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Agenda of the PPEU Board Meeting on the 13th of April 2015


@marou_pp | Maxime Rouquet
@AndersPirat | Anders Kleppe
@Gilles_PPDE | Gilles Bordelais
@Popol349 | Paul Bossu
@tvelocity | Antonios Motakis | Will be in LAX during the Board meeting. I will try to join via airport WiFi before boarding my plane back to Europe, but no hard promises.


@LunaLoof | Martina Pöser
@teirdes | Amelia Andersdotter - stepped down from office
@Radeks00 | Radek P.



@Thomas1G | Thomas Gaul
@eghuro | Alex Mansurov
@BastianBB | Bastian
@ZombBi | Jens
@Exile70860000| Oliver

TOP 0 Formalities

Maxime is opening the meeting at 21:07 CET.

Chairperson: Maxime

Minutes (Secretary): Gilles

Approval of the minutes of the last Board meeting:

* Board meeting on the 15th of December 2014 :

* Board meeting on the 23th of Match 2015 :

→ Both approved

Approval of the agenda:


TOP 1 Update on Call for Hosts and Volunteers
TOP 2 Board TODO-list for the meeting
TOP 3 Proposals to Council meeting agenda
TOP 4 Status update on Rules of Procedure
TOP 5 Status update on IT infrastructure
TOP 6 Board members activity
TOP 7 Other items
TOP 8 Next Board meeting

Discussion : it is proposed to strike TOP 6 “Board members activity”. It is the duty of the Council to take such decisions as nominating other Board members, and in particular, a Chairperson and another vice-chairperson. Tony expresses concerns about the dangerous situation of the PP-EU, who would get in trouble if the last active vice-chairperson had a problem, but everybody agrees to move on.

The Board approves the agenda.

TOP 1 Update on Call for Hosts and Volunteers

* Have we received formal answers yet ?
No * Have we been informally contacted of eventual answers ?

We have heard about two separate requests. We have quite some hope about one of them. One is from a single individual, the other is from a person acting on behalf of a PP.

The call is here:

Everyone in Board, Council and further is encouraged to pass this around.

Reminder :
* The deadline for sending in the offers is 21st April 2015.
* The conference should take place during the week-end some time in June, July, August or September 2015.

* Czech proposal

A proposal has been discussed by PP-CZ. It would be too short in timing with the 4 weeks delay in the Statutes to modify most texts, but it is reproduced here :

: Hallo,

as a representative of Czech Pirate Party, I would like to make following statement in the name of our party:

“According to Art. 14 of PP-EU statues, Czech Pirate Party as an Ordinary member, kindly request a meeting of PP-EU council. We offer to host the PP-EU meeting during the Piratecon in Mariánské lázně on 15th-17h May of this year.”

Further information about the Piratecon can be found on

Thanks for your attention.

Mikuláš Peksa
Deputy International Coordinator
Czech Pirate Party

TOP 2 Board TODO-list for the meeting

Reminder :
* Report about our year, especially why the AISBL hasn't been registered with all arguments that led to the decision.
* Call for a vote of the council on this topic.

This list will be updated, if needed, for the next Board meeting here :

TOP 3 Proposals to Council meeting agenda

* Board Elections
* Statutes - proposed changes
* Items left from the 2014 Brussels meeting (like the admission of observing members)
* Deciding whether the PPEU should or not register as an AISBL and open a bank account now (shorter : more administrative work, is it useful/needed ?)

TOP 4 Status update on Rules of Procedure

Anders, Maxime and Martina have been working on this. The work has stalled at some point. Maxime and Anders want to present the RoP to the council for approval.

Maxime wants something not binding for the board., but having something approved by the council (ppeu) is better. It should be possible for the Board to edit the details if some cause problems, but at least they will have an approved base to start from.

TOP 5 Status update on IT infrastructure

Gilles : it's all a work in progress. There are several domains that could be linked to PP-EU. At least 5 : 2 are controlled by members of the Board. Gilles is working with Julia's Office resources to ensure that there is a web presence of PP-EU. This is taking slightly more time but should be ready soon. It is financed by Julia.

TOP 6 Other items

* Paul and Pierre Alexandre @pa_klein present pressformore challenge for signatures : Website : Short description (english below): Strew example :

Pierre Alexandre is the author of this project. Non-profit. Website connecting directly authors. Aim : reconnecting producers with consumers = readers. Digital platform where everyone can aggregate content. Looks a lot like Flattr. Many features : news aggregator, filters. Possibility to fund directly the authors. Cooperation system where everyone can contribute. Raised 8000€ 1.5 years ago by crowdfunding (via http://kisskissbankbank ). Now asking for 45000€. ( ) Need signatures. This is a posteriori funding, so not exactly like crowd-funding.

They propose to us to go on the website (ask for one account … be careful, the connexion mail can be in the spam box) from time to time, and give feedback. Pirates could be interested by this project/crowdshaped information platform

facerbook text : Quality information is vital to any efficient democratic society. It should be part of the Commons rather than the mercantile good it tends to be today. We are building a space where readers and publishers can reconnect and engage by building useful stories.

TOP 7 Next Board meeting

Reminder : the call for hosts will end on Tuesday, April 21st.

The Board will convene again on the 2015/April/27 at 21.00 CEST on the German NRW Mumble server in room PPEU.

Maxime closes the meeting at 22:14 CEST on the 2015/04/13

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2015/04/27 19:51 by marou