{{wiki:bastian_potsdam.png}} Sebastian Krone aka „Bastian“ Personal background * Generation 60+ – Living in Potsdam, Germany * Active as an IT specialist, consultant, accountant, data protection officer, data security officer, pen-tester and „white head hacker“ * Married, three adult children with a strong history of law, philosophy and mathematics :) * Head of technical teams PPI, PPEU, LV-SN and AG Technik (DS) * Member of the Pirate Party Germany since May 2009 * Individual Member of PPI since 2016 * Member of the Pirate Party Swiss since May 2018 * Member of the Pirate Party Austria since May 2019 * Political work with the PIRATES since 2009 * Coordinator of “International Coordination Team PP-DE” * Organizer of numerous events and party congresses * Chair of more than 500 meetings * Chairman of the Pirates Potsdam * Treasurer PPEU * Treasurer PPI * Treasurer Pirate Party of Brandenburg until next GA