WhereMumble - https://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Mumble
When - 24th may 2018, 20:30 CEST
How long - 2 hours (max) - 20:30 - 22:30
Invitation as large as possible
Minutesall of us
Opening the meeting at 20:37
Pad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/848875963551
Matthijs Pontier @Matthijs85 (won't be able to attend, but put a suggestion below)
@gpellen - Gwenael Pellen (ppfr-member, listener)
@mickjosi - Mickey sinclair - Macburns, PP Global.
@PetraStoll - Petra - ppde-member
Marek Nečada @MarekNecada (ppfi/ppcz) marek.necada@pirati.cz
@Thomas1G Thomas Gaul - PPDE
Numero6 [ParTiD'enRire]
Michael Berndt - PPDE [michael.berndt3@ewetel.net]
Antigone - PPEU
František Kopřiva - PPCZ frantisek.kopriva@pirati.cz
Bastian @bastianBB (PPEU-Board)
Martin Čech (PPCZ) emc2@centrum.cz
- Exchange informations about the situation of the different Working Group
- Exchange about the idea of an IRL meeting
- Discussion with Lily Petra about a common design for the election
Introduction of the meeting what's up ?
Original Pad area for this https://kv-duisburg.piratenpad.de/EUWP-20 (English)
Extra mumble meeting for discussing this issues is on Wednesday, 06.06.2018, 20:30h CEST
Common European Election Programme (CEEP) 2014:
1. what should we keep
2. what should we skip
3. what should be added
for work results see https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/CEEP2014 (needs to be discussed in the specific groups)
CEEP 2014 is written quit timelessly, so maybe we look for thematics that are up to date.
PPs are asked to have a look at the items which need to be amended and are asked to bring up proposals.
- thematic will be open on the french discourse
Suggestion question:
Did you manage to have a launch meeting ?
What help and support do you need ?
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/AgricultureMaritimeAffairsFisheries
Annette Berndt, annette.berndt@ewetel.net
didn't work out yet, a new meeting will be set up within June (end of June)
Keep contact with PP-IS they worked a lot on the thematic of fisheries
Once the date of the meeting is known, Bastian will make an email to the PPEU-mailing list to inform all fo us
Digital Affairs
TheBug @TheBug0815
Alexander Spies - aspies@piratenpartei.berlin
Maija Li Raudaskoski
Julia or office (EP)
Waiting for news coming from Julia's office. Waiting for participation of Julia's office two week from now. If in two weeks there is still no direct answer, the working group will meet and beginn the work by itself.
Michael Berndt (mailmichael.berndt3@ewetel.net)
TheBug @TheBug0815
Maija Li Raudaskoski
Proposal from the PPDE and short discussion. Try to make an appointment but it didn't work the next try will be in June.
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/workingGroupStructure
newly established, needs to be filled in with people working on it
Marek suggest to translate the programm of the PP-CZ to have a starter for the working group
20.06.2018 20:30 CEST Mumble - all are invited to lobby this date and time for a good outcome of the meeting.
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/EducationCulture
Coordinator Marek Nečada - marek.necada@pirati.cz
newly - need to spread the information to get more people involved
Thomas Gaul will try to get PPDE (AG Tellerrand) on board + Antigone for the PP-FR
Marek is OK with the fact we share his public email adress
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/ForeignDefensePolicy
Lead: Aurifex (@AbeEvellin) - etienne.evellin@partipirate.org
Members TheBug @TheBug0815, Aurifex (@AbeEvellin), ThomasG
Alexander Spies - aspies@piratenpartei.berlin
Aurifex (sorry to not be with you this evening)
Only one personne reponded on the Framadate and I haven't an email adress to contact him… So the meeting didn't happen.
I fixed a first meeting on the 12th June at 8pm on the French Discord http://discord.partipirate.org/ (an opportuny for those who don't know it ;) )
The agenda will be presentation of the group's members and discussions about the main thematics we want to speak about. Please check the different links that are one the pad before the meeting !
A more former e-mail will be send shortly (probably next week)
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/MigrationAsylumPolicies
Lead: Mickey Sinclair, mickeyy_sinclair@yahoo.de
Others: ThomasG, Alexander Spies - aspies@piratenpartei.berlin, Marek Nečada
no meeting yet, more international interest on this issue is needed!
we did a need to talk on this thematik and have a basis to start on.
we have to focuse on the PP who are directly concerned on each side of the mediterranean Spain, Italy, Grece, France and Tunisia, Turkey on the other side.
Timeline build from the 2We need to talk meeting“, have a first proposal with the result of the discussion, then communicate through the PPEU and PPI channel
Mickmacburns will make a text proposal
Proposed date and time5 weeks time - 05.07.2018 20:30 CEST
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/SocialAffairsBasicIncome
Alexander Spies - aspies@piratenpartei.berlin
Jonathan van Dijken - javandijken@piratenpartij.nl
Knarf_E and Alex will co-lead the group
Hadn't meet - eventually people from Island wanted to take part to the group
subpad: https://ppeu.piratenpad.de/StructuralFundsCohesionFunds
Coordinator: Martin Čech - emc2@centrum.cz
summary on the pad above
would appreciate commentar on the working group
organization of a meeting in the middle on June 19th of June - 20:30 pm
Mumble NRW - Channel PPEU - “We need to talk”
Martin's e-mail address might be published - see above
No news
The Mumble on Thursday the 24th of May at 9.30 pm is about how an EU election campaign 2019 could look like as an common project of all pirate EU countries that want to join in and participate in the EU election. In the end - it is very important that they are all willing and able to put money, ideas and manpower in the campaign. Of course we have to help each other if necessary. Please write your ideas suggestions and so on in the pad.
If there are still graphic artists who would like to help with the development of the campaign it would begreat. Roland from Vienna is a graphic designer and has already agreed to help. If a graphic artist would like to take up the following campaign idea we would be very happy
(it is the Campaign with the yellow pictures from Brazil)
- What color should the campaign have? orange (DE) - purple
PPFR purple on national level (every color on local level)
PPCZ black and white; https://pirati.cloud/s/hgrRoWiAMHrdIw4
- Which material do we need?
Flag ?
Visual for poster / flyer (to adapt)
- How many people do you have to help?
On graphics PPFR - 1 or 2
Producing material handling PPFR on Paris 20 at least, 5 to 10 people in the main cities
- How much money could you put into the campaign?
PP-FR - At the moment less than 10 000€
PPCZpreliminarily assigned 3,5 MCZK (135K EUR) exclusively for the european elections + part of 5,176 MCZK of yearly central media budget (we have permanent employees that can be assigned on european elections -related tasks)
+ involve our PR team + share best practices
- Who would like to join a campaign?
František suggests shared media contact lists and common press releases- Marketa began this work on the european level and developped a media strategy. The work is ongoing onthe PPEU side.
Common guidelines e.g. for voters abroad (registration of their eligibility to vote etc.)
Next steps :
To launch a “primarly campagning meeting”
CI (corporate identity) meeting - colors - Petra will find a date for the meeting
- data privacy
- Internet
- corruption (maybe in some contries) - I like this idea
- and so on
Websites (even our discussion website “We Need to Talk” https://wntt.eu )
Mailing lists (easy to setup) –> see above and below
Padserver - pads are given
Mumble server - several available
Sub categories will be created this week to host the working groups
www.globalpirates.org is set up as central site for all Global Pirates channels open for all to use if needed.
Redmine for managing our dates and the work up front? (Management)
A central calendar with webdav/ical access needed.
→ will be implemented within the weekend on https://wntt.eu/ceep-calendar/
Bastian develop a calendar based on google (outch) and we can provide him our data.
František will ask Ondřej Profant about utilization of PP-CZ redmine.
Crowdsource ideas for election program using the open source e-democracy platform 'Your Priorities. We have good experiences with this in Amsterdam
Special meeting for the tech stuff will be done by doodle.
Next meeting(not on a weekend!)29.06.2018 20.30h CEST
The meeting is closed at 22:31h CEST