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Requests to delay or relieve of Memebersip fees
As stated in statutes:
(7) Members must pay their annual contribution between the first of January and the date of the annual Council meeting. On request of the concerned Ordinary Member party the Council may allow them under special circumstances with a 2/3-majority of the votes cast to delay their annual contribution for up to one year or relieve them of the payment or a part of it. The member party concerned may not vote on such a decision.
(8) If a Member Party did not pay their due membership fee for two consecutive years until the first Council meeting of the second year, they are deemed to have left the Association by resignation automatically.
Only may request fee delay or reduction; so only those members that paid at least their 2014 fees may request some easement for 2015 or 2016.
Ordinary Members who will not pay any fee by the start of the meeting will cease to be members at that moment.
Ordinary Member name | |
fee year: 200Y | amounth: xxx € (part/full) |
Delay/Relieve | timeframe: (till 31.8. 2015) |
Special reasons: | |
State your special reasons foe easement here |
Pirate party Narnia | |
fee year: 2005 | amounth: 300 € (full) |
Delay | timeframe: 31.11. 2015 |
Special reasons: | |
The year was really bad and all our gold was siezed by ruling white witch. We will collect new membership fees from our members by the end of the year and will be able to pay. |
Actual requests
Pur your request here: