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Meeting CCEP-Group

* Where: Mumble - * When - 25th march time: 20 CEST : How long - 2 hours (max) - 20h-22h : Invitation : as large as possible

* Chair: Tony (until Antigone shows up) * Minutes: ThomasG and everyone else

* Opening the meeting at 20:12

Participants (with twitternick please)

* ThomasG - PPDE (international coordinator) @Thomas1G * farlistener - PPFR (board member) * Mattias Bjärnemalm - PSE & Pirates in the European parliament * Michael Berndt - PPDE * Jonathan van Dijken - PPNL * David van Deijk - PPNL * Patrik Kristl - PPSI * Annette Berndt - PPDE * Mia Utz - PPDE * Katarina Stensson - PPSE * Mattias Rubenson - PPSE * Aurifex - PPFR (International coordinator) * Maija Li Raudaskoski - PPFI (international coordinator) * Alexander Spies (asPirat - @sozialpirat) PPDE * bestenfalls - PPDE @bestenfalls (pirat) * Mickey Sinclair PPDE * Tony Motakis - PPGR / PPEU Board * Bastian - @bastianBB - PPDE / PPEU Board * @PiratesOnAir - Guest (Streaming) * Exile - PPES / PP-CAT (arrived late - mail: * Steven Russchenberg - @Prutzenberg - PPNL * Manfred Schramm - @hhhhmmmmasch - PPDE * Guido Körber - @TheBug0816 - PPDE (arrived late…)

* Total: 23 participants

* FYI: CEEP 2014 :

* Election dates 2019: May 23 to May 26

Objectives of the meeting : going back to the result of the survey and eventually fullfilled it

*- Exchange informations about the situation of the different PP for the european elections *- Share idea *- Find a consensus on a actions plan for the european programm *- Set retroplanning


1 - Presentation of the result of the consultation of the national PP (20 mn)

2 - Information round about the european election in each country (3 mn/PP)

* PPDE : Election of candidates: Sömmerda/Thuringia 09./10.06.2018 Invitation will follow : Working groups are preparing political ideas for the CEEP : PPDE is eager to start a common strategy for the EP * PPFR : First time: there will be a national list : programme has to be built : happy to see so many parties united today * PPSE : National election in Sept. - EU Election will be in the plan starting afterwards * PPNL : starting with the PPEU election campaign : programm building has started * PPSL : Busy with the election in May. Will start EU process straight afterwards : and are eager participated in the CEEP * PPFI : Looking at the maybe new election for Parliament in October : General Election will be in April 2019 so only month might be in april/May as for the EU-Elections : since 2013 we have an decided EU programm : Eager to participate into the CEEP * PPGR : did participate in the last EU Elections in an alliance with The Greens : try to run in any elections in Greece (if possible)

3 - Define all the actions to have until the common programme is adopted (45 mn)

Result : retroplanning * Action to have during the first meeting :

Set a list of the action with name of responsible in front of each action : ThomasG :: Monitor the previous CEEP for obsolete or to be amended items :: Each party should to find out if they stick to it in basis. : Decision making process needs to be established :: Documentation, working tools, quorum :: 100% Consensus is needed, if one party objects, an item can either be amended or be striken off * Proposal: using discourse mainly for asynchronous work +1 +1 :: advantages: easier than mailing lists (but can be used like it for those who want) :: PPFR is asked to prepare a sub on the its discourse. :: Here : :: English language version etc. will be prepared very soon. : Decision making process will needs to be written down until the next meeting :: Alexander Spies will prepare a proposal, ThomasG will assist : take into account physical meetings on the process Set deadline: <s>: Proposal 1: Nov. 25th, 2018 for having the final decision by us. +1 </s> <s>: Proposal 2: Feb. 2019</s> : Proposal 3: the parties should be asked for the deadline they need to translate and adopt it, based on this a decision will be made. To be answered by each party by the end of April. :: Tony from the board will hand over Proposal 3 to Antigone, as for her sending out a questionaire to the parties.

4 -Some proposals to discuss (10 mn)

* Suggestion of following working groups: : Ask for help: @thomas1G or @tvelocity : One person have to take the lead to setup a start (launch) meeting

Monitor old CEEP (check it)

: subpad: : ThomasG takes the lead and invites. : Other volunteers: Alexander Spies -

Digital Affairs

: subpad: : TheBug @TheBug0816 : Alexander Spies - : Maija Li Raudaskoski : @bastianBB : Julia or office (EP)

Climate Action & Energy

: subpad: : Michael Berndt (mail: : TheBug @TheBug0816 : Maija Li Raudaskoski

Social Affairs & Basic Income

: subpad: : Alexander Spies - : Jonathan van Dijken -

Education & Culture

: subpad: : Patrik Kristl ( : @hhhhmmmmasch : Maija Li Raudaskoski

Agriculture, Maritime Affairs, Fisheries

: subpad: : Annette Berndt, : @bastianBB

Migration and asylum policies

: subpad: : Lead: Mickey Sinclair, : Others: ThomasG, Alexander Spies -

Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds

: subpad: : blanc at the moment. The board of PPEU is asked for calling for volunteers

Foreign and defense policy

: subpad: : Leader : (to decide) Aurifex (@AbeEvellin) (interim) : Members : TheBug @TheBug0816, Aurifex (@AbeEvellin), ThomasG : Alexander Spies -

Working Group structure and projectmanagement

5 - Tools

* Websites (even our discussion website “We Need to Talk” ) * Mailing lists (easy to setup) –> see above and below * Padserver - pads are given * Mumble server - several available * : Sub categories will be created this week to host the working groups

6 - Preparation of the second meeting (15 mn)

* What should we keep from the programme of 2014 regarding our actual programm : Organize the collect the point where national PP have some programm point relevant at european level

: Common European Election Programme (CEEP) 2014: : :

* To Do : : Reactivate the mailing-list and add every volunteers : :

* Next meeting : : - that a representant of every PP can give input for the next meeting when we will run through the programm of 2014 to see : : 1. what should we keep : 2. what should we skip : 3. what should be added

7- Next Meeting / Closing of the Meeting

* Next meeting: 2018, 22nd April 20.00 hrs CEST. * The meeting is closed 21:54 hrs. CEST : Recording: link available soon

/var/www/ · Last modified: 2018/03/25 21:17 by thomasg