Meeting of the PPEU board 27.09.2020 20:00 CEST

Members of the Board (for use as template)
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS)
VC: Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)
BM: Gamithra Marga (PP-IS)
BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE, PP-CAT) - Exile
BM: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir (PP-IS)
BM: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
TR: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)

Meeting opened at: 20:14
Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš
Secretary for this meeting: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir, (PPIS) (Exile uploads)

C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS)
BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE, PP-CAT) - Exile
TR: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)
Gamithra Marga (PP-IS)

TR: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT) from 20:13 CET
Florie Marie (PP-FR)
VC: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS) 21:41
Not excused:

Mickey Sinclair (Observer Bavaria)
Bastian (Observer PP-Brandenburg) from 21:04 on

Reports of the activity
Wiki corrections
Need to officially organise minutes: Meetings during the summer were cancelled, thus current meeting is 17. Outcomes of last meeting: no replies from emails on council meeting.
PPDE: general Assembly is 14-15 Nov 2020 have a council meeting at BPT Fürstenwalde (Spree)
PPCZ: General Assembly in January 2021.
PPI: Council meeting is also scheduled this fall/winter (next board meeting on Sept 30th 17:00 CET)

Council meeting
Council member to provide feedback: suggested date for the next Council Meeting is the 28/29 of November.
Main agenda points, election for a new board, statute changes as per last meeting in Italy and a budget for next year.
Final decision to be made at the next board meeting of the PPEU.
The Council Meeting will be online.
PPEU position on renewal of movement restrictions in EU States
JAN: just finished the text. Asks how folks want to go about this.
intro: some of the countries of Europe have and are still restricting travel. There are countries such as GE that have completely redone their systems, including travel restrictions within the country. Some of these risk areas have exceptions, including getting free extra testing of the Covid19 disease. The text introduces the GE way as one with less collateral damage.
Mikulas: the text written is proposed by you (Jan) - does this mean that the PPDE is supporting this? Jan: no it doesnt seem to be an important topic for PPDE. JAN: suggested meeting at the border, but it wasnt interesting for PPDE.
Mikulas: two ways: your text or the text of the PPEU and the board would come in and amend the text. Suggest a working group in MAttermost to work on the statement. Exile: also suggest to work on the text to widen it a bit and have the board work on it. Mentions faster testing options that may have affect on cross-bordering.
Mikulas: make an order to tell SocMed folks what to do. The council could or should they approve this position? This position could be put up at a council meeting but it overreaching perhaps. It should be guidance for the SocMed people. Asks for a discussion team for mattermost.

Translater Twitter channel
M.Sinclair: has been testing a translater of tweets of prominent pirates and would like to translate tweets from a plethora of Pirates everywhere in to different languages. The twitter account would be neutral and have both serious and firey tweets, not necessarily connected only to PPEU. Could be useful for elections etc. IT would be good to have a group of native speakers to help with the translater. Jan: SocMed are not diverse enough and thus suggests to occationally have member parties translate to english and have it reposted on social media. PPEU to help dissemminate this possibility and asks that this be a part of the infrastructure of the Pirate content and also ensure that new folks know of this possibility and that would strengthen the possibility. Further conversation and to move forward from the test phase and include in the media strategy. Mikulas: want to act now setting up an accont but also ready to wait.

A working group would be made on mattermost to work and facilitate the statement work further.
Mikulas: PPUK to be registered as an NGO instead?
Oktavia: volunteers to send them a message back to update them on the next board meeting.

Any other business


0. Approval of the agenda YES: Mikuláš, Exile, Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS), Jan

**Meeting closed at 21:44 hours
Next board meeting is set on in two weeks from now as usual on 07.10.2020, (20:00 CEST - DST - summertime)\