Jasmin Feratović

Currently, my position is being a General Secretary of the Slovenian Pirate Party. I have been elected for this role by our members in June of 2019.

I am in charge of organising all the official work processes inside of our party and am also the official representative of the employer and a supervisor when it comes to other contract workers for the party.

I have been actively involved in different NGO and political activities for the past 8 years.

I was a president of the board of the European Youth Parliament for one year and a vice-president for another year. There I predominantly organized youth conferences with approximately 600 participants per year and applied for Erasmus+ grants.

I also filled the role of director of an NGO Zavod Pospešek for one year and a half. Organisations main purpose was to connect youth (up to 26 years old) with potential employers, we managed to attract large amounts of media attention with our work.

I have attained a degree in international business at Ljubljana school of economics and business.

Currently in addition to my position in the Slovenian Pirate Party I also own and run a small Iranian shop and have a sole proprietorship for small business accounting.