3 Seat of PPEU

3 Seat of PPEU

EGP2.3 The seat of the European Green Party is situated at rue Wiertz 31, in 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
2.4 The Committee may move the seat anywhere in Belgium by simple majority vote. The move must be published in the Moniteur Belge in accordance with the Belgian law.
EFAThe association’s registered office shall be established in the Brussels conurbation.
For information purposes, and without any statutory implication, the full address shall be Woeringenstraat 19, 1000 Brussels.
The board of directors shall be authorised to change the address of the registered office within the boundaries of that conurbation.
The board of directors shall also decide on the setting up of offices and branches.
ELThe juridical seat of the EL is in Brussels.
PES4.1. The Headquarters of the PES is 98, rue du Trône, B-1050 Bruxelles, in the Judicial district of Brussels.
4.2. The Headquarters may be transferred to any other location in the Brussels region by decision of the Presidency by qualified majority (cf. Art. 17.5.). The decision must be published in the Annexes of the Belgian Official journal (Moniteur belge).
EUDThe seat of the association is situated at Nordkystvejen 2F 8961 Allingaabro.
ELDRThe registered office of the Association is located at B-1000 Brussels, “Résidence Montoyer”, rue Montoyer, 31.
The registered office may be transferred to any other location in the Region of “Bruxelles-capitale” by a decision of the Bureau. The decision to move the registered office must be published in the Annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette.
EDPThe social seat of the association is fixed in Brussels, avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 103, in the judicial subdivision of Brussels.
The Council is able to modify the address of the social seat.
EPPThe registered office of the association is established at rue du Commerce 10, 1000 Brussels, in the Brussels judicial district.
The Presidency is authorized to transfer the registered office of the association to another location within this judicial district and to establish other offices and/or subsidiaries within or outside this judicial district.
NewropeansThe registered office of the association is at Postbus 440, 6500 AK Nijmegen. It can be transferred to another location within the European Union by the sole decision of the executive committee. The ratification of the General Assembly will be necessary for any transfer.
PPIPPI Headquarters shall be incorporated in accordance with the law of the country in which its international headquarters are located in order to enjoy the status of a juristic person. It should be a non profit organization.
Jack AllnutsPPEU's seat is located in <address>
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