Digital sustainability

Free, open standards for the public sector and educational systems.

A stronger emphasis on free, open software (FLOSS, Free/Libre Open Source Software) and standards in government agencies reduces their dependence on proprietary systems and suppliers. Such an emphasis supports the suppliers of open IT systems without creating new dependencies. FLOSS also wins the trust of citizens. Students should have the opportunity to master different systems. This is important in a time characterized by rapid technological change. Furthermore, care must be taken that the choice of computer technology is suitable to the subject matter and teaching methods, and not vice versa.

Security and Crime

Security advisors and network experts shall not unjustly have the tools of their trade criminalized by the government and thereby lose their means of livelihood. Attempts by the federal government to do this must be stopped.


The Swiss National Funds distribute in large part taxpayers' money to scientific institutes and groups and regulate the publication of their results. Researchers must at the present time publish their results openly, as long as there is no legal contraindication or, respectively, immediately after the expiration of the grace period that certain scientific journals have established. Research results should, however, as a matter of principle, be published immediately and not be controlled by publishing companies.

Our demands

Use only open-source systems and document formats in the public sector. Stop attempts to criminalize the means of livelihood of security advisors and network experts. Publish the research supported by tax money and make it accessible without cost to all citizens of Switzerland and the planet.