====== 5 Aims and Objectives of PPEU ====== **__5 Aims and Objectives of PPEU__** |**EGP**|The European Green Party\\ 3.1 is a European political party within the terms of EC Regulation 2004/2003 on the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding,\\ 3.2 takes as its principles the Charter of the European Greens (further described as the Green Charter) annexed hereto (Annex A),\\ 3.3 is open to political parties and other groups with a green agenda, from within and outside the European Union, which can subscribe to the Green Charter and which fulfil the membership criteria as laid down in these Statutes and further elaborated in the Rule Book,\\ 3.4 stimulates and organises initiatives and activities on a European level in order to accomplish a common green political agenda and, to ensure close and permanent co-operation among all its Members, contributes to forming European awareness and seeks to express the political will of the citizens of the European Union as well as to realise the full potential of green political representation at all political levels,\\ 3.5 works in close cooperation with the Green Group in the European Parliament (GGEP), the Green European Foundation (GEF), and the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG),\\ 3.6 acts as the European partner within the structure of the Global Greens movement and subscribes to the Global Greens Charter annexed hereto (Annex B).\\ 3.7 applies the principle of gender-balance in all its elected and appointed bodies and external representation.\\ | |**EFA**|The organisation decides on the common programme with the following goals and references:\\ - European unity and the creation of a European union of free peoples based on the principle of subsidiarity who believe in solidarity with each other and other peoples of the world;\\ - the defense of human rights and the rights of peoples, in particular the right to self-determination;\\ - protection of the environment and sustainable development;\\ - the creation of a fair society based on solidarity, with policies which favor progress, social cohesion and equal opportunities for all citizens;\\ -acceptance of the principles of the parliamentary democracy;\\ -strive for and promote more close and continuing co-operation between her members with the realisation of her goals as the main focus;\\ -taking an active part in the promotion of a free and pluralistic democracy;\\ -promoting the European integration based on the diversity of peoples, cultures, languages and regions;\\ -integrating all the these goals in a coherent and common political programme\\ It shall be authorized to take all the necessary actions, directly or indirectly and necessary or needed, to promote and achieve the higher stated goals.\\ | |**EL**|The EL aims:\\ - contribute to common political action of the democratic and alternative Left in EU member states as well as on the European level;\\ - promote the social, emancipatory, ecological, peace-loving as well as democratic and progressive thinking and acting of the parties, their members and sympathisers, and therefore to reinforce the parties' actions to develop emancipatory, democratic, peace, social, ecological and sustainable policies which is essential to transform the societies and to overcome today's capitalism;\\ - use democratic forms to struggle for overcoming contemporary capitalist relations;\\ - consolidate the co-operation of the parties and political organisations at all levels;\\ - promote the confrontation of their analyses and the co-ordination of their orientations at the European level;\\ - co-operate with other political organisations at European level pursuing similar targets;\\ - promote a "European public relations work" that actively supports the development of a European identity according to our values and aims;\\ - co-operate in the preparation of the European elections and in referenda in the European scale;\\ - initiate, prepare and support Europe-wide initiatives of the EL and its parties - together with other parties, party-networks and NGOs;\\ - all decisions concerning choices and attitudes of EL member parties or political organizations in their own countries remain strictly under the sovereignty of national parties.\\ The EL supports fully gender equality in all areas of daily life. Feminism, gender-mainstreaming and gender-democracy are basic principles for the functioning and development of the EL.\\ | |**PES**|3.1. The object of the PES is to pursue international aims in respect of the principles on which the European Union is based, namely principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and respect for the Rule of Law.\\ 3.2. Having regard to the diversity of peoples within Europe and our history, the PES promotes the value of tolerance and specifically condemns racism and xenophobia. It includes in these Statutes, in Annex 4, the declaration “For a modern, pluralist and tolerant Europe” adopted by the 5th PES Congress on 7-8 May 2001 in Berlin.\\ 3.3. More specifically, the aims of the PES are:\\ ● to strengthen the socialist, social democratic, labour and democratic progressive movement in the Union and throughout Europe;\\ ● to engage parties' members in activities of the PES;\\ ● to develop close working relationships between,the PES, and the national parties, the national parliamentary groups, its group in the European parliament , its group in the Committee of the Regions, PES members holding positions in EU institutions (Council, Commission and Parliament), PES Women, ECOSY, the PES and other socialist and social democratic organisations;\\ ● to ensure close co-operation with its group of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, of the OSCE and of other parliamentary assemblies;\\ ● to ensure close collaboration with the Socialist International;\\ ● to co-operate closely with socialist, social democratic and democratic progressive parties from countries that share the common goal of European integration notably with those from neighbouring countries of the European Union;\\ ● to define common policies for the European Union;\\ ● to adopt a common manifesto for elections to the European Parliament;\\ ● to promote exchanges and contacts with European trade unions, professional organisations, associations and co-operatives and other representatives of civil society;\\ ● to promote equal representation and as a consequence, to seek internal equality and equal representation of men and women in our bodies and meetings;\\ ● to encourage the participation of young people in political life at all levels of the European Union. The PES undertakes to promote equality of young people internally and aspires to achieve a fair representation of young people in its bodies and meetings.\\ 3.4. The PES may carry out all activities linked directly or indirectly to these aims but does not undertake industrial or commercial transactions and does not seek to procure a profit to its members.\\ ANNEX 4 – ARTICLE 3.2. OF PES STATUTES\\ “For a modern, pluralist and tolerant Europe” declaration adopted by the 5th PES Congress on 7-8 May 2001 in Berlin.\\ We, the European socialist, social democratic and labour parties, reaffirm democracy, freedom, equality and solidarity as our central political values.\\ The belief that all humans are of equal worth is fundamental to our vision and our purpose as a movement. We fight racism because it disfigures society at a cost to everyone in it and because it diminishes the human dignity that is everyone’s birthright.\\ Real justice can only thrive in a society that is open and tolerant. The free expression of different cultures, different faiths, different orientations and different life choices is the basis of an open\\ society. Prejudice, discrimination and intolerance are the enemies of a common European cultural heritage which build its identity not on the membership to a same ethnic group, to a same soil or to a same blood but on sharing the same principles and fundamental rights for people.\\ The universality of rights in which we believe is not limited by colour or creed. That is why social democrats have led the way with legislation across Europe to oppose discrimination and to ban expressions of race hatred. But there must be more to the creation of a successful multi-ethnic society than measures to combat racism in its overt form. We must also create a positive climate in which all ethnic communities have the full opportunity to contribute their creativity and talents to the societies in which they live. We must reject cultural chauvinism and make it clear that our national and European identities are shared concepts which all communities have a role in helping to shape.\\ The promotion of tolerance and mutual respect has always been a central objective of social democracy. But it is all the more relevant to the modern world. The global era and the revolution in communications have produced global population movements without parallel in history.\\ Successive waves of immigration have added greatly to Europe’s ethnic and cultural diversity. We do not see this as a threat. It is an asset which has strengthened our economy, enriched our culture and broadened our understanding of the world.\\ The countries of the European Union, and the countries in the accession process, share a common set of values of freedom, equality and tolerance. We seek to share these values with our neighbours. In particular we will work in the former Yugoslavia to close the past of ethnic hatred and ethnic nationalism. We offer a future to the new democracies of the Western Balkans based on equal rights for all citizens regardless of ethnic identity.\\ Therefore we reaffirm our support for the Charter of European political parties for a non-racist society and commit ourselves to upholding its principles. In particular, all PES parties adhere to the following principles of good practice and invite other European political families to do the same:\\ ● To refrain from any form of political alliance or co-operation at all levels with any political party which incites or attempts to stir up racial or ethnic prejudices and racial hatred.\\ ● To strive for fair representation of citizens without distinction of origin at all levels of the parties with a special responsibility for the party leadership to stimulate and support the recruitment of candidates from these groups for political functions as well as membership.\\ ● To strive for fair representation and democratic involvement of all ethnic minorities in society and its institutions. Democracy is not the property of the majority and our concept of citizenship is an inclusive one.\\ Bigotry and racism towards people of different ethnic identities is parent to xenophobia towards the foreigner. Those who cannot come to terms with ethnic diversity at home will be incapable of building a successful, modern Europe. Conversely, we who support pluralism at home are better equipped to forge strong partnerships abroad. We must ensure that political chauvinism and narrow nationalism are consigned to Europe’s past.\\ | |**EUD**|Having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and their attached protocols; and in respect of:\\ The general principle of the right of individuals and peoples to freedom and self- determination;\\ A spirit of equality, mutual respect and tolerance;\\ The principle of non-discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.\\ It is the main objective of the Association:\\ To safeguard and strengthen fundamental democratic principles and accountable representation across Europe and in regard to the structures of the European Union.\\ And it therefore commits itself to the following objectives:\\ To campaign for a transparent and democratically controlled EU that is less centralised and more flexible, bringing it closer to the citizens of Europe;\\ To work towards establishing effective structures for devolving powers within the European Union;\\ To sustain diversity and cooperation at a European level among free peoples able to regulate themselves in accordance with mutually agreed common standards;\\ To uphold freedom of political expression and association across Europe and especially within the structures of the EU;\\ To promote a political environment in which movements, political parties and other political organisations are given equal opportunities to voice their concerns and advance their political positions;\\ To defend civil liberties and ensure that no characteristics of a totalitarian nature emerge in the continuing political development of the European Union;\\ To pursue true subsidiarity and self-rule ensuring that democracy is preserved on the basis of the peoples’ parliaments in Member States, over which the citizens exercise democratic control.\\ Towards these objectives, it is the operational aim of the Association to promote issues akin to our members’ vision and political objectives. The EUD will participate in European elections.\\ The EUD is open to all members who subscribe to democratic and non-racist principles.\\ | |**ELDR**|The Association has as non-profit purpose to bring together political parties in Europe who, within the framework of liberal, democratic and reformist ideals, wish to contribute to the European Union.\\ To achieve this purpose, the Association will:\\ - strengthen the liberal, democrat and reform movement in the European Union and throughout Europe;\\ - seek a common position on all important matters affecting the European Union;\\ - inform the public and involve it in the construction of a united European democracy;\\ - support and co-ordinate its members in the elections to the European Parliament;\\ - promote the constitution of a Liberal, Democrat and Reform parliamentary group in all international parliamentary assemblies;\\ - develop close working relationships with and among its members, their national parliamentary groups, the parliamentary Group of the ELDR Party of the European Parliament, the Liberal, Democrat and Reform Group in other international fora and Liberal International.\\ The Association may carry out all operations and conduct all activities, both in Belgium and abroad, which directly or indirectly increase or promote its purpose and objectives.\\ | |**EDP**|Without lucrative objective, the association has the exclusive aim:\\ -to assure a close and permanent collaboration between its members with the intention to meet their objectives,\\ -to promote and organize initiatives at the European level with the participation of its members;\\ -to support and coordinate the actions of the party members at the time of the european Parliament elections.\\ -to develop close work relations between and among the party members, their parliamentary, european, national and regional groups, the groups in the other parliamentary assemblies and the parties which have the same political platform outside the European Union.\\ -to pursue its actions with the aim of federal unification and the\\ integration of Europe.\\ -to fully support the representation of the regional and local interests, and the application of adequate subsidiary principle comprised in the outline of each state member.\\ The association brings forward actions and carries out all the activities, both in Belgium and overseas, that augment or promote, directly or indirectly, its aims and objectives.\\ The EDP searches for a common opinion amongst its members on all the important subjects concerning the european Union. In addition, it informs public opinion and implicates it in the creation of a united Europe.\\ Through their regional and national actions, the party’s members sustain the positions defended by the EDP in the framework of the European Union. In the context of national and regional actions, the parties members may maintain their name, their identity and their autonomy.\\ In view of the realization of its goals, the association may, with free title or with onerous title receive, sell , with full propriety or otherwise, all the real estate.\\ It may complete all the acts which apply directly or indirectly to it’s aim and mainly:\\ -put into effect acts for the administration of its patrimony in conformity with its aim.\\ -loan its contribution and interests to all activities in conformity with its aim.\\ | |**EPP**|The purpose of the association is to:\\ - promote and foster close and ongoing collaboration among its members for the purpose of implementing their common policy at European level;\\ - encourage and organise unanimous action by its members at European level;\\ - work (i) to achieve free and pluralistic democracy, (ii) for respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law on the basis of a common programme;\\ - promote the process of unification and federal integration in Europe as a constituent element of the European Union.\\ In order to realize this purpose and in order to establish, develop, implement and promote its policies, the association organizes several discussion and decision forums, major events and fact finding missions according to strict democratic principles and issues publications of all sorts.\\ The association is also authorised to execute all legal instruments (including real estate transactions) directly or indirectly useful or necessary for the promotion and achievement of the above-mentioned aims.\\ Through their national policies the member parties of the association support positions taken by the association in the context of the European Union. In the context of national responsibilities, they shall maintain their own name, their identity and their freedom of action. The association is represented in the European Parliament by the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) (Group of the EPP in the European Parliament).\\ Member parties oblige parliamentarians elected to the European Parliament on their list, and/or sent to the Committee of the Regions, or the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe, the WEU, the OSCE and NATO, to join the EPP Groups therein.\\ | |**Newropeans**|Newropeans is a network of trans-European associations meant to promote the democratisation of the European Union. Its activities cover all fields related to the democratisation process and it may utilize all legal means at its disposal to obtain this objective. French and English are the two working languages within the Newropeans. Languages of communication of Newropeans include potentially all languages spoken by EU citizens.\\ To achieve its aim, the association will develop several projects, the administration of which will be determined by the Executive Committee.\\ | |**PPI**|(1) The goals of the association are:\\ a) to act according to the major interests and goals of its Members,\\ b) to raise awareness and widen the spread of the pirate movement, and\\ c) to support the pirate movement and strengthen its bonds internally and externally.\\ (2) To accomplish these objectives the association shall, among other things:\\ a) provide for and extend communication between the Members of the association,\\ b) assist in the foundation of new pirate parties, \\ c) organize and coordinate global campaigns and events, \\ d) act as mediator or arbitrator for any disputes between Members if requested to do so,\\ e) share information and coordinate research on the core pirate topics,\\ f) contact NGO's, administrations and international organizations, and \\ g) act as a contact centre for the pirate movement.\\ | |**Jack Allnuts**|The Goals of PPEU are as follows:\\ * To observe the founding principles of the European Union (EU), namely the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law;\\ \\ * To strengthen the Pirate movement in the EU and throughout Europe;\\ * To attain and maintain the status of political party at European level;\\ * To assist its members in elections to the European Parliament;\\ * To conduct trans-continental campaigns on issues relevant to its members; \\ * To assist its members in developing common policies for the EU;\\ * To act as transparently as practicable; and\\ * To promote the democratisation of the EU.\\ | |**Your text?**| |