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Meeting of the PPEU board 7.8.2019, 21:00 CEST

Members of the Board (for use as template)
FYI: Members of the Board (for use as template)
C: Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)
VC: Salvör Kristjana Gissurardóttir (PP-IS)
VC: Mikulás Peksa (PP-CZ)
BM: Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-FR)
BM: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS)
BM: Antonios Motakis (PP-GR)
BM: Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT)
BM: Magnus Andersson (PP-SE)
TR: Peter Freitag (PP-LU)


Meeting opened at: 21:20
Meeting chaired by: Marketa Gregorová - PPCZ
Secretary for this meeting: everyone
Recording: in Mumble by Markéta

1.1. - Participants

Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)
Salvör Kristjana Gissurardóttir (PP-IS)
Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-FR)
Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT)
Magnus Andersson (PP-SE)
Peter Freitag (PP-LU) (later)

1.2. - Excused

Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PP-IS)

1.3. - Not excused

Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ)

1.4. - Guests
1.5. - Pad:
YES: Magnus, Markéta, Ernst, Antigone, Salvör Kristjana Gissurardóttir (PP-IS)


1. Reports of the Board (Board, 20 minutes)

C: Markéta Gregorová (PP-CZ)
- sent out some of the e-mails about invoices
- sent out a call for location to the Council list about Council meeting

VC: Salvör Kristjana Gissurardóttir (PP-IS)
- nothing new to report, are discussing within PPIS the Council meeting, we will talk about it in point 3 of the agenda

VC: Mikulás Peksa (PP-CZ)

BM: Antigone (Gabrielle Nereuil PP-DE)
- will be a member of PP-DE now

BM: Oktavía Hrund Jónsdóttir (PPIS)

BM: Antonios Motakis (PP-GR)

BM: Ernst Spitaler (PP-AT)
- preparing for the election in AT

BM: Magnus Andersson (PP-SE)
- Nothing to report at the moment
- will sail the world

TR: Peter Freitag (PP-LU)

2. Tasks from the previous meeting:
1) Marketa to write emails concerning invoices and membership fees to the council members.
Most of the email for 2018 were sent. Still working on the 2019 fees. Hopefully it will be finished next week.
2) Marketa & Oktavía: send out a call for location to the Council list with a deadline from end august to mid september. - done, so far nothing
A reminder will be sent.
3) Mikulas: write to Sebastian and ask re. line 121 on the suggestion from Jens Stomber Postponed to next meeting
4) Mikulas: set up an IT meeting in August with council members, specifically PPCZ, PPDE to be present. OhJ asked to join
Postponed to next meeting
5) Oktavía: set up a a meeting OhJ, Mikulas on step 0 in including getting in touch with Bastian and then following a GDPR meeting both online and in person - Oktavía, Mikuláš, Bastian
Postponed to next meeting
6) Mikulas & Ernst: draft an email to PPEU board about proposal on line 133 to give 3-4 days and allow 3-4 days to vote. - done
The amount to support the PP-AT was approved.
- now PPAT has to submit a budget, then they can sent invoice
7) Oktavía: roles and responsibilities document: draft a document and share with board.
Post poned to next meeting
8) Peter: check this document about budget spending:

3. Council meetings - planning

Waiting for the answer of the call about hosting
Deadline for the call: End August

4. Any other business (AOB)

We had two differents process of elaboration of the common programm for the EU-elections 2014 and 2
“Feed-back” and experience sharing
2 Steps meeting
- 1 meeting online to let the emotion and the experience sharing freely come out
- 1 meeting offline before the Council Meeting to structure the next process

5. Next Meeting

September meeting:
October meeting:

Board meeting in September:
25th September, 21:00 CEST

End of meeting: 21:55

Tasks for the next meeting:
1) Marketa to write emails concerning invoices and membership fees to the council members.
2) Marketa: send a reminder of the call for Council meeting location.
3) Mikulas: write to Sebastian and ask re. line 121 on the suggestion from Jens Stomber
4) Mikulas: set up an IT meeting in August with council members, specifically PPCZ, PPDE to be present. OhJ asked to join
5) Oktavía: set up a a meeting OhJ, Mikulas on step 0 in including getting in touch with
Bastian and then following a GDPR meeting both online and in person - Oktavía, Mikuláš, Bastian
6) Oktavía: roles and responsibilities document: draft a document and share with board.
7) Peter: check this document about budget spending:
8) Antigone: Will write an e-mail about online meeting of the members to share feedback on the program writing and in general on the council meetings and PPEu, so that everyone is happy :)

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