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Meeting of the PPEU board 11.10.2020 20:00 CEST

Members of the Board (for use as template)
C: Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ, PP-DE)
VC: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS)
VC: Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)
BM: Gamithra Marga (PP-IS)
BM: Oliver Herzig (PP-DE, PP-CAT) - Exile
BM: Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir (PP-IS)
BM: Florie Marie (PP-FR)
TR: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)
BM: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)

Meeting chaired by: Mikuláš Peksa
Secretary for this meeting: Alessandro Ciofini

Participants: Mikuláš Peksa, Florie Marie, Oliver Herzig, Alessandro Ciofini, Gamithra Marga, Jan Mareš, Katla Hólm Þórhildardóttir, Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir

Excused: Markéta Gregorová

Not excused:

Guests: Carlito from PP CH, Numero6, PiratesOnAir, Bastian, Dichter

1. Reports of the activity
2. Call for the Council meeting
3. Statue changes
4. Budget 2021
5. Reply from PPIT
Any other business


0. Approval of the agenda YES: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir, Katla Holm Mikuláš Peksa, Exile, Alessandro Ciofini, Florie, Gamithra, Jan

1) Reports of the activity

OhJ: was in touch with PPUK re. the idea for NGO, and they are joining the Mattermost and will be in touch, but are thinking about it
AC: now collecing signatures and money from other countries such as NL, DE and probably SE.
focussing on nine basic countries, probably use open source softwre to collect signatures

2) Call for Council meeting

MP propose to call for the meeting and propose a draft agenda
Dates: November 28-29
Agenda (draft):

  1. call for board election
  2. budget proposal 2021
  3. statutes change (to include new members)
  4. report of the board
  5. guests session (postponed to next BM)
  6. initative from the members (suggesting deadline)

MP suggests that before next CM invoices should be payed and published on EP wiki.
Also we need to call the meeting next week in order to let all EP members be ready with board candidates nominations.

NOTE: we need to update our Statute and our Wiki. We should report our last changes both on website and wiki.

Approval of the draft agenda for the next CM YES: Gamithra, Oktavía, Mikuláš, Jan, Katla, Alessandro, Exile, Florie

3) MP would like to organise a dedicated meeting for the Statuses changes.
Thursday this week at 20 CEST a working group meeting about this

4) Budget: we will include all respecting points in the next BMs, while Alessandro will collect answers from members.

5) Reply from PPIT Retracted by OHJ:
OHJ: Proposal: send the communications from the PPIT/persons to CoC and ask them to take the case as put forward by the individual/s/party identifying as PPIT/former PPIT

YES: Oktavía, Alessandro
NO: Florie
Abstain: Gamithra

Reproposed by Alessandro
Send the communications from the PPIT/persons to CoC and ask them to take the case as put forward by the individual/s/party identifying as PPIT/former PPIT
YES: Alessandro, Katla Oktavía,Exile
NO: Florie
Abstain: Jan Gamithra, Mikuláš

**Meeting closed at 21:50 hours
Next board meeting is set on in two weeks from now as usual on 25.10.2020, (20:00 CET!)

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2020/10/11 20:07 by exile