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The registration for the PPEU conference in Barcelona on 1st/2nd Sept. 2012 is opened until [14th August 2012]. You will find up to date information at the conference brief and receive all changes through the email that you use for registration. Please fill in the forms correctly (and pay the admission fee within two weeks after registration). All fields are required.

<form> Action mail Thanks “Thank you for registering to the Barcelona conference. You are going to receive a confirmation email with further information shortly.”

Fieldset “General Info” Textbox “First name” Static “.” Textbox “Last name” Static “.” Textbox “Email” Static “.” Textbox “Phone” Static “.” Select “I won't leave before Sunday at:” “14:00 h|16:00 h|18:00”

Fieldset “Additional Info” Textarea “Comments” x5 !

Fieldset “” hiddenautoinc “Registration id” Submit “Register me!”


/var/www/ · Last modified: 2013/07/21 17:28 (external edit)