Table of Contents
Ein Geist, ein Herz, eine Seele.
Dies ist die Zusammenfassung vieler realer und virtueller Brainstorming Meetings. Es ist nicht das finale Modell sondern ein “Modell im Fluss”. :)
Für weitere Einzelheiten schreibt mir, Daniele Monteleone aka Robotica oder meldet Euch einfach an! :)
AG Euroliquid
Das Kickoff-Treffen am 17. mai 2012 hat die Planung und Formung einer europäischen Organisation initiiert.
Es hat außerdem die Idee zur Implementierung eines eDemocracy-Werkzeugs geboren,um jedem Piraten aus der europäischen Union die Teilnahme am Entscheidungssystem zu ermöglichen.
Hauptsächlich sind die Piratenparteien Europas, vor allem aus der EU, beteiligt; die Einladung geht an alle Piratenparteien weltweit, weil sie in der Euroliquid Plattform auch nicht EU Länder eine Stimme zur EU Außenpolitik erhalten.
Die Teilnahme ist offen, im Euroliquid sind alle am Projekt interessierten Piraten willkommen.
Das Projekt hat gerade begonnen, und wir müssen vor der EU Wahl 2014 bereit sein.
Wenn Du am Mitmachen interessiert bist, findest Du hier weitere Details:
Permanente Versammlung | 24/7 |
Ort | (in der Mache) |
Wiki | |
Mailing list | |
ML Registrierung | |
Die AG Euroliquid is für jeden offen, der an einem Beitrag zur Gründung einer Piratenpartei auf europäischer Ebene interessiert ist.
Eine gemeinsame Plattform für die Piratenparteien, um basisdemokratisch über EU und paneuropäische Politik und gemeinsame Strategien zu diskutieren.
Wir glauben, dass der Schlüssel zum Erfolg der Piratenparteien nicht nur das coole Wort “Piraten” ist, sondern auch die offene Einstellung und Beteiligung am Entscheidungsprozess.
Euroliquid Richtlinien beschränken sich nicht auf LiquidFeedback. LQFB ist zurzeit das geeignete Tool, das uns zur Verfügung steht. Wenn in Zukunft ein besseres Tool zur Verfügung steht, können wir das verwenden.
Euroliquid Organization
Focal points:
- Allow to pirates to interact directly
- Balance the representative capacity of bigger parties giving voice to the smaller ones.
- Inclusivity
- partecipated democracy
- Transparency
- Trust and reliability
- Incorruptible by design
Most important for an healthy structure is the capacity to balance the legitimate representativeness of bigger parties and at the same time to give a voice to the smaller ones.
The solution is to distribute a large number of tokens to the Pirate Parties, members of the PP-EU, based on the weight that each Party/Member will have in the PP-EU council.
Those tokens are given to the representatives of each Pirate Party for accessing to the reserved unit of Euroliquid “chamber of representers”.
They are a sort of “liquidboard” that interact directly with all the pirates.
Euroliquid has two main chambers:
Chamber of Representers: Based on the distribution of tokens. It has functions of organization, direction and executive coordination. The units have functional Areas.
Chamber of Pirates: Any pirate can join. It has programmatic and proposal function. There are common thematic and funcional Areas There are reserved units for each Party member. The pirates will be able to influence the decisions of their representers voting in their own party units.
In the future LiquidFeedback will be able to manage the weight of each pirate vote (it is going to be implemented this function for company shares), so the tokens of the chamber of representers can be directly shared among the pirates of each Country / Party member.
Member Weights
Member weights is the most delicate argument of PP-EU model. In Euroliquid, member weight is represented by the number of tokens given to each member; therefore, the number of representers (then votes) that each Country / Party member have in the decisional unit depends on how many tokens they have.
the best way to assign weights is according to the Square root of voters.
- It's easy! Only one parameter.
- No exception, no complicated rules to remember, easy to understand it.
- Reach the goal: balance representativeness of bigger members and give a voice to the smaller ones.
- Alredy used for seats distribution of European Parliament (take a look here)
- Has strong theoretical basis
What happens when 2 or more regional Pirate Parties of the same country confederates and concur toghether to european elections?
Easy, they split the weight of their total voters.
Assuming for example 3 confederated parties: PA, PB, PC
- WA = SQRT(A+B+C) * A / (A+B+C)
- WB = SQRT(A+B+C) * B / (A+B+C)
- WC = SQRT(A+B+C) * C / (A+B+C)
A represents the voters of the party PA
B represents the voters of the party PB
C represents the voters of the party PC
WA represents the weight of the party PA
WB represents the weight of the party PB
WC represents the weight of the party PC
Subscription and Certification
Euroliquid platform has to be as much reliable as possible on representativeness of the Pirates.
To avoid fakes and multiple subscriptions will be taken some precautions, for both chambers, particularly for the chamber of representers that is the decisional unit.
Chamber of Representers subscription
Each party member will receive a number of tokens according to the weight of that Party in Euroliquid (as explained in weight section).
The party member will distribute those tokens to the representers they choose among their pirates.
Representers will use the tokens to enter in Euroliquid with the “representer profile” who will give access to the reserved decisional unit.
Representers are public officials, cannot be anonymous and have to publish their presonal data (Name, Surname, PP-XX, City, E-Mail and photo). Very welcome PGP finger print.
Chamber of Pirates subscription
Each Pirate can partecipate in Euroliquid platform. The only requirement is to be associate to a Pirate Party Member.
At the moment of subscription in the platform, the email of the pirate is automatically checked on the list of members of his party.
The list of members can be a php ajax script, a wiki, an encrypted table, a xml file, or just a mailing list. The party member will decide the way to confirm the subscriber's mail address.
The email address and the country / party will be the only obbligatory fields, all the other info are optional and the pirate can choose to remain almost anonymous.
Almost anonymous means that the representers have the autority to ask informations about any pirate to their secretariat to verify if it is real.