Candidature for Treasurer PPEU

Sebastian Krone aka „Bastian“

I imagine where you want to ask me.

Personal background

Generation 60+ - Potsdam, Germany

Active as an IT specialist, consultant, accountant, data protection officer, data security officer and „white head hacker“.

Married, three adult children with a strong history of law and mathematics;)

Head of technical teams PPI, PPEU, LV-LSA, LV-SN and AG Technik (DS)

Member of the Pirate Party Germany since May 2009
Member of the Pirate Party Swiss since May 2018
Member of the Pirate Party Austria since May 2019

Political work with the PIRATES

Coordinator of “International Coordination Team PP-DE”
Organizer of numerous events and party congresses
Chair of more than 500 meetings
Chairman of the Pirates Potsdam
Temporary Treasurer PPI
Treasurer Pirate Party of Brandenburg until next GA