Table of Contents

PPEU board meeting 16.9.2015

Present: Smári, MaB, Nina, Mikuláš, Tale

Excused: Tony, Muriel

Missing: Sven



Statue changes

MaB had no time to send the second round of proposals Pecka is going to send out the second review round

General overview of what's been going on

Statute changes Preparing the online meeting in october Preparing the voting system for the meeting in october

What are we actually intending to do?

A lot of things that we're planning on relies on getting infrastructure up Consensus-based proposals for common statements of European Pirates

Mab is concerned that if it's not consensus-based, members will leave

There is also a possibility of getting European Pirate parties active in replying to EU consultations

What is our grand vision?

MaB explains the difference between vision and purpose

EU elections 2019: We ought to enable all PPs in EU menber states to run for the elections. Tools and training ist required.

But - we need to do stuff before the election preparations start

Example/idea: spread information material on the TTIP agreement. Nina, Tale and Mikulas take the main responsibility to

Where is the information, and how do we reach out to our members?

Making a calendar for the stuff we want to do

Ask i.e. Twitter followers for help when we need something

Issue tracker: Smari suggests Trello. Everyone seems to agree.

Voting system / server status

(Smári) Current server cannot run the system in an optimal way – not enough space to run Docker

Will go for suboptimal route for now, of getting it running at least for demo purposes on a separate Virtual server, with the aim to migrate it to our infrastructure at some point in the future

Online meeting

Update on the Norwegian elections 2 days ago and what has been going on in the rest of the world.

Other discussions

link to consultations: link to green page on ttip: