# 2nd meeting of PPEU board 2015-2016 Meeting started at 17:00
Attendees: Mikuláš, Smári, Nina, Sven, Mab
Guests: Gilles
# Since last meeting
Last meeting pad: https://piratenpad.de/p/PPEU-2015-07-19.md Homework assignments from last meeting:
Smári: Set up wasa2il when we have a server
- Not much progress but ready to deploy when we have a server
Tale: Set up doodle for online meeting. Make a pad for the statement to PPDE GA.
Muriel: Administrate mailing lists, when they're up
- Gave a greeting from PPEU at PPDE GA
Sven: Get accounting & bank account up and running, work on the statutes
- Minimal draft of statues ready
- Accounting: waiting for handover from Gilles
Mab: Draft schedule for online council meeting
- Statutes group up and running
- Schedule sent out for the statutes working group
- Got Gilles to join to get access to Tony
- Cleaned up the notes from the roundtable discussion at the council meeting on “workforce exchange for election campaigns” Can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dLikhqDsREMOtizneOf4RXtSIgHt19IAKeQWqHtKO-Q/edit
@MAB → Could you copy this to the folder https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6z7u9JdnyStfnRMZmhYNDRxblZqeDB0UjI4QVZMQ0MxTGk0bW1QbjV5dlk0OS1vMTJzMFk&usp=sharing
Antonios: Clone wiki and move to better Wiki software; other techie stuff. Set up mailing lists. Will message PPI to subscribe the new board to the board MLs
- No updates on these items
- Been at the PPDE GA
Nina: Party status assessment; election calendar
- Sent minutes to the board mailiing list, but probably wasn't received. We need to recreate the mailing list; until then we need to e-mail each other directly
- Started work on the situation overview; browsing web pages. Will solicit feedback from members on what PPEU should focus on doing.
- google drive: new form (questionnaire)
Mikuláš: Find the list of members generated by PP-DE. Ensure Vojtěch will do RoP for online meeting. Help Nina with election calendar.
- Got a list of council members
- Discussed RoP with Vojtěch
- Minutes from last time http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=ppeu:board:minutes2015-07-19
- UK consultation - http://pad.pirati.cz/p/UK_cons
Statute drafts
– Statutes minimal draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1daHIPZgMQ-hwPHqTjPUYxobjf4BLMWWovO6YufW6AFk/edit?usp=sharing – Statutes more intensive draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14s6kYq37OklU-aR4Pe9DDyF1P0DJ2qt8XvwqN1PVjyM/edit
Questions for PPEU members
- -
Accounts lists + status from Gilles
- Gilles got the job of controlling all resources
- Had the office of Julia manage provision of all IT resources, with Gilles managing these and being secretary-general of the organization that never got founded
- Proposes to move to new resources where possible instead of transferring control
- Mailing lists: Gilles will make sure Tony is an admin on the board and private mailing lists; other mailing lists we can join on http://lists.pp-international.net/listinfo – or move to new mailing list servers
- Good to have at least two people moderating
- Bank account: Registered under a de-facto organization. Account has only been used to take in money from members for the GA in Bxl. We can transfer this if we have two people in Bxl while Paul and Gilles are also there. Mab and Sven can do this. This money will technically be owned privately by these people, instead of by the organization; this will be fixed once we have the organization set up in Luxembourg, and have accounts there.
- Wiki: Mab will check if he's got admin on the wiki. (he's not)
- Twitter, Facebook, etc: Gilles has access, will provide to Tony. Muriel has access to Facebook.
- Mumble: We are currently using German Mumble server, where Thomas Gaul, Bastian and Gregory Engels are admins for all International tree; Gilles is admin from PPEU on down.
- Gilles informs that the status report is not perfect, but contains most of the relevant information.
- Gilles offers to continue managing social media alongside board [NEEDS DECISION]
# Other items of discussion - control of the communication platforms
– Sven will draft up a communication strategy for the different platforms
# Having a shop with PPEU or Pirate Party branded stuff
- Producing PPEU branded items
- Non-specific Pirate-branded items
- Helping other pirate parties with purchases / economies of scale
- There is already somebody doing this at http://www.piratenflausch.de/polo.html
- Nothing is needed from PPEU except promotion and sending people to the website. Proceeds would go to PPEU. We could start immediately. PPLU already has the infrastructure to do this, so this is easy to accomplish.
# Launch a project for building a platform for collecting more information about potential donors and volunteers
- Write up some specs & features
- Call for volunteers
# Homework assignments:
- Smári: Think about new platform. Set up wasa2il when we have a server - Sven: Write communication strategy; Tech infrastructure; Get accounting & bank account up and running - Tale: Set up doodle for online meeting. Make a pad for the statement to PPDE GA. - Muriel: Administrate mailing lists, when they're up - Mab: Draft schedule for online council meeting - Antonios: Clone wiki and move to better Wiki software; other techie stuff. Set up mailing lists. Will message PPI to subscribe the new board to the board MLs - Nina: Party status assessment; election calendar - Mikulaš: Help Tony with clonning wiki?