Meeting 1 of the 7. PPEU board 4.2.2022, 19:00 CET/18:00 UTC
Members of the Board
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
VC: Alessandro Ciofini
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)
BM: Cedric Levieux
BM: Etienne Evelin
BM: Petr Kocourek
Meeting opened at: 19:09
Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš
Secretary for this meeting:
Recording: recording started at 19:09 CET
Link to the recording:https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/2iGBmRDZAzYN8dQ
Pad: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/Board7Meeting1
RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
VC: Alessandro Ciofini
TR: Sebastian Krone (PP-DE), (PP-AT), (PP-CH)
BM: Jasmin Feratovic (PP-SI)
BM: Cedric Levieux
BM: Etienne Evelin
BM: Petr Kocourek
Not excused:
0.1. Approval of the agenda:
1. Important tasks for the whole Board for this term
2. RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021
3. Distribution of roles and organization of the work: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PHDEKywRR9JkxGXgRORliyrm81CnXcqyLQh_jyZH694/edit#gid=0
4. Registration in LBC (RCS)
5. AOB
6. Next Meeting / meeting schedule
60 minutes max. as meeting time
0.1. Approval of the agenda:
Yes: Etienne, Mikuláš, Alessandro, Cédric, Petr, Bastian, Florie, Jasmin
Agenda is approved.
0.2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Yes: Bastian
Abstain: Etienne, Cédric, Petr, Mikuláš Jasmin, Florie
Minutes are approved.
1. Important tasks for the whole Board for this term
Registration process
2nd chamber
Register logo
Increase participation
Calendar for the Council meeting
Tool for asynchrounous communication
- Proposals are expected
Code of Conduct Council
- Proposals are expected
2. RoP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=documents:rop2021
Yes: Etienne, Petr, Mikuláš, Jasmin, Bastian, Cédric, Florie
RoP are approved.
3. Distribution of roles and organization of the work: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PHDEKywRR9JkxGXgRORliyrm81CnXcqyLQh_jyZH694/edit#gid=0
Yes: Mikuláš, Petr, Alessandro, Etienne, Cédric, Bastian, Florie
Remark: The basis is the list that was finalized and transferred to the wiki (later).
Distribution of roles and organization of the work is approved.
4. Registration in LBC (RCS) : RCS needs personal data and copy of IDs - please submit it to the chairperson on a safe way, e.g. via Mattermost DM.
5. AOB
https://european-pirateparty.eu/board/ Please send “nice photos” to Bastian.
6. Next Meeting / Session End
Next meeting: Dudle about two weeks
Meeting closed at 21:24 CET / 20:24 UTC