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one mind, one heart one soul.


This is the summary of many brainstormings held in phisical and virtual meetings. This is not the final model, this is “model in progress”. :)

For more details feel free to write me Daniele Monteleone aka Robotica

or just join! :)

Euroliquid working group

The meeting on May 17th 2012 initiated the planning and forming of a European organization.

By the way raised the idea to implement a e-democracy tool in order to allow any pirate of European Union to take part to the decisional system.


Mainly are involved the Pirate Parties of Europe and particularly EU;

the invitation is to all the world wide Pirate Parties because in the Euroliquid platform the non-eu countries have a voice in EU foreign policy.

The partecipation is open, in Euroliquid are welcome all the pirates interested in this project.


The project just began, we must be ready for EU elections of 2014.


If you are interested in participating in this working group here are more details:

The Euroliquid group is open to anyone who is interested in contributing to the foundation of a Pirate Party at european level.



A common platform for the Pirate Parties to discuss and decide through direct democracy about the european policy and make a common strategy, for the european union and pan-european countries.


We believe that the key of the success of the Pirate Party is not only the cool word “Pirate”, but the open philosophy and the partecipating decisional process.


Euroliquid guidelines are not necessary based on LiquidFeedback. LiquidFeedback at the moment is the most complete tool we can dispose and fits our needings. If in the future will arrive a better one we can adopt it.

Euroliquid Organization

Focal points:
  1. Allow to pirates to interact directly
  2. Balance the representative capacity of bigger parties giving voice to the smaller ones.
  1. Inclusivity
  2. partecipated democracy
  3. Transparency
  4. Trust and reliability
  5. Incorruptible by design


Most important for an healthy structure is the capacity to balance the legitimate representativeness of bigger parties and at the same time to give a voice to the smaller ones.

The solution is to distribute a large number of tokens to the Pirate Parties, members of the PP-EU, based on the weight that each Party/Member will have in the PP-EU council.

Those tokens are given to the representatives of each Pirate Party for accessing to the reserved unit of Euroliquid “chamber of representers”.

They are a sort of “liquidboard” that interact directly with all the pirates.

Euroliquid has two main chambers:

  Chamber of Representers: 
  Based on the distribution of tokens.
  It has functions of organization, direction and executive coordination.
  The units have functional Areas.
  Chamber of Pirates: 
  Any pirate can join.
  It has programmatic and proposal function.
  There are common thematic and funcional Areas 
  There are reserved units for each Party member.
  The pirates will be able to influence the decisions of their representers 
  voting in their own party units. 

In the future LiquidFeedback will be able to manage the weight of each pirate vote (it is going to be implemented this function for company shares), so the tokens of the chamber of representers can be directly shared among the pirates of each Country / Party member.

Member Weights

Member weights is the most delicate argument of PP-EU models. In Euroliquid it represents the number of tokens given to each member; that means, the number of representers (then votes) that each Country / Party member have in the decisional unit.

the best way to assign weights is according to the following


where x is the number of voters of that Country / Party.


/var/www/ · Last modified: 2013/07/21 17:17 (external edit)