquarters of Pirate Parties International. This register lists the name, legal form, address of the registered office, identity of the representative and, where applicable, the registration number in accordance with existing legislation and regulations. All Members may consult this register at the registered office of the PPI Headquarters.\\ | |**Jack Allnuts**|III - Membership\\ Article 4\\ PPEU consists of three types of member:\\ (1) Full Member Parties;\\ (2) Associate Member Parties; and\\ (3) Observer Member Parties and Observer Member Organisations.\\ Article 5\\ (1) Pirate Parties active and registered within an EU member state or state having signed an accession treaty with the EU are eligible to become a Full Member Party.\\ (2) Pirate Parties active and registered within a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member state or state that is a candidate for accession to the EU are eligible to become an Associate Member Party.\\ \\ (3) (a) Pirate Parties that are not registered within an EU, EU candidate or EFTA member state are eligible to become an Observer Member Party.\\ (b) Organisations linked to PPEU and sharing its aims are eligible to become an Observer Member Organisation.\\ Article 6\\ For the purposes of Article 5 a political party or confederation of political parties is considered to be a Pirate Party if\\ (1) It uses an inflection of the word "pirate" in its name;\\ (2) It is based on strong democratic principles; and\\ (3) *hand-wave Pirate-y criteria here*\\ Article 7\\ A Pirate Party may not apply to become a Full Member Party or Associate Member Party if it is subordinate to another Full Member Party or Associate Member Party.\\ Article 8\\ Pirate Parties that are eligible to become Full Member Parties or Associate Member Parties by virtue of article 5 but may not apply by virtue of article 7, or choose not to do so, shall be eligible to become an Observer Party.\\ Article 9\\ If a new Full Member Party or Associate Member Party is superordinate to an existing Full Member Party or Associate Member Party, the subordinate party shall automatically become an Observer Member Party.\\ Article 10\\ There shall be no fewer than seven Full Member Parties.\\ Article 11\\ (1) The Council shall have the power to grant membership status to an applicant upon receipt of an application.\\ (2) A vote to accept a Member must pass with a 2/3 majority in favour.\\ Article 12\\ (1) The Council shall have the power to revoke membership status to a Member upon the petition of a Full Member Party or Associate Member Party.\\ (2) A vote to accept a revoke a Member's membership must pass with a 2/3 majority in favour.\\ Article 13\\ A register of members shall be maintained and published by the Council.\\ | |**Your text?**| |