Mumble NRW/PP-DE
Mumble: Server: Port: 64738 (standard) User: your name Channel: 'International' -> 'PPEU'
15.05.2012 21:30 CEST (UTC +2)
Meeting starts at 21:30 (CEST)
* Round of Introductions
* no disapprovement - agenda remains as is
* no other candidates, Martina is the chairman * the chairman points out that we should not have general discussions, but to stay on topic of the agenda
*clarifications for this position are asked…
Most important rule: No general discussions! Those belong onto the general PPEU- and PPI-ML!
German Deadline: Next GA in November, the 24th/25th 2012 * the deadline set by the german pirate party is mentioned(24-25/11/2012). however it is not a strict deadline, since at least 3 more GA will be held next year
(Once a week?) * Martina: how often should we meet? * pakki: suggestion that we meet often in the beginning. once per week would be a good frequency * not everyone will be able to attend once per week. whoever is there, is there * suggestion for a stable weekly date and time (Tuesday, 21:30) * whoever cant make it on tuesday, wont be able to attend at all * martina is going to set up a doodle for the next meeting, the link will be send on the mailing list * proposal for a regular meeting: every tuesday at 21:30 h on mumble
Suggestions: and here * there's a slight confusion about which pad we're using, due to technical issues and limitations…
The Coordinators will be doing all necessary administrative stuff like preparing mumble meetings, protocols, taking care of ML and Wiki etc. - meaning work, not glory! *suggestion to add an explanatory adjective to “coordinator”
everybody is “elected”
TODO: Administrators will prepare a page where contributors register together with their skills.
These are the topics on the pad:
→ You can find links to all different European Pirate Parties programmes here.
To get similarities out of the list of Topics in the different PPs in Europe:
TODO: Everyone chooses a topic which they are interested in and collects all parts relating to it in the different PPs programmes and tries to find someone to translate them from the skills list (See TOP 7). Also everyone with a language skill should try to offer their help with this about all topics. Every topic should have their own pad which should be linked to on this pad:, so that everyone can find it.
TODO: Pakki will try to find someone from PP-BE and PP-NL.
News and Links to @korbinian and not only via ML.
Doodle? Martina will put one up after this meeting. → 22/05/2012 21:30 CEST
Meeting was closed at 0:56 CEST.