The meeting took place on PPCZ's Jitsi. The meeting was not public. The meeting started at 5:00pm CEST.
The CoCC members followed this agenda :
The CoCC is not a Court of Arbitration or a Court of Justice. Its mission is to improve the health of the community by proposing tools or to propose mediation between individuals in order to avoid the repetition of unsafe behaviour. There the CoCC do not have an obligation to disclose the marterial it receive and doing so could be uncoproductive. Indeed some testimonies might full the conflict.
However, the CoCC will, any time it judges it necessary, question the facts that are presented to it in order to identify the reality of the conflicts or of the unhealthy behaviours.
The CoCC has no jurisdiction to decide on the responsibility of individuals in a conflictual situation without their consent. Its only goal is to promote a solution based on dialogue thank to mediation or report promoting rules.
The CoCC has no jurisdiction to decide on the responsibility of individuals in a conflictual situation. Its only goal is to promote a solution based on dialogue thank to mediation or report promoting new common guidelines.
The CoCC listed the interviews to plan for this month.
Meeting closed at 17:39CEST
Minutes were written by Etienne and approved by all the members.