1. Amending the order of the agenda: A participant moves to amend the order of the agenda items which have not yet been debated. Upon passing of the motion, the new order is in force.
2. Amending the order of elections: A participant moves to amend the order of votes which have not yet been decided. Upon passing of the motion, the new order is in force.
3. Tabling of business: A participant moves to postpone one or more items of business until the next Concil meeting. Upon passing of the motion, the items in question shall not be further debated and the Board must schedule them for the next Concil meeting.
4. Postpone indefinitely a motion: A participant moves to postpone indefinitely debate on one or more motions. On passing, the item(s) in question shall not be debated further.
5. Recess: A participant moves a specific timespan in minutes for a break in the meeting. The chair may agree without a vote. If they is not in agreement, there follows a vote on the motion. If the motion is passed, the meeting shall recess immediately for the suggested number of minutes and resume the order of speakers afterwards.
6. General limitation of debate: A paticipant moves a time limit for a speaker to have the floor. An exception can be made for the movant, a candidate, or the sitting chair. Upon passing of the motions the chair ensures that the limit is observed. The time limit can be changed at any time by another motion to limit debate.
7. Closure: A participant moves to end discussion. The chairman announces the speakers currently on the list before calling for the vote. The motion has passed if no one takes against. Upon passing of the motion, the existing requests for the foor are recognized and the speaker list closed. The movant is allowed a closing argument and thereafter follows the vote on the motion in question.
8. Reopen the speaking list: If the speaking list is currently closed, a passing of this motion would reopen the speaking list again.
9. Straw votes: A participant may move that a straw vote be taken on up to three motions for which the Concil desires a general opinion. As long as the motion to adjourn is not being made the questions must directly relate to the question at hand. In elections, the question may not be directed at identifiable persons. Upon passing of the motion, the questions suggested shall undergo a straw vote. The results shall be recorded, but in no case have an immediate subsequent eject.
10. Re-election of the chair: A participant moves to replace the current chair with another present person. If the motion passes the nominated person becomes the chair.
11. Change the Rules of Procedure: A participant moves to change the Rules of Procedure. The change must be tended in writing. If the motion passes, the Rules of Procedure are so amended.