On behalf of Pirate Party of France, we would like to present Etienne Evellin as a candidate for the Code of Conduct council.
Many of you know Etienne. He has now been a member of PPFR for many years and board member at Pirate Party International.
He is sitting in our statutory council, which is in charge of the interpretation of our internal rules and of conflict resolution, meaning he performs internally in mediation and prosecution for cases of conflict between members.
He is also in charge of out internal diversity team
He has proven to be a highly serious and involved member at both PPFR and PPI, and always very dedicated to promoting a fair and sensible outcome.
Etienne has a masters degree in law. He is specialized in private law, and civil and criminal procedure. He is currently working as greffier (court clerk).
We think that he would be a great addition to the CoCC from his experience inside the pirate movement and in court.