Table of Contents
Agenda of the 8th PPEU Board Meeting on the 5th of September 2014
@tvelocity | Antonios Motakis
@Gilles_PPDE | Gilles Bordelais
@marou_pp | Maxime Rouquet
@Radeks00 | Radek P.
@AndersPirat | Anders Kleppe
@teirdes | Amelia Andersdotter
@CristianBulumac | Cristian Bulumac
@LunaLoof | Martina Pöser - Is on holiday and offline there
@Popol349 | Paul Bossu
no connexion Internet
@lmn_ar | Lorena Müller \Confederación Pirata. Spain
Exile (PP-DE,
Dario Castañé (PIRATA.CAT)
@BroeckelndeWand | flo
TOP 0 Formalities
Gilles is opening the meeting at 21:21 CEST.
Chairperson: Gilles
Minutes (Secretary): all together
Approval of the minutes of the last Board meeting:
Board meeting on the 5th of August 2014:
→ Approved? (Postponed on the last meeting) Approved
Board meeting on the 20th of August 2014:
→ Approved? Postponed to the next meeting, since two of the three persons present at the time are not here today
Approval of the agenda:
TOP 1 Banking account
TOP 2 Registering the party
TOP 3 Activating the Council / Next Council Meeting
TOP 4 Communication Strategy
TOP 5 Procedural Rules for the Board
TOP 6 Other Stuff
TOP 7 Next Board Meeting
Gilles suggests to drop TOP 3, 4 and 5 as the people taking these in charge are not there tonight.
Maxime proposes to have a quick TOP 5 just about sending an email to the Board to organise another meeting to discuss the proposals of amendments of the upcoming Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board approves the agenda.
TOP 1 Banking account
@Paul, Gilles & Radek: 1. Could we get our money back in case we will be unable to register as an aisbl at all?
Gilles has not the answer yet. He usually meets every week with Paul and they will look for the answer for next time.
It is likely that we have no registering fee to pay if we are unable to register. However it is possible that we have to pay notary costs.
However, the PP-NO has proposed to support the costs of registration, so there is no financial risk for PPEU whatever happens.
2. Did you limit the amount that one person may withdraw to € 500,-? This decision has been sugggested to the Board at the begining of the meeting of August 5th :
Tony asks whether the limit is per withdrawal or per day/week/month. Gilles/Radek/Paul will look into it (but as far as they remember it´s a daily limit)
3. Shall we choose a 4th person next to Paul, Gilles & Radek to have access to the banking account? And if yes, whom?
The Board thinks it would be a good idea.
Maxime would volunteer, but suggests we postpone to ask Martina and Amelia's views.
4. Anything else new?
We can open the account soon. However, we will only be able to withdraw the money once we will be an AISBL.
What happens with collected funds on the account if we can't get the aisbl registered? Gilles/Paul will clear this up.
*Managing of cash in Brussels by Cristian? Postponed until we actually have/need money
*When can we start asking for membership fees? We need to recalculate them because of the European elections. (The same goes for the voting rigths in the Council.) radek will calculate projected membership fees
TOP 2 Registering the party
Topic was postponed last time.
*Decision from the Board meeting: Gilles and Paul with the help of Anders will work on registering PPEU.
@Gilles, Paul & Anders: How is it coming? Paul did find a notary. Paul and Gilles filled in the forms, we are now waiting for the statutes.
*How is the translation of the statutes coming? Maxime has sent a first draft of a complete translation of the PPEU Statutes in French to the Board. After a few quick checks, it will be sent to the PPI TTF (translation task-force) for further check from French-speaking pirate translators.
Maxime has asked Paul to check the names of Belgian institutions. The goal is to send the text to the TTF by Friday 12th of September. We also need the personal details of everyone on the board :
List of members is finished:
HOW-TO AISBL with work from Cristian and Paul here:
Paul will help Gilles for all the administrative stuff : notaries, ministry, tribunal, ..
@Maxime: Will you be able to continue your work on the translation of the statutes and send us the link to the pad that you use to work on? If you don't have a pad yet, could you transfer your finished and unfinished translation work to the following pad? Pad for the translation:
Maxime will fill this pad with his text in a day or two.
TOP 3 Activating the Council / Next Council Meeting
This point is postponed. (We keep the text for next time).
*Martina has written to all member parties and asked for names and email-adresses of their delegates.
PP-Poland and PP-GR are in the process of electing new delegates and will give Martina the information as soon as they have chosen them.
Martina will write to the missing PPs once more and there is sadly still some answers missing. But the list gets better. Martina suggests to hand the known and confirmed information already over to Jens Stomber, so that he can set up the Council with those delegates that we already know of. Martina offers to do so, as she is maintaining the list. *Here is an incomplete and not for sure list of the Council members at the Founding meeting of PPEU: (And it doesn't have email-adresses) → The list Martina maintains is not onlie because of the personal data involved.
*As the Board could also ask for a Council meeting we should also have this information and be able to join the ml of the Council (at least with reading access). Martina will ask Jens Stomber to add all Board members to the Council mailing list.
*We also need the list of delegates from the founding meeting to add to the minutes of that meeting. This seems to be missing and it might become a problem when we try to register the party. So Martina tries to at least get theinformation together who has been a delegate at the founding for which party, as the registry went missing.
*We will have to recalculate the voting rights for each member party in the Council, because the number of votes may have changed since the European elections in May 2014.
*What about PP-CAT and PP-Confederacion ES? Are they both still ordinary members or is only PP-ESCON an ordinary member as PP-CAT is a member party there?
TOP 4 Communication Strategy
This point is postponed. (We keep the text for next time).
A meeting was called by Cristian and held on Mumble on 16th April, with one more planned for 24th April.
Cristian will write to all PPs members of PPEU asking them to provide a person that guided by Anders (PPEU board member) will provide the answers that will help in having a strategy.
Cristian: I have now access and manager rights on both PPEU pages on FB. Next steps:
- sending the above mentioned email to all members
- identifying a calendar of events that need press releases
Cooperate with PPI? - finishing the work on the website
*What was decided and talked about on the last meeting? Anything new? A concept?
*Board decision: We ask Cristian to tell us about the state of things with the admin rights of the website and the website itself. Antonios is taking charge and can help him on technical side if needed.
*What kind of postings should be officially done via our social media accounts? Do we need some quality control or review process? There have been irritations because of a fb-posting on the Palestine-conflict. → As we don't have full control, we can only charge in after the fact and do some quality control after the fact. But this willl hopefully work effectively.
* needs to be revamped urgently. The contact email adress needs to be changed and we will need the manifesto and not or at least not alone and without a disclaimer explaining it, the CEEP on it. Who is willing to do this or help?
*We should also set up a new wiki linked to and move some of the content from the there. Could we use a media wiki then please (asks Martina) because it is prettier and easier to use. But then we would need a syntax-translator for the move from the old wiki to the new of the content there, because the is a doku wiki.
Proposal : this subject is postponed until the next Board meeting, after Julia's office is set up and people working around there are available to give a hand for PPEU communication.
* there is a sub-reddit for the European Pirates: (made by Flow, who contacted Cristian Bulumac via Twitter, no reaction so far from him)
TOP 5 Procedural Rules for the Board
Martina, Anders and Maxime have worked hard on it and hope that it finds the approval of all Board members now.
Any proposals for a change?
* Adding consensus
Proposal : add the following paragraph at the end of chapter § 6 Meeting minutes : The votes of each Board member for every decision are written in the minutes. However, when no Board members present disagrees on a decision, the minutes simply give the Board decision.
Shorter alternative : The votes of each Board member for every decision are written in the minutes, unless no Board members present disagree on the decision.
Other alternative : The decisions of the Board are taken by unanimity/consensus, unless Board members disagrees. In the following case, the detail of the Board member votes is written in the minutes.
Martina and Maxime also suggest to study again the quotas needed to take Board decisions, before adopting it. It was written believing almost all Board members would attend Board meetings, but it has not been the case lately.
The Board must choose between two options : having a low quota required, with the risks of decisions taken by a low number of Board members, or having a high quota required, with the risks of being impossible to take decisions, if too many Board members do not attend the meetings.
Anders and Martina will set up a meeting to discuss the RoP once more. This hasn't taken place yet, because Martina was very busy at her work place and just couldn't find the time and is now on holiday. Martina proposes to postpone this topic once more therefore and arrange a new meeting with Anders. → The Board agrees and invites every volunteer to participate to the next working meeting. Martina is in charge of finding a date, and if she cannot, Maxime is volunteering to assist her.
TOP 6 Other Stuff
*Martina: Could we install an e-voting system like PPI did? Does anyone know how that one works and what it is supposed to do?
Galileo(SP): Agora Voting We can help from spain with that one. It is prepared for general voting and has implemented Liquid Democracy inside.
Pirates without borders are meeting in Frankfurt November Its about voting online systems.
29th and 30th November 2014
Haus der Jugend Frankfurt
Deutschherrnufer 12
60594 Frankfurt/Main
Begin: Saturday from 11 AM CEST
End: Sonday 4 PM CEST
→ This is a political decision which we will leave to the council. For our number of members, this is not needed.
*ECI on TTIP: Shall we support it?
Martina: yes (except if there is a contradiction to the manifesto or a member party objects vehemently)
Amelia has expressed by email concerns about signing this ECI or any ECI. Various reasons, one of them being ECI should be signed and presented by citizens (meaning individuals). Therefore pirates should instead sign all as individual citizens, but is is not the role of PPEU to sign it.
Julia supports the ECI, as do PPDE and the Greens/EFA group in the EP.
Maxime is reluctant to sign the ECI as PPEU, not for ideological reasons, but because it is difficult for us to know the impact of such signature in every Europe sovereign state. Therefore we should not support this ECI or any other, unless the Council gives a clear decision that PPEU should support the ECI that share our ideas.
Gilles says we should support this ECI, towards the public and the press, also to help it gain a larger audience.
It is decided to vote on this quesiton by email. Tony will send the email with the question “Does PPEU support the ECI againt TTIP/CETA?” with the two options “yes” and “no” (and “abstain”). The vote will end as soon as all Board members will have voted, or at last when this point will be dealed with during the next Board meeting.
* PPEU BOARD Meeting in RL on the 1-3 of December 2014 in Brussels? Tony, Marou (Week-End), Gilles are in, Radek can't be there at that time for profesional reasons. Monday evening 8pm is the earliest he can make it.
Radek suggests using another week-end, so that it doesn't collide with the Euroliquid-meeting organised by Julia's bureau at that date. Gilles will setup a doodle from beginning of November to beginning of December.
TOP 7 Next Board Meeting
* PPEU Board meetings will take place on the 5th and the 20th of every month.
Paul suggested to use a tool to keep track of tasks and the state of things. For the time being this could be a pad. Pad:
The Board will convene again on the 20/09/2014 at 21.00 CEST on the German NRW Mumble server in room PPEU.
Gilles closes the meeting at 22:51 CEST on the 05/09/2014.