Meeting 3 of the 7. PPEU board 24.3.2022, 21:00 CET/20:00 UTC
Members of the Board
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)
BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)
BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)
BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)
Meeting opened at: 21:07 CET
Meeting chaired by: Florie Marie
Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro
Recording: recording started at 21:07 CET
Link to the recording:
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
VC: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-SE)
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)
BM: Cedric Levieux (PP-FR)
BM: Petr Kocourek (PP-CZ)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ) (Arrived at 21:!5)
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
BM: Etienne Evelin (PP-FR)
Not excused:
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI)
0.1. Approval of the agenda
0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
* Registration in Luxembourg
* New blockchain working group
* Report from the IT working group
* Next Council Meeting agenda (proposal)
* Next meeting / schedule
60 minutes max. as meeting time
Florie will chair the meeting, Alessandro will be secretary
Meeting started at 21:08
0.1. Approval of the agenda:
Yes: Cédric, Florie, Alessandro, Petr, Jan
Abstain: Bastian
Agenda is approved.
0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Yes: Bastian, Cédric, Petr, Alessandro, Florie
Minutes are approved.
1. Registration in Luxembourg
No any other news. Chairperson is going to collect IDs
2. New blockchain working group
Cedric is reporting a long conversation in our Mattermost chat and now we need to speak about it, especially because also EU is taken decisions.
But we need to speak it not within our Board
Bastian is reporting that they had the same issue with PPI but we have to exactly know where we are talking about. A panel for that would be very nice.
Florie is remarking that is not useful to debate here the issue.
Alessandro agree we need a working group and is avalaible to participate. He thinks that we should know what we're talking about. It's political. We need to talk to exactly know the technical basis.
Cedric also agrees that we need to know what we are talking about.
Bastian: we don't need any furher discussion on it.
Florie remembers that in the past we created some groups, but it's a good idea to speak about it here
Remark Bastian: “We are pirates and no one needs permission to create a working group”.
Florie: so let's do it!
3. Report from the IT working group
Bastian is reporting (see below) It was a very nice meeting. We should vote for the voting sotware. Also we should discuss how to improve server's performances.
We need a decision of which software we shoudl evalutate
Cedric was pointing out why we need to vote it within the board. We agreed to evaluate Discourse
Alessandro says that it's the work of this working group to evaluate the tools and make propositions.
Cedric agrees with Alessandro so as he said before we just need to install it and that's it
Bastian: the result of that meeting was that to ask to the board
Alessandro proposes to vote on this topic
Vote: Should we try to evaluate Discourse?
Yes: Alessandro, Florie, Cedric
Abstain: Bastian, Petr, Jan
Motion passed.
4. Next Council Meeting agenda (proposal)
Alessandro thinks that we should put the voting tool on the next BM agenda
Bastian points out that is not possible to have next CM on April 23rd-24th because there was no invitation
Cedric says that we had a decision on it and also our Chairperson already sent out an invitation to our members
Bastian is reporting art. 14 of our statues that reporting we need to send also an agenda, not only a date
Cedric is a bit upset on the situation and doesn't not understand why Bastian wants to postpone it
Florie noticed that period can be shortened and we have enough reasons for that urgency, as mentioned in art. 14
Bastian thinks that is better to stick to our rules or we should have problems
Florie remembers that we are not violating any rules so now we should discuss about the agenda
Cedric agrees with Florie
Next CM agenda proposal
1. discussion about voting system (asynchronous tool)
2. political situation in Europe
3. reports from the board
4. AOB
Remark Bastian: “In urgent cases this time may be shortened to an appropriate length” is an undefined legal term that we have inserted into the statutes: for vital meetings to remain actionable.
Remarks Alessandro: it's not important why we have this in the Statutes.
Remarks Cedric : there are too many remarks in this topic
Cedric is proposing to postpone the vote to have more people involved to have an asyncrous way (within the two days)
Alessandro would like to vote it right now
Cedric is pointing that we could vote to postpone, but he agrees that it may be inappropriate to argue about the statutes each step during a meeting
Florie is now opening the vote
Vote on the next CM agenda
Yes: Alessandro, Florie, Petr, Cedric
No: Bastian
Abstain: Jan
Motion passed
5. AOB
Short reports from working groups:
Jan: Short update on Party Registration and Observer Membership
TR: Sebastian Krone:
Technical support
Work on the PPEU Wiki
Work on the PPEU website
Server maintenance
09.03.2022 – Meeting of PPEU-TEC working group
- Main Topics: Calendar, voting software, server equipment
11.03.2022 – Participation in PPI “Aid-Ukraine” Conference
Treasurer’s business
: Bank account: 13.645,22 EUR
6 Next meeting / schedule
We will discuss it on Mattermost board chat
Meeting closed at 22:35 CET / 21:35 UTC