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Motion For an asynchronous working plateform

In consideration of Article 5 of Statutes in particular its paragraph a), d), e);

In consideration of the importance of facilitating the work of pirates at the European level and allowing everyone to participate;

  1. The Board is responsible for drawing up specifications for the establishment of an asynchronous discussion and decision-making platform in consultation with the party members.
  2. Once the specifications have been established, the Bureau will draw up a list of applications that it will submit to the Council so that the latter can choose the platform to be set up.

The Board will have to present its list for the next Council meeting.

Full text of the proposal with reasoning by PPFR

Motion For an annual calendar for Council Meeting

In consideration of Article 14 (6) which states that the Council may be convened by decision of the Board;

In consideration of the need to ensure the proper organization of Council meetings;

The Board is charged of developing an annual calendar of meetings of the European Pirate Party Council before the last day of February. - The Bureau elaborates this calendar in consultation with the members. It takes into account as much as possible the obligations of ordinary members (general assembly, elections, etc.). - This calendar is sent to all members by any means and is published on the website of the party. - The Board is free to modify the calendar after having collected the opinion of the ordinary members and under the condition that the next meeting is not held within four weeks following the modifications.

Full text of the proposal with reasoning by PPFR

Motion for further direction of the registration process

Alternative 1)

Council tasks Board to prepare proposal for change of the Statues for the next Council meeting. The proposal shall provide option to obtain membership including voting rights even to parties officially not bearing term “Pirate” in their name.

Alternative 2)

Council approves postponement of the registration process until mandatory parliamentary representaion of the PPEU members is reached.


APPF requests the member parties to have influence on the respective European political party´s policies, including having voting rights. The current version of our Statues does not provide member party without term Pirates in their name an option to obtain full membership, while observer members are not allowed to vote. Concerning

  1. existing and expected distribution of votes in the Council
  2. admission of new members stays in the hands of Council
  3. Statue change requires 2/3 majority, changes of Objectives/Principles of the Assocation require full consent all members

the Council may consider Association robust enough to act as represantive of the Pirate movement in Europe, even though futher members are admitted. Unless further members are admitted, the registration process shall be postponed until further major electoral successes are reached.

Motion regarding Whistleblowers

We, members of the European Pirate Party, call upon pirate members of national parliaments, members of national delegations in the Council of Europe and members of the Pirate delegation in the European Parliament to further persist in favor of immediate response of all EU Member States, to comply with Directive (EU) 2019/1937, to build a secure and confidential environment within the European Union, for the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (whistleblowers).

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2022/01/22 14:17 by exile