@Popol349 | Paul Bossu
@tvelocity | Antonios Motakis
@radeks00 | Radek Pietroń until 23:57 CEST
@Gilles_PPDE | Gilles Bordelais
@teirdes | Amelia Andersdotter until 22:33 CEST
@CristianBulumac | Cristian Bulumac
@LunaLoof | Martina Pöser
@AndersPirat | Anders Kleppe
@marou_pp | Maxime Rouquet
Muriel [PPCAT]
@Exile70860000 | Exile
@im_dario | Dario Castañé
@ZombBi | Jens Stomber
@lmn_ar | Lorena Müller
@sh4dowdancer | Samvimes
Amelia is opening the meeting at 21:14 CEST.
Chairman: Gilles (agreed)
Minutes (Secretary): Amelia proposing Martina - board and Martina agrees
Approval of the minutes of the last Board meeting: http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=ppeu:board:minutes2014-03-21
Approval of the agenda:
Amelia is against talking about it infrastructure and the next GA meeting.
Gilles wants to set up the Board itself and its structure first of all.
Martina thinks its important to set up it infrastructure as soon as possible. But it needn't be discussed in depth, but someone could just be appointed to make the necessary decisions.
Anders agrees that it is important to have mailing lists as soon as possible.
Gilles proposed to only discuss TOP 1, 2, 5, 6 (and 9) and leave off everything else.
Martina proposes to just approve the agenda and make short work of certain topics when we arrive at them and think that they don't need to be discussed in depth today (and maybe just someone appointed to do it).
Martina's proposal was approved.
Agenda was approved preliminarily.
TOP 1 Procedural Rules for the Board
TOP 2 Executive Power Delegation
TOP 3 Next General Assembly
TOP 4 IT Structure
TOP 5 Registering the party
TOP 6 Banking account
TOP 7 Communication Strategy
TOP 1 Procedural Rules for the Board
Vote: Do we want to have Rules of Procedure at all?
Gilles +1
Anders +1
Paul +1
Cristian +1
Antonios +1
Amelia +1
Martina +1
Maxime +1
Radek +1
*Draft: https://eu.piratenpad.de/ppeu-board-rules-of-procedure
Proposal by Martina: Everyone takes a look at the draft of rules of procedure until next meeting and bring in suggestions how to change or improve the draft which can be voted upon then.
Gilles +1
Anders +1
Paul +1
Cristian +1
Tony +1
Amelia +1
Martina +1
Maxime +1
Radek +1
* Who will do what tasks in the Board?
Gilles : What is there to be done seems important to discuss first. So we can take the objectives as start http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=statutes:final#art_5_-_objectives
Gilles sees two jobs : public relations + coordination of activities at european level.
Amelia: Formally setup the organisation first as a priority
Radek: We have 2 jobs: formally register a party (with bank and abiding to law) and set up an IT things -mailist, and everything we need for communication; thats one, the second one is communication strategy and everything that is going out from us - finished :) +1 (Martina, but I'm not much help with the first priorities) +1(Cristian)
Anders: Where everything else would be extracting the strategy statement from the statutes and building the branding and marketing strategies
Maxime : we need to create formal association, get bank accounts, and our own infrastructure. This is a priority. In the meantime, we should setup temporary tools to work, and in particular we need a mailing-list : we should agree tonight on where we could setup a mailing-list.+1(Paul)
Who's volunteering?
#Amelia: PPEU's face outwards
#Martina: formal stuff, organisational stuff, coordination, jobs of co-vicechairperson (Art. 18)
#Maxime: texts & communication stuff, jobs of co-vicechairperson
#Radek: Finance, some IT work (website, programming)
#Paul: Practical things in Bruxelles (help cristian/amelia's offcie with media), POC with other delegates, coordination and event management, …
#Gilles: IT
#Tony: Can help with IT stuff, texts, etc
#Cristian: Communication with the input from other members/chairs; Helping with registering the organisation
#Anders: Include non-EU members / Strategy, branding, marketing
Amelia adjourns her presence with apologies (22:35)
- is more about setting the org (like creating aisbl, bank account,…)
Proposal : Limited to Cristian and Paul, for setting up the Party, as Amelia, Martina, Maxime and Radek already have the necessary powers.\\
Vote (exempted : Cristian & Paul):
Martina +1
Anders +1
Gilles +1
Tony +1
Maxime +1
Radek +1
There is a need to set up another GA soon to at least be able to vote on the application of Observer members. There could also be done some necessary changes/clarifications in the statutes (like the order of numbers, voting majority needed, splitting of votes).
When, where and how?
Martina: After the European elections, let's do it online to save money and make it easier for the delegates to attend.
Anders: I second Martina on this issue
Muriel: +1 Martina. FYI, I contacted with Nuno from the Pirate Party of Portugal and he said that they will not run for the European Elections, so it is not urgent to do the online assembly before the elections.
Vote: Postponing TOP 3 after the EU elections:
Anders +1
Martina +1
Cristian +1
Paul +1
Gilles +1
Tony +1
Radek +1
Maxime +1
PPEU mail server (groupware as an option)
PPEU mailing lists
(PPEU) mumble server
PPEU pads
PPEU websites http://ppeu.net/ | https://europeanpirates.eu/
PPEU wiki http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php
or should we use some of the already existing infrastructure and tools?
Anders: Some of the issues I will put forward as mentioned below (TOP 7) will also cover some aspects of these technical issues.
Proposal by Martina: Leave it to the people appointed to do it (Gilles, Radek, Tony), Gilles to coordinate\\
Anders +1
Martina +1
Cristian +1
Paul +1
Maxime +1
Tony +1
Radek +1
Gilles +1
asbl: 150 €
aisbl: 1200+€
asbl: goes quite quickly (couple of days)
aisbl: would not be set up before the elections, because it would need a royal decree (4-6 months)
An upgrade is possible, there is no need to set up the organisation once more completely.
Maxime: Is it necessary to set up the organisation before the European elections to get the financing? Or for any other reason?
Financing is not an issue as we do not fulfill the conditions right now anyway, but we might need to have a formal organisation to take part in legal and commercial business.
Martina: Do we need a formal organisation to get a banking account?
If we need it, we should found an asbl first.
*Cristian: I understand that we might not have a choice according to the statutes? Or if we have a choice, let's vote.
*Martina: Finances of the PPEU are still unknown, as I didn't get any feedback from Anders or Jan from Amelia's office about which parties have already paid which amount of their membership fee to pay for the room for the founding meeting of PPEU. I only know that the German Pirates have already paid their complete membership fee of € 1.200,- for this purpose and Amelia said that the Swedish Pirates also sponsored some of the room rent, but I don't know the exact amount.
*Radek I've also sended email about this case but still didn't get any proper information back.
Proposal vote 1: In addition to Radek we delegate the decision to Paul and Cristian, to decide if it is necessary to found as an asbl first or if we have the time to found immediately as an aisbl only.
Anders +0
Martina +0
Paul +1
Gilles +1
Tony +1
Radek +1
Maxime +1
Proposal vote 2: we delegate to Radek, Paul and Cristian to organise the founding of an ASBL and initiate at the same time the procedures to upgrade it as an AISBL as soon as we will fullfil the requirements.
Anders +0
Martina +0
Gilles +0
Tony +0
Radek +0
Maxime +1
Proposal vote 3: we delegate to Radek, Paul and Cristian to organise the founding of an ASBL and initiate at the same time the procedures to upgrade it as an AISBL as soon as we will fullfil the requirements. But if they get new information, they have the discretion to change the decision for the better.
Anders +1
Martina +1
Paul +1
Gilles +1
Tony +1
Radek +1
Maxime +1
Winner: Proposal 3
to open a bank account (asbl or aisbl) ⇒ direct link to the doc:
french (for gilles & maxime) http://www.triodos.be/downloads/downloads-fr/compte-a-vue/dossier-ouverture-pour-construction-juridique.pdf
coming from Triodos.be :http://www.triodos.be/downloads/downloads-fr/compte-a-vue/dossier-ouverture-pour-construction-juridique.pdf
Dossier d’ouverture pour Construction juridique
(forme juridique : AISBL, ASBL, Association de copropriétaires, Association de fait, Fondation, Société momentanée)
-Amelia: Prefers one of the banks which have a seat in the European Parliament building and which issue the opportunity of cash withdrawls (KBC, ING and Paribas Fortis). Amelia reminds everybody that having a bank whose offices are not physically located close to the individuals who are reasonably expected to have a need for that bank's services will take time from those individuals. Logistical issues (such as travelling distance to the bank office) should be minimized in order to increase the efficiency of the organisation and its goals.
-Paul proposes TRIODOS for its ethical banking system (but no cash withdrawls) they have office at rue haute in 1000 Bruxelles and PPi or jonge piraten or PPBE are already there
-Martina: Cash withdrawls would be a good thing, but banks which share a building with the European Parliament seem a bit dodgy, @Amelia: Do you still maintain the office outside the EP? Because that is the official seat of PPEU according to its statutes. Amelia said: Yes, she maintains those offices until at least the EP elections, afterwards no one knows. Hopefully either her or the German Pirates may be able to keep it.
-Anders: PPEU should stay out of anything that might be perceived dodgy, but I need to think over this before I can give a professional opinion.
-Radek: I'm working on comparison of conditions we would get in Triodos, ING and Paribas. I would prefer ING or Paribas because those are big banks with international recognition and Triodos is the one that is only in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Spain as far I know.
Maxime : I remember PPI had problems with its bank account, before or during the time they had an account in TRIODOS. We should learn from their experience.
Paul said: The problem seemed to be that both Gregory and Samir opened different accounts for PPI there.
Proposal : Radek will prepare a list of the interesting options available and of their main differences for the next Board meeting.
Anders +1
Tony +1
Gilles +1
Cristian +1
Martina +1
Radek +1
Maxime +1
- postponed: except for the logo designer support
*Who has access to which domains? Which do we want to use as our official site?
*Which twitter account should we use and should we change the names to increase the number of followers? Who has access to which account and who should have access?
*What about facebook? 2 pages (one empty, one with >1500 followers)
*What about Google?
*How do we want to communicate in general? What about press releases?
*Who decides what should be published where?
Muriel: in my opinion this is too complex an extensive issue to treat it on the passing with everything mixed and should probably have several dedicated meetings. I'm afraid today can only be a starting point and to solve the most pressing matters. I've created the following pads to facilitate the work flow:
Muriel: Several people would like to collaborate with the board on a joint communication/PR working group, perhaps the interested members of the board could coordinate it and then maybe more detailed discussions could take place about communication strategy in this working group.
Anders: I am preparing a note to the board around these issues. I hope to have a reasonably good and short one finished by Saturday evening.
*Martina: EP14-Website as a draft:
http://piraten-steinfurt.de/uploads/ppeu/. The German Pirates/delegation asked to make it available via the PPEU-Website.
*Please contact Fred and the German SG Gestaltung about the licensing of the PPEU logo: http://kaklotter.de/fred/ppeulogo?preview-key=M7T5ATBQAFUWRQ1IR64JMBLBNV3M8NA9L59Q1XNJFZUILDIEUB
Muriel: Regarding the logo versions, IMHO, the “European Pirates” version should not be the one above, but instead as the one in
so that it has the same aesthetics as the “European Pirate Party” version (and which, by the way, looks much better)
We also need to develop a strictly black&white version, necessary for some applications.
* Amelia reminds everybody that unless a communications strategy is quickly put into place, leading her to be able to represent the organisation, she will not be able to dedicate any time at all to PPEU before May 25th 2014, since she is in an election campaign in Sweden. She proposes that communications 1) are controlled out of Brussels, 2) by one of the individuals presently in employment by the European Parliament (such as Cristian Bulumac). This will ensure the relevancy of PPEU communications with respect to EU policies, as well as the time of the responsible individual to be available for anyone with concerns at all hours of the day.
Muriel: +1 Amelia, we need to be practical. Maybe if Anders or other pirates don't feel comfortable with that, we can take it as a temporary measure until the European Elections. However, having at least a responsible person from the European Praliament to ensure things work fluently, doesn't mean that this person does not take his/her decisions taking into account other inputs. So a work group can be set anyway and Cristian or whoever take into account the discussions held there.
* Muriel: Apart from all that above, we European Pirates must fulfil our promise of (professionally) promoting the designer of the chosen logo (we said that “The author's name and website (provided it portrays their work, not political content) will be shared to a combined audience of more than 300.000 on Facebook, Twitter and other sites.”) and we shouldn't take much longer. We could of course always ask the parties to write their own posts, but it would be a pity not to take advantage of that and use it to promote the official accounts (hopefully chosen today). I wanted to ask the board to approve this so that we can already post/twit this tomorrow on the European Pirates official accounts and ask the members to share/retwit it from the official accounts to promote them:
We are proud to share with you all the work of our democratically-chosen-logo designer, fRED: http://kaklotter.de !!
You guys should have a look at fRED's work. http://kaklotter.de He is the designer behind the European Pirates logo that was voted by the European Pirates in Brussels. Congrats!
Vote: Cristian should make a nice supportive post about our favourite logo designer.
Anders +1
Martina +1
Tony +1
Gilles +1
Maxime +1
Paul +1
Anders: Proposal to delegate two primary contact persons towards non-EU member Pirate Parties. These two should first focus on issues important to members outside the EU. -Postponed to the next board meeting
FyI (Exile): AS PP-EU administration/Infrastructur is postponed for the moment german “international” pirates agreed to propose having a ML through PPI for the delegates (as we see a certain urgency) - to be discussed with Gilles, Tony and Radek.
Doodle? Martina will set up a Doodle about the time two weeks from now, at the latest on the 25th.
Regular meeting time? 21.00 CEST
Anders +1
Tony +1
Gilles +1
Maxime +1
Paul +1
Cristian +1
Gilles closes the meeting at 00:04 CEST on the 07/04/2014.
The Board will convene again on the 21/04/2014 at 21.00 CEST on the German NRW Mumble server in room PPEU.