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Meeting 4 of the 9th PPEU board 4.7.2024, 18:30 CEST/16:30 UTC Meeting is remote

Members of the Board
C: Florian Roussel
VC: Sara Hjalmarsson
VC: Marek Barbuš
TR: Alessandro Ciofini
BM: Giuseppe Calandra (cal)
BM: Jan Mareš (joined later)
BM: Petra Kovačec

Standing invitations
Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer

Meeting opened at: 18:31
Meeting chaired by: Sara
Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro, Petra

Participants: C: Florian Roussel
VC: Sara Hjalmarsson
VC: Marek Barbuš
TR: Alessandro Ciofini
BM: Giuseppe Calandra (cal)
BM: Petra Kovačec


Not excused:

Guests: Mattias Bjärnemalm, Pirate Parties Network Officer

0. Formalities 0.1 Election of meeting chair
0.2 Election of meeting Secretary
0.3. Approval of the agenda
0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting:
0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings
0.6 Written reports
1. Decisions without discussions
1.1 Time and place for next board meeting
2. Decisions with discussions
2.1 Action plan for the rest of the current board term
2.1.1 Allocation of responsibilities
2.2 Email to invite Member parties to apply to host the November Council Meeting
3. Discussions without decisions
3.1 5 year strategic plan - follow up from team building Weekend

4. Any other business

Discussions in bold cursive are priority discussions and can, if needed, be discussed before point 1 of the agenda

The meeting is scheduled for a maximum of 60 minutes. It can be extended by consensus


0.1 Election of meeting chair

The meeting elected X as meeting chair: Sara

0.2 Election of meeting Secretary

The meeting elected X as meeting secretary and agreed that we would work collectively on the minutes in the pad: Alessandro, Petra (assistant minute-taker)

0.3. Approval of the agenda:

Yes: Alessandro, Florian, Petra, Sara, cal,Marek

0.4. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings

Yes: Alessandro, Florian, cal, Petra, SaraMarek

0.5 Confirmation of any decisions taken in between meetings

Nothing was decided between meetings

0.6 Written reports

Any written reports or other updates that has been submitted before the start of the meeting shall be added here. Verbal reports given during the meeting go under 4.0 (AOB).
Sara did write a report about the workshop in Brussels.
Mab: put it in the board channel on the Discourse after the meeting.

There are no other written reports.

1. Decisions without discussions

1.1 Time and place for next board meeting Next Meeting is planned on the Thursday the 12th of September, as laid out by the agenda adopted by the board. Location and time ?
Sara: proposes meeting 18.30 CEST, online.

2. Decisions with discussions

2.1 Action plan for the rest of the current board term Sara is introducing a need for an action plan for the rest of the board mandate
Florian prepared this document:

Proposal: Board reviews document, provide feedback during the weekend, a proposal will be submitted to the vote by Florian on Monday, asynchronously on Discourse.

Yes: Florian, Alessandro, Petra, Sara, Marek cal

2.1.1 Allocation of responsibilities

Proposal: Members of the board declare their interests on specific items and ideally come up with action plans for them, in a dedicated Discourse thread separate from the Action and Structure Plan Discussion Thread. The responsibilities can then be assigned, after the action plan has been adopted, by a vote set up by Florian

Yes: Florian, Petra, Alessandro, Sara cal, Marek

2.2 Email to invite Member parties to apply to host the November Council Meeting

Proposal: Sara, Alessandro and Florian are drafting a Council Meeting Requirement list. Florian is tasked to send out an email on the PPEU mailing list explaining how member parties can apply to host either of the next two council meetings.

Yes: Florian, Alessandro,Sara Petra, cal, Marek

3. Discussions without decisions

3.1 5 year strategic plan - follow up from team building Weekend

Sara provided a draft roadmap and written report. It will be posted on the Discourse. It is a starting point for a 5 year strategic plan. We might be able to sync the roadmap with the local parties: sharing what is our roadmap with them in order for them to develop their strategy towards the next European election.
Florian is reminding the big goals of next European Elections, that is getting funding for PPEU. The CEEP should be made with as many inputs and validation from the member parties as possible.The big challenge is to setup a proper campaign. We can get inspiration from Citizen's Assemblies processes.
That's a long term plan / dream vision for the CEEP process
Mab pointed out that Member Parties need more time to finalise the whole process and we should have more people involved in the process as well (especially in Discourse or whenever we are). We need to come up with an action plan on how to get people involved beforehand.
Florian is recalling that Pirates love tools but also processes and the humans carrying them are very important. We are laying the groundwork to stabilize the structure in the long run.
Sara: we should add a time frame to the term plan.
Mab: the document should be the discussion and decided for this year, not the entire 5y plan.
Sara: suggests to have a dedicated Discourse thread going on the 5y plan
Florian: we don't need decision to open threads or making proposals. Just do it

4. AOB

4.1 Bank Access

Markéta has Bank account access. Markéta will not be in Prague next week, so she will not be able to meet up with Alessandro and provide him with bank account access.
Florian suggests switching the bank accounts.

Meeting closed at: 19:27 CEST
Next meeting: Sept. 12th, 18:30 CEST

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2024/07/05 12:14 by alessandro