Agenda Board Meeting 12.02.2018, 20:00h CET (19:00 h UTC)
Hrafndís Bára Einarsdóttir (PP-IS)
RoP= not existing until now for developing RoP in the near future
Meeting opened at 20:03 CET by Oktavía Jónsdóttir
Meeting chaired by: Oktavia Jónsdóttir
Secretary for this meeting: Mikuláš
Streaming started: 20:03
Recording started: 20:03
Minutes of the last meeting:
YES : Bastian, Exile, Mikuláš, Tony, Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir
Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT)
contacted by Young Pirates (Maija Li Raudaskoski) about (up and coming change in the position of) international coordinator in Finland
- checked acitivity of member parties, most of them responded
- lot of european pirate parties are not members
Antonios Motakis (PP-GR)
- “Voteit” not worthy of maintaining, migration is preferred solution
- migration requires minutes and archives
- going to Pirate Security Conference
Exile (Oliver Herzig, PP-DE, PP-CAT, PC-ES)
- not really very active… PP-ES and PP-CAT is in some kind of hibernation at the moment
- Muriel resigned from the position of international coordinator
- going to Pirate Security Conference
Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ)
Checked the possibilty for financing by EU. Currently not a possibility for the European PP to apply - there has to be Pirates elected in 7 member states
Mikuláš will do research about regional and municipality representation of Pirate Party guest from finnish pirates: region is defined as the administrative unit on level directly under member states
- for future - find the countries where are elected Pirates
Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)
- social media plan draft is about to be finalised - will be ready this week.
- administrative issues concerning the job of international coordinator, will be back on track in March, probably
Bastian (Sebastian Krone, PP-DE)
- I did a lot of technical stuff.
- Website-Admin, Blogposts, Imprint changed to European-Pirates
- mail:
- example:
– Folders PPEU /board etc.
- Tried to contact Sven Clement several times. No success. No information about financials etc. from the past.
Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS)
- had meeting with Bastian, prepared processes for managing finances
- had meeting with vice-chairs
- in touch with Sven, will organize contact between Bastian and Sven
- in touch with Gilles and MaB
- cannot get information from the bank
- chairman of PP-GR caught in nacionalist demo - response?
- going to Pirate Security Conference in Munich, Democratic festival in Ireland
- Antigone helped registration, it shall happen
Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-FR)
- working on programme, going to organize first mumble meeting - march 2018
- searching for direct contact with PP-CY, PP-MALTA , PP-IR, PP-PO ⇒ ping PPI ?
- needs some info from Bastian and Markéta to finish the registration
Hrafndís Bára Einarsdóttir (PP-IS) : not present
See chart:
SK (Bastian): need to create a working space for working groups to start engaging on issues related to the upcoming European Elections 2019.
Bastian: all the European Pirates shall be involved in discussion and preparation of common european programme. There should be a list of working groups (agriculture, transport, basic income…)
Mikuláš: there should be a person responsible of each working groups
Thomas/PPI: suggest that all pirate parties can join the work
Antigone : we can already start the work with the existing proposal/programm in each Parite Pary and strenght it afterward in specific thematic group.
a working group/working space to consolidate the question (to specific to be work during a board)
To do : Bastian will set up a framadate (doodle) to discuss that
RoP: create a stronger RoP, Tony, Ernst and Bastian volunteer to strengthen the resource. Oktavía to create doodle for a tmeeting time after 18th feb
See chart:
- In progress
Bastian: nothing to ammend, it works (might to be rediscussed ofter RoP Discussion)
Representative for Domiciliation and Registration
- Technical issues with being able to fill out the forms has delayed he process for a month. The Chairperson forsees the registration being in the hands of Sven Clement from PPLU 13 february and with any luck we will be registered on 14th of February 2018.
Meeting has between Treasurer and CP.
Good outcome and minutes available.
Process on tasks:
Suggestion: mapping the PPEU member/PPEU all with all representation on all levels to be able to be set up in (I will do that [Ernst])
Research on possibility of pan-european candidate list for the EU election (Mikuláš - okta helping)
*VoteIT - should we keep it? (Tony from the board)
Tony: suggests to retire it. Get the informaiton/minutes off the platform and host them elsewhere. As it is not used it is very heavy to maintain our own instance.
Bastian: Can provide a server to maintain the VoteIt instance
will be postponed .. Bastian and Tony are looking after that until next meeting
17.-18.02.2018 Pirate Secon Munich
Make all email address on pertaining to roles, i.e. Board, treasurer, chairperson, vicechair etc.
cons: regular members do not have a function.
pros: continuation and documentation of the board work to allow for smoothe transitions
Mikuláš: we can have both personal emails (like and position emails (like
Oktavia: for the accountability it is better to use mainly the position emails
Bastian: we should have country emails to contact the members (like to better network our members
Okta: start a conversation on the use of the domain
Next meeting: 12.03.2018, 19:00 hrs UTC / 20:00 hrs CET
Meeting closed 21:33 hrs CET by Oktavia